The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 432 The existence of the system, crisis!

Chapter 432 The existence of the system, crisis!

There is no doubt that "The Seven Deadly Sins" once again aroused strong reactions.

Hong Chen's reputation was as loud as ever.

His name has long been associated with quality blockbusters.

Just like Zhou Xingxing when Hong Kong movies were the most brilliant, as long as it is his movie, there is nothing bad to watch.

Hong Chen's popularity is getting higher and higher.

This movie is very popular in China, but what is really crazy is the North American market.

You know, when David made this movie, his style and preferences were originally biased towards North America.This type of film is fatal to North American audiences.

Therefore, Hong Chen's popularity in North America is very high now.

Americans even call him "one of the best actors in Hollywood".

After that, various awards, various honors.

His status gradually became higher, and Chen Ming also invited him to join the senior management of the China Film Association.

If there is the biggest difference between Hong Chen and other big-name actors in China, it is that Hong Chen is still committed to improving the film environment in China.

Huaxia films are moving towards an era of quality.

But it's still far from there.

The general situation and environment have been changing, and the audience's tastes have been changing.

The investors of Huaxia Films have been committed to sending out movies that are profitable movies, that is, blockbusters.

In such an environment, Hong Chen's role was very limited.

However, he has at least set a good example, an example that Chinese artists really need to learn from.

In the following year, Hongchen Media successfully became the fifth largest entertainment company in China, and Hongchen's net worth became higher and higher.

He has already stood at a very high height.

Hong Ping'an also grew up gradually, because his parents have good genes, and he looked very cute since he was a child.

After that, Yan Yihan became pregnant again and gave birth to a daughter for Hong Chen.

Everything is going in a good direction.

Yan Chi is also married, and the whole family can be regarded as happy and harmonious.

Hong Chen finally realized his wish to win the top three best actor in the world.

But there is only one point, Hong Chen has been brooding in his heart.

That is the system.

This item brought him so much good luck and changed his life.

As time went by, he inevitably became more and more curious about the system.

How exactly was the system born?
Who is Azure?Why would it supervise the host not to produce behaviors that affect the balance of the earth.

On this day, Hong Chen went to Los Angeles to attend the Oscars ceremony.

This time, he was the guest of honor.

When he returned to the villa in Beverly Hills, he was alone in the villa.

Yan Yileng is still filming a new TV series in Huaxia, while Hong Ping'an and Hong Caier are both at the old man's place.

Taylor came to his villa, celebrated with him, and left.

Hong Chen finally began to think about this question that he thought about day and night.

He first glanced at his data:

"The current host information is as follows:"

"Host: Hong Chen"

"Image: 9.5 points (full score is 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment circle is 9.5 points)"

"Acting skills: 9.1 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 9.1 points)"

"Temperament: 9 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 9 points)"

"Infection: 9 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 9 points)"

"Lines: 9.5 points (full score is 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment circle is 9.5 points)"

This time, his data has reached perfection.

S level: script comprehension, acting evaluation
Level A: villain deduction, literati, heart-touching, dominion over the world, born of guilt, crazy deduction, genius deduction, thinking palace
Level B: Martial Arts, Body Modification, Keen Observation,

Class C: God-level photography skills, god-level car skills, god-level singers, god-level performers, proficiency in foreign languages, god-level riding skills, god-level wine tasters, and never drunk. "

Total favorability: 25 billion.

The system has brought him a lot, and everything is at his fingertips.

He has carried too many honors, but unconsciously, he always feels a little uncomfortable.


Hong Chen called out.

He hadn't used the system in so long that he didn't even know it was there.

The system did not answer him.

"System, are you there?"

"My lord, I am here."

"System, can I ask, why did you choose me in the first place?"

Hong Chen has always wanted to know the answer to this question.

He has read a lot of novels. Generally speaking, the main character obtains the system because of the time traveler, which is quite special in itself.

He is a native of this world.

The system was silent for a while, and replied:
"The screening of data, after screening the data of all people in China, only you can devote yourself to the acting career after you have the actor system, which is the most suitable for the host's requirements."

It turned out to be the case.

Hong Chen thought to himself.

To be honest, the functions of this system are too comprehensive, and if normal people get it, there are too many other uses.

But Hong Chen's idea is very simple, that is to realize his dream of being a global actor.

He has now achieved it.

"System, where are you from?"

Hong Chen asked again.

Hong Chen thought a lot about this issue, from his point of view.

Everything in the world has a reason for existence, and such high-tech things cannot be said to be produced out of thin air.

The system was silent for a long time.

Just when Hong Chen thought the system was unwilling to answer him, the system's voice appeared again:

"I am the bug of the world."

"Any world is made up of matter."

"Such substances are not yet understandable by human beings. You can also simply understand that the real world is written by lines of code, just like the game world."

"In terms of imagery, it is a world like "The Matrix"."

Hearing the system's answer, Hong Chen felt a little chilly in his body.

"The Matrix"?
Could it be that the system wants to tell me that my world is a game world and I am an NPC?

What is this again, Westworld?
"In my eyes, there is no difference between the game world and the real world. You are in the real world. What creates this world is matter with a much higher dimension."

The system could hear Hong Chen's inner voice, and replied immediately.

If it's still the real world, that's fine.

Hong Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then what do you mean by saying that you are a bug in the real world?"

"Like what I just said, "The Matrix", I was born from the most basic matter in this world, and I have the ability to change the matter in this world."

"My ability is to change a person's code."

"To put it simply, it is similar to playing a game with a plug-in. A plug-in can modify the game data and make the characters in the game stronger."

"I can also let you have this ability."

"Similarly, I also need energy to maintain myself. My setting is to need the host's favorability. Similar to luck, the stronger your luck, the more authority I can modify."

Listening to this series of explanations, Hong Chen probably understood why the system could create some items out of thin air.

For example, god-level Band-Aids, oral ulcer lozenges, things that don't exist in this world.

"No, then why can you take things from the parallel world?"

Hong Chen asked again.

He remembers very clearly that his original "MP3 of a parallel world" came from another world.

In other words, the system has other capabilities.

"The existence of the parallel world itself is based on matter, and I can freely travel to the parallel world."

"How many parallel worlds are there?"


So, hearing these news, Hong Chen can be regarded as alleviating some doubts in his heart.

"Host, since you asked this, I have some bad news to tell you."

At this time, the system said again.

As Hong Chen chatted with the system, Hong Chen found that the metallic sound of the system became less and less, and instead became closer to the human voice.

"bad news?"

For some reason, Hong Chen's heart skipped a beat when he heard these words.

"I said, I'm a BUG."

"The difference between the real world and the game world is that the real world has the ability to find bugs by itself."

The system's explanation made Hong Chen's heart beat faster suddenly, and he panicked.

"What do you mean by saying this?"

"A potential protection mechanism of the world will detect my existence, and 'Blue' is actually protecting my existence. If the host produces too many things that change the world, then this protection mechanism will detect me in advance."

"Now, I feel that the protection mechanism of this world has started to operate."

Hong Chen took a deep breath, and then asked:
"If it is discovered by the protection mechanism of this world, what will happen?"

"The system and the host are all completely wiped out!"

Hearing these words, Hong Chen's eyes suddenly widened.

 Cough cough, it's about to end, there must always be some small waves, it's too plain and boring.

(End of this chapter)

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