The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 50 New Play Promotion, Fan Interaction

Chapter 50 New Play Promotion, Fan Interaction

The publicity work of the crew of "Li Bai" is very good. Zhang Hai is a great director, so he is naturally familiar with publicity.

Hong Chen and Yan Yileng also spared a week to participate in the promotion of the show, and Yan Chi adjusted the shooting time of the crew of "Those Years", but there was not much conflict.

Moreover, the filming of "Those Years" is coming to an end, about 10 days earlier than originally expected.

At the same time, the entertainment industry set off a wave of "antique".

In one event, a popular actress appeared on the stage in a green shirt, her graceful figure was extremely eye-catching, with ancient style and exquisite makeup, she instantly overwhelmed her peers and became a hot topic.

Similarly, in many places in the first-tier cities, there are obviously more girls wearing Tang suits, which is very eye-catching.

Fashion is a circle, and ancient styles become a craze for a while.

The most exaggerated thing is that on the international supermodel stage later, several supermodels appeared in cheongsams and long gowns, and their graceful lines amazed the world.

This is the cultural export of China.

In other words, the upsurge brought about by the "Li Bai" movie has alleviated the current dilemma of "imitating Korea" and "imitating Japan" in the Chinese entertainment industry to a certain extent.

At the same time, Hong Chen kept making various film appointments, and he was looking for anyone about Gu Feng.

Facing such huge resources, Ge Chen became busy again, choosing the best from the best.

In the end, a new variety show "National Style Beautiful Boy" was finalized.

Hong Chen and Ge Chen said that his criteria for participating in variety shows is very simple and should not affect his acting career.

For example, becoming the main star of the running man will more or less affect the acting, and it is easy for people to play, but it is completely fine for traffic stars to follow this path.

Of course, it is fine to participate in this kind of program as a guest.

And in "National Style Beautiful Boy", Hong Chen served as the judge, besides him, there were Huo Xiaozun, a singer who has always admired ancient styles, and Ju Xiaohua, a top popular idol in the entertainment industry.

The three of them, wearing ancient costumes, have a temperament that makes people unforgettable.

However, this program is still in preparation, and it will take a long time for the follow-up broadcast, and it is only a preliminary contact now.

Looking at it this way, Hong Chen's next schedule is also very full.

Now I am working on the promotion of "Li Bai". After I come back, I will continue to film "Those Years", and then I will participate in the variety show "I Am an Actor" and compete with other actors on the same stage.

The publicity work is very tiring, basically I go from city to city, and occasionally I have to participate in one or two variety shows.

At the entrance of Mango TV Station, the staff were waiting there early, ready to meet the crew members who came.

A large number of fans gathered at the door, all of whom came to have a look at the idol after hearing the news.

The nanny car opened, and Yan Yileng, Hong Chen, and Wang Luyi got out of the car, and the fans cheered for a moment.

"Wow, look, it's Hong Chen, a real person, so handsome!"

"Oh my god, I thought he was at the pinnacle of his looks in ancient clothes, but I didn't expect him to be so handsome in casual clothes!"

"Hong Chen, we love you!"

The fans were extremely excited and waved to him one after another.

Hong Chen appeared very humble, walked up to the fans, took their mobile phones to take pictures, sign autographs and shake hands, without any airs at all.

Yan Yi Leng was on the side, and she also had many fans coming over, she just smiled and waved to everyone.

Hong Chen chatted with everyone while signing, very down-to-earth.

His appearance and temperament are good, and there are no dead spots at close range, and the fans' enthusiasm and loyalty are immediately higher.

It was not until 10 minutes later that Wang Shaoqi stepped forward to pull Hong Chen away, and Hong Chen stopped signing.

"My little fairies, "Li Bai" will be released on July 7th, thank you for your support!" Before leaving, Hong Chen said to everyone with a smile.

"Don't worry, we will definitely go!"

"I want a second brush, just to see little brother Hong Chen!"

"I want three swipes!"

"Brother Hong Chen, come on!"

Hong Chen bid farewell to everyone's enthusiasm, and entered the TV station with Yan Yileng.

There is nothing special in "Happy Camp", mainly doing a few small games and promoting a wave of movies, Hong Chen behaves normally.

At this point, all the propaganda work was done, and he and Yan Yileng returned to Jiangnan together.

There were eight of them on this trip. Hong Chen brought manager Ge Chen and assistant Wang Shaoqi, while Yan Yilen had a few team members besides manager Yang Hui.

The eight people just bought all the first-class cabins of the plane.

People from the two teams have been in touch with each other a lot recently, and they have a good relationship, Hong Chen and Yan Yileng also have a very good relationship.

The first-class cabin is divided into four areas, and the two seats in each area are separated by an aisle. Hong Chen and Yan Yileng are in one area.

The two were lying on comfortable seats, looking at each other.

Yan Yileng's figure and appearance are really top-notch. When she is lying down, her pair of slender legs are together, making her look extraordinarily beautiful.

The attitude of the first-class stewardess is very good. Many celebrities fly in first-class, but they were very pleasantly surprised to see Yan Yileng and Hong Chen.

"Mr. Hong, what would you like to drink?" The stewardess bent down and whispered in Hong Chen's ear, her voice was very gentle.

"Have a glass of champagne." Hong Chen replied with a faint smile.

The flight takes about two hours, and a little wine will help you sleep.

The environment and service of the first-class cabin are very good, the food and drinks are not bad, the tableware is disposable, and a variety of delicacies are also provided.

Yan Yileng asked for a bottle of mineral water.

"I don't think I've seen you drink alcohol before?" Hong Chen looked at her and asked, "Drinking some alcohol on the plane helps you sleep."

Hearing this, Yan Yileng nodded, and said with a smile, "I have a very poor capacity for alcohol, and I usually drink only one glass, so I don't usually drink it. I only drink some cocktails occasionally."

"So that's how it is." Hong Chen thought to himself.

No wonder Yan Yileng never touches alcohol at banquets, as far as he knows, many of the Mesozoic female stars are wine masters.After all, adults cannot socialize without a wine shop.

Of course, this can also better protect yourself.

"Stewardess, please bring me a glass of champagne too." At this moment, Yan Yileng suddenly called out.

Hong Chen was slightly surprised.

Yan Yileng shrugged, and said playfully, "The publicity is over today, and I'm in a good mood, so I'll drink a little to relax. Actually, I've always wanted to drink, but Sister Hui wouldn't let me drink it. But today, everyone here is my own, so I can drink a little." No problem."

"What's more, drinking a little really makes you sleep better."

Hong Chen didn't say anything else, just raised his glass: "Then, cheers."

The two drank the wine in their glasses, then lay down on their seats and fell into a deep sleep.

Then, after half an hour, people from the two teams were running around a while ago, very tired, and basically fell asleep.

Seeing them falling asleep, the stewardess went to the rest seat beside them to sit and rest.

Hong Chen was asleep when he suddenly felt someone touching him.

When he opened his eyes, he found that Yan Yilen had unbuckled his seat belt and left the seat at some point, and was lying beside his seat smiling and looking at him.

like a kitten.

Yan Yileng's face was slightly rosy, his smile looked innocent, and his slender hands just touched Hong Chen's ears.

In the air, there is still a bit of alcohol sweetness.

(End of this chapter)

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