Chapter 51 The Kissing Scene
Hong Chen didn't expect Yan Yileng to be so drunk.

Just a glass of champagne.

At first he thought Yan Yileng was joking, but after seeing Yan Yileng's expression, Hong Chen realized that Yan Yileng was really drunk.

He wanted to call the stewardess to help, but then he thought that everyone was sleeping, they were working hard during this time, and it was not appropriate to wake them up.

So, Hong Chen unfastened his seat belt, picked up Yan Yileng with the princess, and planned to put her back on the seat.

His movements were light and gentle, trying not to make a sound.

Yan Yilen was picked up by him, and cooperated very well, just staring at him with a smile.

Yan Yihan's slender arms wrapped around Hong Chen's neck, and suddenly, like a ghost, he kissed Hong Chen's face with a "baji".

Hong Chen was taken aback for a moment, and felt a warm smell on his face, which was very comfortable.

He smiled helplessly, put Yan Yileng on her seat, and then carefully fastened her seat belt.

Yan Yileng didn't know what he had done at all, with a slightly intoxicated smile on his face, maybe because he was tired, this time he lay down on the chair and fell into a deep sleep.

Hong Chen was still sleepy, so he also returned to his seat to rest.

After more than an hour, the plane was about to reach the destination Jiangnan, and the stewardess woke up everyone who was resting in the first class cabin.

Yan Yihan woke up from his sleep, stretched his waist, and felt very comfortable.

Hong Chen is right, drinking a little wine really helps sleep.

Immediately, she turned her head to look at Hong Chen.

Hong Chen also woke up, and was in a daze, looking a bit dazed.

Yan Yileng thinks this look is quite cute.

At this moment, Yan Yileng suddenly saw that there seemed to be a little red mark on Hong Chen's face.

She rubbed her eyes, looked carefully, and determined that it was a lip print.

Her expression changed slightly.

I have long heard that some first-class customers and stewardesses have some ulterior secrets, but looking at it now, Hong Chen is actually such a person!

The plane ticket was arranged by Ge Chen. Does this mean that Ge Chen arranged this kind of thing for Hong Chen in advance.

After everyone was asleep, Hong Chen got up and went to the toilet, and then talked to the flight attendant in the toilet.
No wonder the stewardess looked at Hong Chen in the wrong way!

Hong Chen was still in a state of stupor after waking up, while Yan Yiliang was fully awake.

Then, Yan Yileng realized that something was wrong again.

The stewardess's lipstick is a relatively bright red color, and the lipstick mark on Hong Chen's face is relatively light.
Own lipstick!
Yan Yileng was taken aback for a moment, she took out the mirror from her small bag and looked at it, her lipstick seemed to have faded a bit.

"Could it be mine?" Yan Yileng was slightly taken aback.

I seemed to have dreamed about Hong Chen last night, and even kissed him.

Isn't that a dream?

Yan Yilen felt embarrassed, then, she took out a pack of wet wipes and came to Hong Chen's side, first carefully confirming that the color of the lipstick marks was the same as her own.

Then he smiled and said, "There's something on your face, I'll wipe it off for you."

As he said that, he took out a wet wipe and wiped off the lipstick marks on Hong Chen's face.

Wiping someone else's face early in the morning was really embarrassing, and Yan Yilen felt unreasonable.

But it was better than being found out that he had secretly kissed someone else.

After being wiped like this, Hong Chen suddenly became sober.Just now he noticed that Yan Yileng was staring at him with strange eyes, and now he wiped his face again.

It seems that the alcohol has not passed.

However, no one else on the plane noticed what happened between the two men.

When getting off the plane, Yan Yileng had a chat with several stewardesses, and the stewardesses felt that they were worthy of being popular actresses, and treated everyone with kindness.

As everyone knows, Yan Yilen only felt relieved after confirming that their lipstick color did not match the one on Hong Chen's face.

Then, the two teams rushed back to school to prepare for the final filming of "Those Years".

"Those Years" tells the story of a group of buddies pursuing the school belle together. Of course, the school belle must like the hero played by Hong Chen.

However, the love in the student days was a little green, with many misunderstandings, and a bit immature.

Hong Chen has seen a movie in a parallel world. In that movie, the heroine finally married someone else. This group of buddies attended the wedding of the heroine. After the last operation, they still sincerely wished the heroine.

Of course, that is also a classic ending, but in this world, the script is not like this.

In the last scene of the script, the brothers help the hero to recover the school beauty, drawing a perfect end to this young love.

The next day, filming began.

Yan Yihan changed into a white wedding dress, and she was definitely the focus of attention on the set.

Because she is so beautiful.

Someone once said that a wedding dress is the best-looking dress for a woman, and every woman has a wedding dress dream in her heart.

There is one thing to say, men also like to see girls in wedding dresses.

First of all, the shooting is the scene where the protagonist group brags and farts at the banquet, which is probably to recall the story that happened once.

Then, the lights suddenly dimmed, and the guests began to exclaim.

Because the groom and the bride are on the scene.

Both of them were smiling, and when the bride saw Hong Chen, there was a flash of shock in her eyes.

The two haven't seen each other for three years since graduating from university.

Hong Chen was wearing a suit, with a sunny smile, and he was also looking at her.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

Then the bride was pushed away by the groom, who still had a stiff smile on his face.

After that, it was the classic snatching marriage scene.

When the officiant asked the bride if she would marry the groom, Hong Chen hesitated for a long time, and finally stood up and said, "I disagree!"

His buddies were all stunned.

Everyone at the wedding was stunned.

Then, Hong Chen stepped forward and grabbed Yan Yileng's hand and ran out.The groom hastily asked someone to stop them, and the protagonist's buddies jumped up one after another, fighting with the groom's men.

In the later period, there will be some romantic music here, which can be regarded as a farce.

The last scene is the kiss scene between Hong Chen and Yan Yileng, and the background will be Hong Chen's monologue.Also a romantic scene.

Both of them looked a little embarrassed, especially Yan Yileng, who looked a bit shy.

Although Yan Yi Leng debuted for many years, he really has never filmed a kiss scene, even if he did, it was all borrowed.

Not to mention Hong Chen.

This time belongs to the first screen kiss of two people.

As the director and Yan Yileng's brother, Yan Chi didn't protect his sister at all, and kept shouting, "Don't be shy, kiss, it's nothing."

This made the two of them even more embarrassed.

However, the field manager still shouted the start password.

Hong Chen and Yan Yileng looked at each other affectionately, one was wearing a white wedding dress, the other was in a neat suit, they looked like a couple of immortals.

This time, for some reason, Yan Yileng decided to film the kissing scene himself.

Hong Chen tilted his head slightly, and then kissed him affectionately.

Yan Yileng closed his eyes, and being held in Hong Chen's arms, he felt the warmth on his lips, and felt his mind go blank.

(End of this chapter)

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