Chapter 52
The kissing scene is over, and "Those Years" is officially finished.

Excited shouts and applause from the young actors came from the crew.

"We're done!"

"It's over, everyone!"

"Congratulations to the comedy team for the successful conclusion!"

Yan Yihan broke free from Hong Chen's embrace, only feeling a little weak in his body and a little hot on his cheeks.

Hong Chen smiled, thinking that being an actor can have this kind of experience, kissing a national lover openly and aboveboard in the play is quite cool.

What's more, I really like Yan Yileng.

"It's finally over." Yan Yihan whispered softly, her breathing was somewhat rapid.

"Well, time flies so fast." Hong Chen also replied with a smile.

Both of them seemed a little flustered, and a little tacit, as if they knew what the other was thinking.

In fact, the filming took about two months, and the two acted together every day, and they were both very good people, so they were easily attracted to each other.

This kiss scene seems to vent out the backlog of feelings in their hearts.

"The celebration banquet is over tonight, I'll take you somewhere." Hong Chen whispered in Yan Yileng's ear.

Yan Yileng nodded, "Okay."

At this time, Yan Chi came over, and the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't say anything more.

"Brother, thank you very much." Yan Chi said to Hong Chen, the two of them have gotten along very well after two months, "I didn't have such high expectations for my first movie, but now I think it's unbelievable."

"No, Yan Chi, your directing ability is very strong, and you will shine sooner or later." Hong Chen also said seriously.

Now the relationship between the two is no longer just a relationship between a director and an actor, but more like a friend.The three of them often discuss and perfect the script, and this movie is their joint achievement.

"Okay, I'll arrange a celebration banquet tonight." Yan Chi laughed happily.

The celebration banquet in the evening was very good, because the conditions were limited, it was still held on the playground, but the dishes were all specially customized, and the tables, chairs and props were provided.

The evening breeze is blowing, the light is sufficient, but it has a special flavor.

The core personnel of the follow-up crew will gather again, this time just to reward all the employees.

Yan Yileng seemed a little absent-minded, and he didn't know what he was thinking.But everyone drank to their heart's content, only Hong Chen noticed.

Hong Chen, Yan Chi and the other leading actors drank a lot of alcohol.

The celebration banquet ended at almost 10:[-] in the evening, and the playground was in a mess.Of course, someone will come to clean it the next day, and the lawn will have to be cleaned again.

Hong Chen gestured to Yan Yileng, and the two sneaked away.

"Where are you going?" Yan Yileng asked with curiosity and joy.

This scene is a bit like a student secretly dating behind the teacher's back, Yan Yileng has a different feeling in his heart.

"Houshan." Hong Chen smiled mysteriously, took her hand and walked forward.

Yan Yileng let him pull him, and obediently followed behind.

It is said to be the back mountain, but it is just a rockery with a pavilion on it, which is a decoration set up by the school to relieve the pressure of the students.

As soon as he entered the back mountain, the whole sky suddenly became clear. Only then did Yan Yileng realize that the sky was full of stars and it was exceptionally bright.

Being in the hustle and bustle of the city for a long time, she almost forgot the charm of nature.

It is far from the urban area, the air is fresh, and the sky is particularly bright.

"I checked the weather forecast, there are no clouds tonight, and several constellations are active, so we can see it more clearly from here." Hong Chen said.

"Also, remember the scene where Kongming lanterns were put on? I got one from the crew."

With that said, Hong Chen took out another empty lamp from the gazebo.

Putting Kongming lanterns is an activity for couples, who write each other's names on the lanterns and then let them fly.

Obviously, this is a date.Both of them admired each other, but now, Hong Chen took the initiative to break the deadlock.

The light was a bit dim, Hong Chen looked at Yan Yileng tenderly, and Yan Yileng also looked at him.

It could be seen that Yan Yileng was still a bit hesitant.

She knew that Hong Chen liked her, and she also liked Hong Chen very much.

It's just the identities of the two... and the future...

Hong Chen saw Yan Yileng's hesitation, and when he decided to stop, he hugged Yan Yileng in his arms, lifted her chin and kissed her.

Yan Yilen let out a "wow", and just wanted to resist, but found that his body seemed to have no strength, and he couldn't push Hong Chen away no matter what.

The Kongming lantern fell to the ground.

Hong Chen put his arms around Yan Yileng's small waist. Yan Yileng's waist was very thin, and it felt tight to the touch.

Yan Yileng's eyes were closed tightly, his eyelashes were trembling slightly, and his whole body's attention was on the warm and fragrant tongue.

Hong Chen's hands became restless, Yan Yilen groaned, and held Hong Chen's hand, but only resisted tentatively.

She is under attack.

Perhaps, this is also very good.

Yan Yileng secretly thought.

Then, the atmosphere also became ambiguous.

The two stayed in the back mountain for a long time. Of course, they did not break through the final bottom line.They are not the kind of casual people, and now they are equivalent to just entering the stage of love.

"I'm your girlfriend now, so I'll say what I have to say." Yan Yilen was held in Hong Chen's arms, and breathed in his ear like a blue.

"Well, it's all up to you." Hong Chen was very gentle.

"Your little apprentice Lu Jia, you don't look right in your eyes, and you are too close, you have to keep your distance." Yan Yileng muttered.

Hearing this, Hong Chen nodded, it was obvious that Yan Yileng was jealous.He fully agreed: "Well, yes."

Then, the two chatted for a while, made out for a while, and did not go back to sleep until three or four in the morning.

People who are in first love always have endless topics to talk about, just like many people call their girlfriends and talk in the middle of the night. Looking back afterwards, they are surprised, why two people can chat for so long.

Maybe it's about feeling.

However, there were some inconveniences for Hong Chen and Yan Yileng afterwards.

Both of them have full schedules and it is difficult to meet each other.

In addition, the two agents knew about this matter for the first time.Under normal circumstances, the agent is the most trusted person of the actor, and the actor will tell the agent about his emotions.

For this reason, Yang Hui and Ge Chen discussed it, and the two of them agreed that they must not announce their relationship.

For Yan Yileng, announcing their love affair means a huge loss of popularity, and the economic benefits brought about will be cut off directly.

For Hong Chen, it may cause negative public opinion like "eating soft rice" and "climbing high branches", and of course some of his popularity will also be lost.

As long as the people who eat melons have melons, they don't care what you are.

However, Yan Yileng is currently completing the transformation from a traffic star to an actor, and the loss of announcing the relationship will be minimized by then.

It is still not suitable to announce the relationship at present.

Hong Chen doesn't care about this kind of thing.

"Yileng, are you sure you like him?" Yang Hui was very concerned about Yan Yileng.

"Well, Sister Hui, he's really nice." Yan Yileng nodded seriously, "I don't want to make things difficult for you, but this time I don't want to sacrifice myself for the benefit of the company."

"Don't worry, I will help you." Yang Hui said with a smile, "It's normal for young people to fall in love."

On Hong Chen's side, Ge Chen looked very happy, "That's fine, even a big name like Yan Yileng can win."

Hong Chen was in a good mood, touched his chin, and deliberately said: "Hey, my damn charm that has nowhere to put it."

These words made the usually serious Ge Chen laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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