The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 53 Participate in chapters, I am an actor

Chapter 53 Participate in the show, I am an actor
The filming of "Those Years" was over, and it took another three days to finish. Afterwards, Hong Chen returned to Kyoto City.

Both Yan Yi Leng and Yan Chi are from the city of Kyoto. Yan Chi has to stay in Jiangnan for a while because he is busy watching the film editing work, so Yan Yi Leng came back with him.

"Those Years" ended more than a week earlier than expected, so Yan Yileng was able to spare another week's schedule.

During this time, naturally the main thing is to date Hong Chen.

The underground relationship between the two is the same, because the place where Hong Chen lives is not high-security, this week Hong Chen lives in Yan Yileng's villa.

Yan Yileng is now a first-line and second-generation rich man, so his wealth is naturally far greater than that of Hong Chen.

Hong Chen was so happy.

However, he also understands what Ge Chen said. There is a gap between him and Yan Yileng in coffee status. If he is photographed by the paparazzi, the public opinion will be very unfavorable to him.

I still need to slowly improve my status and accumulate popularity.

At the same time, Ge Chen is in contact with the "I Am an Actor" program group and has already finalized Hong Chen's qualifications for the competition.

"Am I being adopted?" Inside the villa, Hong Chen lay on the sofa, hugged Yan Yileng, and said with a light smile.

Yan Yilen patted his chest coquettishly, "Of course, I'm a rich woman, what's the matter with raising a little fresh meat?"

Hearing this, Hong Chen immediately started playing tricks, wandering around with his hands indiscriminately, confusing Yan Yileng.

In the past few days, the two of you and I are very happy.But what hit Hong Chen hard was that he never broke through Yan Yileng's last line of defense.

Yan Yileng came from a famous family and had high demands on himself. He had never been in a relationship before, so naturally that kind of thing would not be so casual.

Every woman has different values. For example, when Hong Chen and Li Feifei fell in love in college, Li Feifei didn't pay much attention to this kind of thing, because everyone is like this, and the two often have sex.

But Yan Yileng's family is well-bred, her parents are high-level people, and her education is very good.So Yan Yileng attaches great importance to this aspect.

The current Hong Chen is her sunny and handsome boyfriend. They have only been friends for a week, and in her eyes, they haven't reached that level yet.

The two hugged each other on the sofa, Hong Chen kept kissing Yan Yileng's fair neck lightly, and then the movements became bigger and bigger, Yan Yilen gradually lost the strength to resist.

The famous lover of the country, Yan Yileng, who has the best figure and appearance, is just crushed by him.

Yan Yilen's slender jade hands tightly gripped the sofa, and gradually began to groan.

Two days later, Hong Chen arrived at Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV Station to participate in the variety show "I am an actor".

The rules of this program are very simple. There are three mentors, all of whom are internationally renowned stars. Each of them has a team, and there are 5 places in the team.

Then, in each program, more than a dozen actors will be divided into three groups of performances. After each performance, the instructor will select an actor from the performing actors to join the team.

This is a contest between acting skills and acting skills.

On this stage, all performances have only one chance, there is no rehearsal, there is only a collision of acting skills.

Those who perform better and are more touching are eligible to advance.

After Hong Chen arrived at the TV station, more than a dozen actors were already in place backstage. These actors are all faces that often appear on the screen.

There are teenagers and middle-aged actors. In contrast, Hong Chen is the youngest actor among them.

Those who dare to come to this stage are all actors who are confident in their acting skills.Everyone was very polite and greeted each other.

Today is the day when the TV station releases the script, that is, the day when the group is grouped.

After the director came over, the grouping was determined.

Hong Chen was in a group with three other actors. An actress named Qian Meng was in her 30s, but she was well maintained and her charm was still there.

One is Zhou Jing, an actor, almost 40 years old, who is good at playing roles like the protagonist's father in modern dramas.

There is also a 32-year-old actor, Du Tian, ​​who has acted in many big-budget TV dramas and was once very popular, but his works have been relatively few in recent years.

The script assigned to the four people is a few fragments of "In the Name of the People".

The TV series "In the Name of the People" can be said to be the best TV series of last year. The problems it reflects are extremely realistic, and it's all veteran actors showing off their acting skills. It's very enjoyable to watch.

Hong Chen was assigned the role of the biggest villain among them, Qi Tongwei, who acted in a scene where he was unsuccessfully persuaded to surrender and shot himself.

Among the remaining few, Zhou Jing played Zhao Dehan, a man who hid a house full of money. He was assigned the role of being searched by the prosecutor.

Du Tian plays Hou Liangping, a decent character, and several scenes are interspersed.

Qian Meng plays Li Dakang's wife. The scene she performs is a monologue after being imprisoned, with crying scenes, warmth, and remorse.

It can be said that the roles of the four people are all famous scenes, and everyone's performance needs acting skills and tension.

The key is to look at the performance of the actors.

After the groups were over, the four of them went to their special rehearsal room to rehearse.

There is only one day of rehearsal time. Tomorrow night, they will officially perform on the stage and use their acting skills to conquer the audience.

They put their whole body and soul into the performance, performing with selflessness.

This is the actor.

The next night, the recording began.

The three instructors were in place, all of whom were well-known Chinese directors or international movie stars.

Xu Zheng, a great director and best actor, has won numerous awards, and his movies have a high box office, and his popularity is also very high.

Zhang Yiyi, an international star, has also cooperated with Hollywood. She is one of the few female stars in China who are famous all over the world.

There is also an old actor, Wu Xiao, who is also an award-winning actor.

As soon as the three judges appeared on stage, the entire stage erupted.

Then, the host began to read the opening remarks, and more than a dozen participating actors sat in the background, waiting for the arrival of the competition.

They were both nervous and excited.

They crave recognition for their acting skills.

Then, after a prologue and cheers, the game was about to begin, and the first team to participate was Hong Chen's team!

Before that, there is an interaction between the host and the judges.

"Judges and teachers, I believe you all have a certain understanding of the four actors who will be performing soon. Do you have anything to say to them before this competition?" asked the host Zhang Li.

Xu Zheng: "The four are all excellent actors. I hope they can perform their best. I also hope that they will not be under pressure. Being able to stand here shows that they are already very good."

Zhang Yiyi: "They are all great, but I'm really interested in the young actor Hong Chen, whose acting skills in the promotional video of his recent movie "Li Bai" amazed me."

Wu Xiao: "Well, several people have their own areas of expertise. Next, this stage belongs to them, and I hope they can bring a different visual feast to the audience."

After the judges commented, the competition began.

The four of them will face the selection of the three judges, and only those who satisfy the judges will be selected into the judges' team.

This one is a fight between dragons and tigers.

This is just the beginning, and in the future, there will only be people with better acting skills competing on the same stage.

First of all, the first scene is the scene where Zhao Dehan played by Zhou Jing is searched by Hou Liangping played by Du Tian.

Although Zhou Jing performed very well, both the calmness at the beginning and the regret at the end were very good, but his luck was relatively bad, because the actual actor who played Zhao Dehan in this TV series played too well.

Known as the "king bomb" at the beginning of the TV series, his acting skills are unforgettable.So after comparison, Zhou Jing's performance was not satisfactory.

The role played by Du Tian is the protagonist, without too many characteristics, and it is quite satisfactory.

After that, it was Qian Meng's crying monologue after he was imprisoned.There is one thing to say, actresses who are still active on the screen in their 30s have basically good acting skills.

Because the acting market for actresses is very small when they get older, the competition is fierce, and those who can survive have certain strengths.Therefore, Qian Meng's performance is very good and touching.

Several audience members cried.

Then, Qi Tongwei, played by Hong Chen, came on stage.

This scene is between him and Du Tian.

He was surrounded by Du Tian, ​​and Du Tian persuaded him to surrender. He would rather die than go to jail, so he shot himself.

When the performance started, the three major judges, the professional jury, the audience, and other participating actors all looked at Hong Chen intently.

(End of this chapter)

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