Chapter 54 Blast!Sheng Tianbanzi!
The show begins.

Hong Chen plays a child who came out of a poor family, and gradually grows into a corrupt leader who is a big leader.

This role is very complicated. He came from a poor family in the countryside. When he was a child, he was stared at and ate other people's leftovers. He was finally admitted to Handong University and became the chairman of the student union.
But during college, he was taken by Liang Lu, a female teacher ten years older than him. Liang Lu's family is very powerful, and he used force to force Qi Tongwei to break up with the woman he loves.

At that time, he didn't give in, but he experienced some things again, and his love and future were at a loss.

Under the power, he worked desperately, but he was just a small cadre in a remote village.For this reason, he applied to join the anti-narcotics team, got three bullets and made great achievements, and wanted to change.

But still useless.

Whatever name the superior chooses, let him stay in the village.

He spent his whole life trying to get out of the mountains, and when the future was bleak, he came to Liang Lu again.

After Liang Lu took the initiative, she asked him to kneel down in public to show her love.

He knelt down.

Kneeling in such a shocking way, a public security chief came out of his knees.

At this time, his mentality has changed. He used to work so hard, but there is nothing, not even the possibility of being with the one he loves.

Since then, Qi Tongwei began to blacken, corrupt, violate the law and discipline.

At this moment, Hong Chen put on a slightly vicissitudes of makeup, and part of his hair was dyed white.It seems that where there is still a sunny little fresh meat, it is clearly the image of a corrupt official at the end of his life.

He is an actor, different from a traffic star.Traffic stars care most about their faces, and Hong Chen doesn't care too much about them for acting.

At this moment, Hong Chen is hiding in a slightly dilapidated old man's house, with a sniper rifle on his expressionless face.

Qi Tongwei was originally an excellent person. He claimed to be the son-in-law of the sky, even if he was at the end of the road, he did not lose his arrogance at all.

The old man once saved his life, and when he saw him holding a gun, he asked a little nervously, "What are you doing?"

Hong Chen replied blankly: "They found me."

He is very calm.

Even in this desperate situation, he did not panic at all.

The old man comforted again: "Don't be stubborn, go home."

A trace of remorse and hesitation flashed across Hong Chen's eyes, and then he became determined again. He performed very well.

"I want to go back, I want to go back even in my dreams, but I know I can't go back."

"Anyway, you were an anti-drug hero back then." The old man persuaded again.

At this moment, Hong Chen smiled, with a hint of self-deprecation: "Let me tell you, no hero can make up for the crimes I committed."

At this moment, Hong Chen revealed his arrogance to resist, and the judges and audience watched his performance quietly.

In this part of the performance, there is no big opening and closing, no great tension, but Hong Chen's performance is exceptionally good, the restrained despair and madness of the end of the road are all expressed by him.

Then, Hong Chen asked the old man to leave.

The role played by Du Tian is the protagonist, who is from the same school as Hong Chen's character, and is the embodiment of justice.

At this moment, Du Tian tore off the special police who surrounded him, and came to persuade him to surrender alone without a gun.

He also believes that Hong Chen's humanity has not disappeared.

Then, Du Tian questioned Hong Chen about murdering Chen Hai.

Hong Chen became hysterical: "I can't help it! I treat Chen Hai as a brother, I don't want to kill people! I can't help it!"

This sentence is strong and firm, and the emotion contained in the tone makes the audience hear that Hong Chen thinks that Chen Hai made a mistake in investigating him.This sentence also means that Hong Chen has sunk deeply.

After that, Du Tian continued to question Hong Chen relying on the aura of the protagonist.

Hong Chen said with a bit of resentment: "Hou Liangping, am I the only corrupt official in the entire Handong City? Why are you chasing after your old senior!"

This line still expresses Hong Chen's situation where it is impossible to turn back. His emotions are well expressed, and the audience is holding their breath.

Du Tian started to say that no one can escape the sanction of the law, his voice was a little flat, and compared with Hong Chen, he was obviously suppressed by Hong Chen.

Then came Hong Chen's most domineering line, he shouted loudly: "You remember Hou Liangping, in this world, no one can judge me, not even God!"

This sentence is full of domineering, he is the son of heaven, he blames the injustice of this world!
Between the lines, it shows that as a corrupt official, he has no regrets at all, but blames bad luck.

This mentality is well interpreted by him.

Then, there was a monologue by Du Tian, ​​which was also the key to Du Tian's performance.

The protagonist played by Du Tian looked around, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, he began to persuade him to surrender:

"Old senior, you once shed blood here. You said that you found the people when you were in danger. But when the people were in danger, where were you?"

Looking at Hong Chen's expression at this time, he was originally hiding behind a window, staring at Du Tian rather than surrender.After Du Tian finished speaking, Hong Chen's eyes lowered slightly, his eyes were dull, and he let out a sigh of relief, looking somewhat regretful.

This scene is very good, several judges are holding their breath, watching this crazy scene.

Du Tian's tone suddenly became high, and he began to ask:
"How did the '[-]' fire start? What happened to Dafengchang? What did you and Gao Xiaoqin, Zhao Ruilong, and Chen Qingquan do!"

When he said this, Du Tian seemed filled with righteous indignation, pointing in Hong Chen's direction and shouting.

Looking at Hong Chen's performance again, he raised his head slightly, his eyes looked into the distance, and the focal length of his dull pupils gradually became smaller.

Obviously, Du Tian's words made him start to recall the past, how he fell into the abyss step by step.

This kind of subtle expression change is very difficult, and it is a test of real acting skills.Obviously, Hong Chen got it right.

"The interests of the people have been betrayed in your laughter. The workers in Dafengchang were forced to organize and occupy the factory to defend their rights. It is precisely because of your corruption that undermines social stability, causes social turmoil, and intensifies social contradictions."

Du Tian's words continued, Hong Chen came back from the memory, his expression gradually changed a little, as if he had made up his mind.

"Ask yourself, what face do you have to come back here today, what face do you have to face the old man who once saved you!"

Then, Du Tian used the emotion card again.

Hong Chen had a gun in his hand, and Du Tian stood in the open space.

"If you wanted to kill me, I would have been lying on the ground at this moment. Since you don't want to kill me, come back with me." Du Tian said affectionately with a bit of regret.

He patted his chest: "After all, we are brothers in the same school."

Du Tian acted very well in the previous questioning, but the relationship between the brothers and sisters of the same school is not in place, and it does not sound sincere.

"Come back with me, face the law, face Chen Hai, even if you die, you will die at home, and I, Hou Liangping, will see you off!"

This sentence is Du Tian's last line, and the effect of what he said is average. He is not good at performing affectionate scenes.

Then, it was Hong Chen's turn to perform.

The background music sounded at the right time, with a bit of sadness and a bit of dead end.

The audience and judges watched him intently, anticipating his final performance.

Looking at Hong Chen again, from just now until now, it seems that he has been suppressing his heart, at this moment, he is finally about to explode.

A few blue veins popped up on Hong Chen's neck, and he shouted as if at the top of his lungs:
"Monkey, you and I, the grievances are settled!"

This sentence was said to Hou Liangping.

In the play, both Qi Tongwei and Hou Liangping are equally outstanding cadres, but they have embarked on completely different paths, which is embarrassing.

But Qi Tongwei is envious of Hou Liangping, because Hou Liangping has always been smooth, without any setbacks along the way, and can do everything he wants, and he has someone behind him to support him.

When Hong Chen was performing, there were tears in his eyes, he was very emotional, and his lips were trembling slightly.

"I will pay back Chen Hai's life!"

"No one in this world can judge me!"

"Gosh to NM!"

A few words were deafening, and then, Hong Chen stuck the pistol into his throat, and a loud gunshot sounded in the background music at the right time.


This gunshot made several judges feel shocked.

 Ask for tickets, ask for recommendations~

(End of this chapter)

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