Chapter 56 The New Draw
On July 7th, at 25:8 in the morning, "Li Bai" will be screened in theaters across the country at the same time.

Because it was the weekend, tickets were sold out even in the morning.

Qianda Cinema is already full of people, they have bought tickets and waited for the movie to start.

Above the hall, a huge screen is playing the promotional video of "Li Bai".

But I saw flowers all over the mountains and plains, a man in white riding a white horse, drinking fine wine, indescribably chic and comfortable.

Then the movie opened, and the audience poured into the screening room.

The plot of this movie is not complicated, but the picture quality of each frame is excellent, and the look and feel is very good.

The grand scenes of the Feast of Bliss and the Anshi Rebellion are even more visual feasts.

What great directors want to shoot is often artistic conception.

Similar to the movie "Shadow" by a major director in China, the whole movie only uses black and white, showing a story depicted in ink and wash.

The scene of "Li Bai" is magnificent.

The domineering Tang Palace, the bustling streets, the majestic and simple buildings, and the various life styles under the Tang Dynasty.

"Wonderful. I came here because I didn't have any movies to watch on the weekend. I didn't expect it to be much better than I imagined." The audience came out of the movie theater and commented one after another.

"Yeah, that Hong Chen played really well. I used to think he was a professional villain, but looking at it now, it doesn't feel out of place to play a decent role."

"Don't you see the deep meaning Zhang Hai wants to express? The great Tang Dynasty declined because the emperor only cared about spending time and money, which is a pity."

"As a history student, I can tell you that this movie has a very high degree of restoration, and it is worthy of being a great director."

"It's so handsome to confess to a leading role. If Li Bai really looked like this back then, how many ladies would be fascinated by everyone."

Generally speaking, the evaluation of "Li Bai" is generally positive, and the Douban score is stable at around 8.6 points.

The industry, especially the literary and historical circles, gave a very high evaluation of this film, and many literature teachers and professors tweeted about this film.

There is a well-known online film critic "Old Erkan Blockbuster", which has a good popularity on Douyin, Weibo, and Bilibili. His producer Zhao He walked into the movie theater, intending to comment on this movie that caused the "ancient trend". Take a look.

"If it's Xiaoxianrou plus special effects scenes to make money again, don't blame me for spraying."

Zhao He thought secretly.

Whenever there is a big-budget movie or a Spring Festival or National Day movie, film critics like them will watch the first scene, and then put forward their viewing opinions to fans.

Don’t underestimate the role of these film critics, just like Taobao’s delivery of goods, often with a word from him, the audience will decide whether to contribute movie tickets.

Even many film producers will give money to such film critics in exchange for a good review.

Zhao He never takes money, and his reviews are always objective.

In the cinema, the first thing is the picture, which is very grand, but very real, and the sense of substitution is very strong.

Not special effects.

Zhao He is very satisfied with this.

Because there is indeed a gap between China's special effects and the distant M country, and those who advocate special effects movies in the current market are basically cheating money.

Every picture is exquisite, and it can be seen that the director team is very hardworking.

Before he knew it, he had finished watching the movie and was generally satisfied.A film critic like him has a very tricky eye, and he can basically figure out the quality, conception, setting, and production of a movie after just one viewing.

When he got home after watching the movie, he couldn't wait to record a short video, in which he said:
"I finished watching "Li Bai". To be honest, it exceeded my expectations. This movie is very good. China is too short of such a good movie to watch with a sinking heart, and it also lacks such a good director who pursues the ultimate pursuit of perfection."

"This movie is not made to cater to the market, but it is absolutely addictive after watching it. I strongly recommend everyone to watch it."

"Zhang Hai used superb artistic techniques to show us the prosperous Tang Dynasty, allowing us to get close to the glory of the Tang Dynasty. The plot and story are also very compact and there is no urine point."

"Finally, I would like to mention this newcomer actor Hong Chen. I said in "Slaying the Wolf 2" that this little fresh meat will definitely have a bright future. He has a characteristic that other young fresh meats don't have, that is, his acting skills are very good. In "Li Bai", it is perfectly reflected."

"If you have nothing to do this weekend, I recommend that you bring your family and friends to watch "Li Bai". Believe me, you will never regret it."

His evaluation is very pertinent, and there are many similar evaluations.

Hong Chen was lying at home, updating the box office and reviews of "Li Bai" in real time.

By 12 o'clock in the evening, the total box office of "Li Bai" had accumulated more than 8000 million.It's not a holiday now, so the first day's box office can reach such a level, which is already very good.

It takes more than half a month for many big-produced movies to be released, and the box office may only reach this level.

And the reviews are generally good.

Hong Chen posted a promotional Weibo before the premiere of the film, and now watching it on Weibo, fans left messages of support for him.

"Brother Hong Chen, flip me, flip me."

"I said he is the most handsome Li Bai, no one objected."

"come on!"

His mobile phone kept ringing, and many people congratulated him one after another.

Zhang Hai, Wu Zhan, Mu Qingxue, and Lu Jia all sent WeChat messages, and Yan Yileng also video-chatted with him, congratulating him on the popularity of his new movie.

Hong Chen responded one by one.

Hong Chen checked the Best Actor system again. Counting the favorability gained from "Slaying the Wolf 2", his total favorability is more than 3400 million. Excluding the 1800 million spent, there are still 1600 million favorability to spend.

He hasn't drawn a lottery for a long time.

Now his stats are as follows:

"Host: Hong Chen"

"Image: 9 points (full score is 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment circle is 9.5 points)"

"Acting skills: 6 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 9 points)"

"Temperament: 6.5 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 9 points)"

"Infection: 5 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 8 points)"

"Lines: 8 points (full score is 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment circle is 9.5 points)"

His acting skills, temperament, appeal, and lines have all improved by about one point.

This is due to the sense of oppression brought to him by participating in "I Am an Actor". Under such pressure, he worked with other actors to learn from each other and make progress together. He improved quickly.

Of course, it is also related to the lower the score, the faster the improvement.

For example, if your acting skill is 1 point, it is easy to raise it to 5 points.But your acting skills are 8 points, and it is extremely difficult to improve to 9 points.

"Skills: villain interpretation (A-level), fighting (B-level), body modification (B-level), god-level photography (C-level), script understanding (S-level), literati (A-level)."

His skills are still suitable for playing roles such as villains, action dramas, and literati, and the range of acting skills is not wide.

"Let's draw a few more prizes. The god-level lottery draw is 1000 million, which is too expensive, and there is no big demand now, and the success rate of the god-level lottery draw is only 50%." Hong Chen secretly thought.

"System, give me 5 diamond draws." Hong Chen ordered.

"The host chooses the diamond lottery draw for five consecutive draws, and the lottery is in."

"Congratulations to the host for getting 300 million Huaxia coins."

"600 million Huaxia coins."

"A-Level Skill: Heart-touching."

"100 million Huaxia coins."

"C-level skill: God-level car skills"

Heart-touching: full marks for acting, full marks for temperament, and full marks for appeal
God-level driving skills: Professional veteran driver with first-class driving skills.

Hearing the reward, Hong Chen was very happy.

Especially the skill of touching the heart is very useful.

As for the god-level car skills, it's not bad.But with this kind of skill, he wouldn't go racing or anything like that. Well-known actors drag racing. If this kind of incident happens, it will be the fate of being banned.

He is less impulsive.

(End of this chapter)

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