The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 57 Li Bai hits the show, a new challenge

Chapter 57 Li Bai hits the show, a new challenge

"Li Bai" hit theaters this week, and the box office showed no signs of weakness, rising steadily.

In just one week, the box office has reached 4.3 million.

According to this trend, this movie must also make a lot of money.Even because there were no competitors in the same period, he could still make a lot of money.

Ding Meng, the investor of Qianda Films, was a casting judge at the time, pushing Wang Feiyu to star in Li Bai, and now he regrets it very much.

Because of him, Qianda's investment was reduced to one-third, making a lot less money.

He felt something was wrong.

Hong Chen is not a traffic star, why does he have such box office appeal?
Maybe it's not because of Hong Chen's personal reasons, but because of the overall quality of the movie "Li Bai"?

Could it be that public tastes have changed now?Starting to shift from flow to quality?
Ding Meng recalled it for a while, and was suddenly startled.

What kind of movie was able to win the box office a few years ago, the style of "Little Times" was created by traffic.

Because the people who go to the movies are usually groupies, and most of them are women, and most men just watch with their girlfriends, and the decision is in the hands of women.

At that time, young women liked this kind of movies more, and producers only had a market for making such movies.

Now, with the gradual improvement of living standards, watching movies has become a very common way of pastime.

People began to pay attention to the quality of movies and were willing to pay for the quality of movies.

This is a very important trend for investors.

Ding Meng thought for a while, but decided not to say anything more.Even the leaders above didn't say a word, it's fine for him to run errands for a small role.

For Hong Chen, as long as the "Li Bai" movie can make a profit, he will be satisfied.

Because if the movie fails, the leading actor will easily take the blame, be sprayed as a dog, and then become box office poison, facing the dilemma of never being able to make a movie again.

With one week of rest left, Hong Chen went home and visited his parents.

His hometown is Datong, a small city not far from Beijing. After a great mayor changed, the environment is very good now, which is very suitable for retirement.

He originally wanted to take his parents to Kyoto, but the elders were not used to big cities, so they didn't go there either.

Hong Chen left them 500 million to buy them a house and a car. The two elders were very happy. After working hard for most of their lives, they lived a happy life.

Then, Hong Chen went straight to Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations according to the schedule, preparing to participate in the next round of "I Am an Actor" competition.

In just two weeks, at this moment, Hong Chen's worth has completely changed.

Two weeks ago, he was still an actor who had only played two villains. Strictly speaking, he was not even a second-tier actor.

Now, because of the popularity of "Li Bai", his popularity has surged, his Weibo fans reached 1500 million, and the male artist influence list has also reached the top [-].

He has steadily reached the second line.

But there is still a little distance from the first-line actors. The first-line actors are all real big names, and they can support a drama by themselves.

He currently only has three movies online, and only one of them is starring, so he still needs to accumulate popularity.

After he got off the plane, Ge Chen had already arranged a car waiting for him. In the car, to his surprise, besides Ge Chen and Wang Shaoqi, Lu Jia was also there.

Lu Jia still looked youthful and energetic, his eyes lit up when he saw Hong Chen.

"Idol, I've watched "Li Bai" four times. You're so good at acting! You're so handsome." In the car, Lu Jia said happily.

Ge Chen explained from the side: "She bought a ticket for this issue of "I'm Not an Actor". She was an audience member and happened to be on the way with us, so I took her with her."

"Welcome." Hong Chen had a good impression of this lovely girl.

Especially since Lu Jia is still his true fan, there is no way to refuse.

With Lu Jia, she became more cheerful along the way. This girl is extraordinarily lively and full of youthfulness.

Then, they arrived at Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations, preparing to record this episode of the program.

The three judges, Xu Zheng, Zhang Yiyi, and Wu Xiao each have a team, and each team has five actors.

For each competition of each program, the three major jury committees will send one of the actors to participate, the winner will retain the qualification, and the loser will be eliminated.

Every game can only have one winner.

It can be said that such a game is very cruel.

In this program, there are three groups of contestants. Although there will be a selection of team captains, in fact, the contestants already know who they are going to compete with.

The list of contestants in Hong Chen's group is as follows:
Team Xu Zheng: Actor Xu Mao, in his 40s, looks handsome and old-fashioned.

Team Zhang Yiyi: Actor Hong Chen, 21 years old, young actor with excellent acting skills.

Team Wu Xiao: Actor Zhang Huan, in his 30s, has won the Best Supporting Actor award before.

It can be said that the strength of the three people is very strong.

When Hong Chen saw the entry list, his pressure also increased sharply.

This lineup is really no joke.

Sure enough, when it came to the team competition, the intensity immediately became very intense.Because only one of the three can advance.

The rules of the competition are very simple. 350 audience judges get one vote each, and 10 professional judges get ten votes each.

"Huh, bad luck." Ge Chen also exclaimed when he saw the list.

Hong Chen nodded, and replied: "However, if the goal is to win the championship, it doesn't matter if you meet anyone in advance. Moreover, there is no weak person who can join the team."

"Just don't feel pressured, these two are drama elements, and you have acted some of them." Ge Chen said.

They are all people in the entertainment industry, and they know that the collision of acting skills can sometimes be extremely dangerous.

Aura is very important. Many times, if a certain actor in the crew has too strong aura, the rest of the actors will have an inexplicable pressure, resulting in abnormal performance.

However, Hong Chen's mentality is still relatively good.

"Let's read the script first." Hong Chen nodded.

Hong Chen came to the exclusive lounge of Zhang Yiyi's team. Two actors had already arrived. Everyone chatted for a while, and the atmosphere was good.

Not long after, Zhang Yiyi also arrived and started to mobilize everyone.

Then the director team arranged the competition schedule. Hong Chen was the second competition today. When he got the script, he was still a little nervous.

What kind of script will this confrontation be like?
He has seen all the previous competitions. During each group's competition, some professional actors will come to play for the contestants. The focus is to highlight the three contestants.

But in his scene, only the three of them performed, and no one played for them.

Script Name: "Sweeping Drugs"

The role played by Hong Chen: Zhang Ziwei.

Classic lines: Ah Wei is dead, you chose your idol!
Duan Kun, I'm determined, even Jesus can't keep him, I said it!
Seeing the script, Hong Chen smiled helplessly.

In terms of advantages, his role in this scene is more tense, more eye-catching, and has more performances.

In terms of disadvantages, there is no problem with him acting out the above line.It's just that for some reason, this line has become a buzzword. Whether it can be performed or not, it has a somewhat funny element in it.

It's easy to spoil the atmosphere.

(End of this chapter)

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