The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 76 The storm, the scolding battle between the fans of both sides

Chapter 76 The storm, the scolding battle between the fans of both sides
Hu Fei got what he wanted.

His scheming is deep.

He found the recording and made some changes, but Hong Chen's voice remained the same. His words are as follows:

"It's okay, I don't like this kind of songs very much, it's a bit noisy."

"I heard it on the road. This kind of song has no emotion, so I don't like it."

To be honest, these two sentences sound ordinary, just to express a person's preferences.

But in Hu Fei's eyes, it's not just that.

These two sentences are a "fuse", which ignites the fuse of the "Shoumai" bomb!
All he had to do now was to "borrow a knife to kill" that's all.

Then, Hu Fei thought of a way and contacted an anchor named Mai Da, MC Badao.

He chatted with Ba Dao in a cooperative manner, and tried his best to flatter Ba Dao.

This kind of anchor likes this kind of talk the most. It's a great feeling for a second-tier star to flatter him.

"However, Hong Chen, the leading actor of our crew, doesn't like to call Mai, and diss you many times during the chat." While chatting, Hu Fei began to play tricks.

"Hong Chen? The one who played Li Bai? What kind of culture is he? If it weren't for us shouting Mai, few people would be able to recite Tang poems now." Badao began to talk nonsense.

After all, this is the case with the Shoutai culture. If you are not arrogant, how can you sing such words as "killing immortals and Buddhas and cultivating the magic sword, and I will be bloody when I unsheath the magic sword", "defeating the emperor and fighting the sky, winning the throne and becoming a fairy".

"Yeah, but he said that shouting Mai is worthless, and that shouting Mai is rubbish. I really feel sorry for you, but he is the protagonist, and I can't help it." Hu Fei pretended to be angry and said.

"He really said that?" Ba Dao's face darkened.

Hu Fei saw that there was something going on, and said: "Yeah, he also said that he wanted to get Hua Mai out of the music industry, and he wanted to ban him. It's just wishful thinking."

This sentence completely ignited the anger of Ba Dao.

"Who does he think he is? It's great to make a few movies, and look down on me 'Eight Family Army'?"

"I still have the recording of his speech here, listen to it." Hu Fei struck while the iron was hot, and sent Hong Chen's voice over.

Hong Chen's nationality is not low, Ba Dao can naturally hear that this is Hong Chen's voice.

"What the hell, say my song is noisy? No emotion? What is he?" Badao scolded angrily, "I won't tell you anymore, this kid dares to scold me, watch how I scold him to death in the live broadcast room today!"

After speaking, Ba Dao hung up the phone.

Hu Fei put down his phone and smiled triumphantly.

"If you are uneducated, I will see how you bite."

Then, as expected, a live broadcast led to a trending search.

During the live broadcast, Badao publicly dissed Hong Chen, mobilizing the power of the "Eight Armies" to black Hong Chen all over the network, and countless trolls descended on Hong Chen's Weibo in a short while.

Badao referred to this campaign as the "Eight Family Army" expedition, and said that 2000 million fans were dispatched, and finally left almost 3000 comments on Hong Chen's recent Weibo.

And Hong Chen's Weibo has more than 40 comments.
At first Ge Chen didn't notice it at all, but later he realized that there was such a force in Hei Hongchen.

However, this incident caused quite a stir on the Internet.

All of a sudden, this Weibo became a trending search.

The meaning of Weibo is to say that Hong Chen insulted the "Shoumai" culture and asked Hong Chen to apologize publicly.

At the same time, Ba Dao also announced that he would "block" Hong Chen so that he would not be able to continue in the entertainment industry.

This operation made netizens happy.

However, this incident also had a very bad influence on Hong Chen.

After all, there are a lot of fans calling Mai now, and their quality is worrying, Hong Chen will undoubtedly be pushed to the forefront.

All of a sudden, negative public opinion swarmed in.

Ge Chen discovered this situation immediately, and hurriedly reported it to Hong Chen, who also came to the propaganda team with her to deal with the deteriorating situation.

"Now that the anchors of Huomai have teamed up, our fans are overwhelmed. This incident may cause our loss of popularity." A member of the publicity team said.

"The best solution at the moment is for Hong Chen to publicly apologize to the fans who called Mai, so as to avoid losses to the greatest extent." The member continued.

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that Ge Chen, Wang Shaoqi, and Hong Chen all looked at him in the wrong way.

Apologize to Shout Mai Culture?
What apologies?

Apologize if you haven't figured it out yet?

Ge Chen said apologetically to Hong Chen, "I'm sorry, I didn't find that there are such people on the publicity team."

After finishing speaking, Ge Chen simply fired the employee.

The employee looked stunned. Why was he fired? Why did he apologize to Shout Mai?Isn't this a normal solution?
Wang Shaoqi adjusted his glasses, and said to the others: "Remember, our team is serving Hong Chen. Before speaking, we should consider the impact of the matter and the personality of our artists."

Both Wang Shaoqi and Ge Chen knew that if Hong Chen really did something wrong, he would admit it.But if he is right, he will never give up his principles and make a false apology.

Everyone in the team understood what Wang Shaoqi meant, silently followed the public opinion on the Internet, and maintained Hong Chen's image.

As a result, the matter intensified.

Not only the fans who shouted Mai, but people like Hu Fei and Yuan Jiaming who were unhappy with Hong Chen also gathered a part of the navy, pretending to be black fans, and airborne Hong Chen's Weibo.

All of a sudden, Hong Chen was caught in a storm of public opinion!
At the beginning, shouting Mai fans took over Hong Chen's Weibo, leaving a lot of negative comments.

Not long after, Hong Chen's fans found out about it.

In one of Hong Chen's fan groups, a person suddenly spoke up:

"Brothers and sisters, for some reason, those guys shouting Mai are hacking our idols on Weibo, hurry up and support us!"

Then people joined in.

"what's the situation?"

"Shouting Mai? What kind of rubbish is that?"

"Dare to blackmail my husband? Are you courting death?"

"It's actually true, sisters, go to Weibo, it's time to play our part."

"Brothers, go ahead!"

Then, Hong Chen's fan group and the group leaders of the support club contacted each other to support the idol!

Lu Jia also carried a big banner and called the president of the support club whose ID was "Flower Fairy".

"Hey, Miss Jia, what's the matter? Has the idol released a new work?" Hua Xianzi asked with a smile.

Lu Jia immediately said: "No, the situation is critical now, the fans of the Shouting Mai Na group are attacking our idol on Weibo, quickly contact your support club members, and support the idol!"

"What's the situation, shout Mai?" Hua Xianzi still couldn't believe it, so she asked again.

After speaking, Hua Xianzi opened Hong Chen's Weibo and read the comments below.

It doesn't matter if you look at it, Hua Fairy almost exploded with anger.

The person shouting Mai is actually attacking Hong Chen?
Then, she hurriedly opened the fan group of the support club and launched an anti-war mobilization!
The fans responded one after another!
This is the first time that Hong Chen's fans have confronted other fans head-on.

Both sides are at war.

A big battle is about to start!
In this way, under the leadership of the presidents of several major support clubs, hundreds of thousands of true fans entered Weibo and started a vigorous "counterattack" campaign.

The wind on Weibo is getting bigger and bigger!

(End of this chapter)

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