The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 77 You come and go, fierce scolding battle!

Chapter 77 You come and go, fierce scolding battle!
After Hong Chen's fans poured into Weibo, the situation began to change.

At first, the Yaomai fans mobilized by the Eight Paths took advantage of Hong Chen's defenselessness and took advantage of it, instantly causing Hong Chen's Weibo to fall. The last few thousand comments were all negative.

But then, Hong Chen's fans reacted and began to defend their idol.

Probably you spray my idols, I spray you, I spray your idols, they are all netizens, who doesn’t have a keyboard, how can they drip?
The little fairy, who is usually quiet and quiet, breathes fragrance on the Internet, bursting out with amazing fighting power.

Not to mention the male fans, who demoted Yaomai to nothing.

It didn't take long for Huamai Culture to be overwhelmed.

Often when one of them left a bad comment, ten of Hong Chen's fans would refute.

They want to fight back, but they can't scold at all.

If you scold me once, ten of us scold you ten times.

I can't stand it.

Badao also noticed that his "Eight Family Army" couldn't stand it anymore. He gritted his teeth and spent some money to contact the other two anchors called Mai Dao.

MC Tianzuo, card six!

The three anchors of Shouting Mai teamed up and were determined to win the victory of Shouting Mai.

What Hong Chen has to face is all the power of the shouting culture!
MC Tianzuo posted on Weibo, openly supporting Ba Dao, asking actor Hong Chen to apologize to Shout Mai Culture!
The cards were changed six times, and they danced a "shaking head dance" to support Ba Dao with actions.

The three major anchors all have tens of millions of fans on Weibo. With such a teaming up, the situation suddenly changed again.

Hong Chen had a lot of fans, but he couldn't stand the combination of the fans of the three major anchors.

Especially their fans are really brainless fans, as if they have been brainwashed, they are not afraid of death on the Internet, and they can't wait to type with their feet.

However, just for a while, things took a turn for the better.

Originally, there were many people on the Internet who were unhappy with Yaomai, but not long after, millions of fans came to Hong Chen's Weibo to support Hongchen and fight back against the black fans of Yaomai.

The two sides set off a great war.

This matter continues to ferment, basically divided into two camps.

Shout out to Mai Fang:
"What qualifications does an actor have to comment on our music industry? Can you sing?"

"Do you dare to say that shouting mic doesn't sound good? How did your ears grow? This is music that crosses the era, understand?"

"Brothers, follow me and hold the Lightning Purple Gold Hammer in your hand, and spray this reckless actor to death."

"Don't let me see him, or I will see him once and sing "Drunk" to him once!"

Hong Chen's fan side:
"Don't be ridiculous, calling Mai Suan music? Are you sick!"

"I'm laughing so hard, what are you calling Mai, and you dare to say that you are cross-generational?"

"Thunderbolt Zijin Hammer, I still have a Banana Hammer, let's make a joke."

"Really, please, stop singing, it's too ugly."

The two sides began to scold very mildly.

Gradually, the tone became more serious.

At first, Hong Chen didn't expect that he would become the target of host shouting for no reason. He had never been interested in this kind of culture, and he didn't want to ask about it.

Moreover, he doesn't like this kind of fight.

But sometimes people in the entertainment industry cannot help themselves.

This is a process that must be experienced.

If he can win, his fans will be more united, they will be more cohesive.If he loses, he may lose a lot of popularity.

Now, the situation is very anxious, and netizens are paying attention to this storm.

You know, shouting Mai is very popular now, and the traffic is extremely scary.

The pressure Hong Chen faced was like a landslide and tsunami.

Here, Hong Chen is watching the scolding battle on the Internet at the propaganda team.

"Brother Hong, I have something I want to talk to you about." At this moment, Wang Shaoqi suddenly came to Hong Chen's side and said.

Seeing his serious expression, Hong Chen knew that the matter was more important, so he followed him to the side.

"Tell me." Hong Chen nodded.

Wang Shaoqi is a vigorous young man with strong ability and shrewd in accidents.

Secretly, he is also Hong Chen's supporter.

After this incident happened, Wang Shaoqi was filled with righteous indignation, and he couldn't get angry all the time.

Therefore, he wanted to persuade Hong Chen to show an attitude at this time.

He knows Hong Chen's character, he likes acting, he likes to accumulate popularity, he is very kind to fans, but he doesn't like fighting.

Every time a major incident breaks out in the entertainment industry, the artist always keeps silent, and then the company issues a statement, and then uses resources on the Internet to eliminate public opinion.

Similar to the "Solemn Statement of a certain company about something", it is nothing more than a means of condemnation and a lawyer's letter.

The current situation in the entertainment industry is the same, and so is the way of thinking of Huahai Company's publicity team.

But like this, no!

Fans are fighting for their idols, fans need their attitude and support even more!
Although doing so is risky, it may have a very negative impact on the artist's reputation.

But you can't live without a bottom line.

To give a simple example, Brother Dayi is very angry. When he returned to the countryside, he endured again and again. He didn't get angry when the villagers directly kicked the gate of his house. As a result, others would only bully him more and more.

"Brother Hong, I know it's wrong for me to say this, and it even goes against the intentions of Sister Chen and the publicity team. But I think, this time, you must stand up and support the fans."

"If you keep silent, your fans will also slowly become silent. The final result must be something you don't want to see."

"Brother Hong, I have also been in the entertainment industry for three years. I have met too many young artists. You are the best I have ever seen. Your future achievements will definitely be brilliant."

"But I hope that when your fans mention you, they will feel very proud and have a sense of belonging, instead of being lost and making a directionless charge with enthusiasm."

Wang Shaoqi seemed a little excited, and it could be seen that this war had a great impact on him.

In other words, for this matter, he wished he could be on the front line, unite fans, and fight against fans shouting Mai, instead of making a trending search here and making a statement.

After hearing Wang Shaoqi's words, Hong Chen nodded and said, "Thank you for your words, I know what you said, I never planned to let this matter go."

"Don't worry, I will give all fans a satisfactory answer."

"Since this matter has already started, it will not end so easily. Since they want to play, then I will accompany them to the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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