Chapter 83 New Play
Hu Fei resorted to tricks and instigated eight parties to "bombard" Hong Chen.

Hong Chen also used some means to ruin Hu Fei's reputation.

The entertainment industry is a place where swords shine, unless you are related to Mu Qingxue and Yan Yileng, no one wants to offend you.

Otherwise, countless people want to pull you down.

If you want to go up, you must have means.

People don't offend me, I don't offend others, if people offend me, cut grass and root out!
"Hu Fei is really miserable this time. Not only will he lose his reputation, he will still face punishment from the company." Inside the car, Wang Shaoqi shook his head, as if he couldn't bear it.

However, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Ge Chen remained expressionless.

Because of this incident, Hu Fei's male number two will naturally be cancelled, and the market will not tolerate tainted artists, and may even completely block a work, Huahai is not stupid.

The instigator of this incident, Hong Chen, no longer cares about it.

The two sides made moves to each other, but Hong Chen caught Hu Fei's move, but Hu Fei didn't catch Hong Chen's move.

Therefore, Hu Fei bid farewell to the entertainment industry.

It hasn't been long since the new film was filmed, and it's not normal for two artists to be in the trending searches because of gossip news.

But Huahai executives did not pursue too much.

There have always been open and secret struggles between artists.For this kind of situation, the company will stop it if it can, but if the result cannot be changed, the company will treat it as if nothing happened.

One general has already been lost, and one cannot be lost.

Not long after, Huahai sent another young male artist, C-level, good looking and enthusiastic.

After all, this is fate, Hu Fei is staring at Hong Chen's resources, and some people are also staring at Hu Fei's resources.Hu Fei is gone, so someone will get what they want.

Afterwards, Hong Chen felt at ease filming in the crew.

On this day, Hong Chen didn't have many scenes. He came to the waiting room after filming a scene. Mu Qingxue walked over with her manager, Sister Hua, looking busy.

After getting along with each other for this period of time, Hong Chen discovered that Mu Qingxue is a very simple girl.

Such a person is very rare in the entertainment industry.

It was said that it was also because of Sister Hua's ability and being best friends with Mu Qingxue's mother that she doted on her so much.

"Hong Chen, I may need to trouble you for something." Sister Hua said directly, looking very polite.

"You say, what's the matter, of course I'm willing to help if I can do it." Hong Chen said with a smile.

Sister Hua is popular with several first-line stars, backed by the power of big capital, and has a lot of connections. Naturally, this kind of person needs to have a good relationship.

"It's like this. There is a magazine that urgently needs Qingxue's set of photos. I don't worry about this photo location. I just saw that your photography skills are very good last time, so I want to ask you to help me." Sister Hua said.

Hearing this, a look of surprise flashed across Hong Chen's expression, and he immediately agreed.

"no problem."

Hong Chen also found out about this, and it turned out that a female artist at an international magazine temporarily increased the price for playing big names, and the magazine canceled the contract in a rage, and Sister Hong took the resource.

But the magazine office is more urgent, and they are not in the capital now, so they come to Hong Chen for help.

In the evening, Hong Chen set up the scenery in the dance room of the school and took the camera to prepare for shooting.

Mu Qingxue put on a white swan dress and white dancing shoes. The make-up team finished her makeup, and she was glamorous and moving when she appeared.

She originally had a "first love face" with a very innocent and sweet smile.

Hong Chen's set is very simple, just a black curtain spread behind. He has god-level photography skills, and his understanding of this scene is that black can better show the purity of the swan.

Then, Hong Chen asked Mu Qingxue to pose in various poses, and took the camera behind him to "click" to shoot.

Mu Qingxue's body is very soft. She graduated from a dance academy and was admitted to the dance academy as the No.1 dancer. Her dancing posture is very graceful.

Especially the movements of a few free-wheeling horses made Hong Chen praise him even more.

Then, after the shooting was finished, Hong Chen edited the picture on the laptop on the spot, and after some operations, the finished product came out.

In the picture, Mu Qingxue has a graceful posture and a noble demeanor, and the proper magazine cover is the visual sense.

Sister Hong and Mu Qingxue were very satisfied.

"Thank you." Mu Qingxue thanked her sweetly.

"You're welcome." Hong Chen waved his hand, indicating that it was a trivial matter.

But this favor will definitely not be in vain. With the resources in Mu Qingxue and Hongjie's hands, it will be very easy to help Hong Chen in the future.

Then, Hong Chen went back to the hotel to rest.

That night, Hong Chen had a dream.

In the dream, he and Mu Qingxue, who was wearing a dance skirt, were doing shameless things in the dance studio.

When the two of them were happy, suddenly, Yan Yileng's smile appeared in his mind, he was startled, then suddenly woke up, and sat up from the bed.

He took a deep breath, and immediately said with a little guilt: "Bah, I am a scumbag!"

Fortunately, it was a dream, and soon after, he lay down again.

And similarly, Mu Qingxue also had a dream.

However, the types of dreams of boys and girls are different. Boys' dreams are more straightforward, often without any plot, and they are directly shameless.

The girl is a completely bizarre story.

Take Mu Qingxue's dream for example. In the dream, she was a princess who was kidnapped by a dragon. Hong Chen turned into a prince to rescue her. After going through hardships and obstacles, the two got married on Rainbow Bubble Island. Some steps were omitted, and they were born directly. baby.

Early the next morning, Mu Qingxue woke up from the dream, feeling relieved, and stretched contentedly.

Then when she came to the set, Hong Chen had already arrived, and both of them changed into school uniforms, and they were talking to each other in the rest area.

They look a lot like the enviable couples on campus.

At this time, "Those Years" was still in theaters, and the number of broadcasts on the Internet was very exaggerated, and it had exceeded [-] million views in less than ten days.

This number of times refers to the number of hits, and generally good movies are played hundreds of millions of times.

And according to platform estimates, the final broadcast volume of "Those Years" is about 4 million times.

Counting the copyright fees of other platforms, Hong Chen, as an investor, has gained a lot this time.

Now, Hong Chen's relationship network has been initially established, and there is no shortage of resources in his hands.

For example, Wu Zhan's "Wolf Warrior" is currently on the air, and it is said that "Wolf Warrior 2" will be prepared in the later stage, and Hong Chen is expected to star in it.

Zhang Hai also has a new play, and he wants Hong Chen to try it out.

Hong Chen and Ge Chen were screening film appointments. At this moment, director Zheng Rui contacted Hong Chen.

Zheng Rui is the director of "Slaying the Wolf 2", and he also has some contacts in HK. This time he wants to introduce resources to Hong Chen.

"Director Zheng, tell me, what kind of play is it?" Hong Chen asked with interest.

"It's the new drama of the international star Brother Yuanlong, "New Police Story", and there is a lack of a second villain. I ask if you are interested. If you are interested, I will introduce you to the director." Zheng Rui explained.

Hearing this, Hong Chen's expression changed.

Yuan Long is an international movie star, and he is also the most well-known star of Huaxia in the world. When Hong Kong movies were brilliant, his action dramas were popular all over the world, leading an era.

It is naturally a good thing to be able to cooperate with such a big star.

Thinking of this, Hong Chen couldn't help but feel a little moved.

(End of this chapter)

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