Chapter 84 Discussion of Awards

Zheng Rui's invitation moved Hong Chen very much, but "The Best of Us" is still being filmed, and Hong Chen has no schedule for three months.

After hearing about Hong Chen's situation, Zheng Rui said that the preparation of the production team will take some time, and he will contact the director Chen Mushen to see if he can buy him some time.

Hong Chen had the idea of ​​acting, so he asked Zheng Rui to contact him for help.

This opportunity is very good.

Because Hong Chen's goal is the world's best actor, and this movie is one of the few Chinese movies that can go abroad.

Huaxia's movies are not doing well in the foreign market, but Yuanlong's reputation is very good in the world, and many people abroad buy his movies.

If you can act in a movie with Yuanlong, then at least you can get acquainted with people around the world, warm up, and accumulate a certain global fan base.

In fact, Zhang Hai's movie "Li Bai" also participated in a foreign film festival before, but the world audience did not buy into Chinese culture, and this movie did not achieve any good results.

How should I put it, in the eyes of people in Europe and the United States, the more miserable the films in the Asian region make their own country, the more popular they will be.

For example, the movie "Parasite" won the Oscar a year ago. On the one hand, the reality reflected in the film is really profound, and on the other hand, it is also because the movie reflects the ugliness and filth of Kimchi Nation, which makes the self-proclaimed superior Western gentlemen are happy to see it.

this is the truth.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Huaxia Film to enter the global film market.

Hong Chen is still filming on the crew of "The Best of Us". This school-themed youth romance film is very marketable.

Because of Hu Fei and Duan Ruoyu's scandal, the artists in the crew are now much more peaceful.Without these people causing trouble, getting along with people in a company is still very pleasant.

Before you know it, another two months have passed, and most of the crew's filming process has been completed.

Hong Chen now has a very high status in Huahai, and the crew is very polite to him.

On the one hand, it is because of the potential, and on the other hand, it is because of the relationship he has gradually developed.

On this day, Ge Chen and Hong Chen discussed work matters.

"Hong Chen, I contacted the general manager. Are you interested in the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards at the end of this year? If you are interested, you may have to prepare early." Ge Chen said.

"Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award?" Hong Chen showed interest.

You know, if you can win the best actor in the film festival, you will be able to win the title of best actor, which is also an important achievement for an actor's acting career.

"Yes, this year your films are "Li Bai" and "Those Years". "Li Bai" has a chance for you to challenge for the title of Best Actor."

"What preparations are you going to make?" Hong Chen asked again.

Ge Chen sighed, and said, "It is necessary to clear up the relationship, especially the judges, the people of the Film Association, the situation is more complicated."

"Since the past few years, after traffic has become popular, the taste of this award has changed. In the past, the real acting school won the award, but now it is more about gold-plating traffic stars."

"For example, in the last year, you were able to win the Best Supporting Actor award with "Battle of Fire", but there were many people competing for it. At that time, you were just starting out, so you didn't even have a nomination."

"For example, in the year before last, a female traffic artist won the Best Actress Award, and then won various 'Best Popularity Awards', 'Most Popular Actress' awards, etc. In fact, her acting skills are not comparable to those of The actresses she competed with on the same stage, but they have traffic, there is no way."

"This is the current trend. For example, Li Feng, who is popular with the audience now, won the Best Supporting Actor award over Zhang Yi, Xia Yu, and Duan Yihong?"

Ge Chen talked a lot in one breath, and Hong Chen couldn't help frowning as he listened.

He knew about the film festival that Ge Chen was talking about.

In addition to Li Feng,
Yang Baby beat Yao Chen to win the Best Supporting Actress.

Feng Feng, killed Feng Xiaogang and Huang Bo, and won the Best Actor, Best Actor.

Really, the festival takes the audience for fools.

The current trend is really bad.

The key is that fans still buy it.

Take Li Feng as an example. After winning the award, there were also many doubts on the Internet.

But look at his fans, leaving overwhelming comments here and there:

"Fengfeng is so handsome, he deserves his name!"

"we support you!"

"Who would dare to question our Fengfeng's lack of acting skills?"

"The judges of the film festival all recognize Fengfeng's acting skills, but the trolls still don't recognize it, it's sad."

This is the status quo.

acting?No need, appearance is the key.

With good looks, there will be a large number of brain-dead fans, and then the capital operation will be gilded, so there will be a lot of box office revenue.

Hong Chen thought for a while and asked, "Ge Chen, do you think I can win the best actor with this movie?"

Ge Chen nodded, "Of course, your acting skills are superb, you deserve this award, and there won't be much negative public opinion on the Internet."

"One of the things that makes you stronger than other little fresh meats is that you have real strength."

Then, Hong Chen nodded and said, "I want to win this award with my own ability. I can see that the market is changing and the audience's taste is improving."

"I believe that in the past two years, there will be a movie that shocks China. At that time, no matter what capital or power behind it, it will not be able to erase the achievements of this movie."

"This movie will be recognized by the audience and the market, so that capital forces can see the market trend."

After hearing his words, Ge Chen was slightly moved.

Hong Chen's thoughts are very deep, and few people in the entertainment circle now have such thoughts.

Of course, what Ge Chen didn't expect was that Hong Chen's guess was completely correct.

A year later, a movie reflecting medicine and social security was born. With a high profile, it swept away the major awards and let Chinese people see the hope of Chinese movies.

At that time, the traffic era gradually began to change to the quality era.

Of course, this is something.

Ge Chen nodded, and said again: "Actually, to be honest, we are not that competitive this time for the best actor. Now basically whoever is the best actor is the best actor. We don't have enough coffee spots right now."

"However, we are not fighting for nothing."

"The Best Newcomer Award can basically be won, and it is definitely well deserved!"

Hearing this, Hong Chen smiled, he really wanted this award, and he was qualified to have it.

He was just wondering whether the audience knew it or not. In fact, the winners before the film festival basically knew that they had won the award, and the live broadcast was just a performance by these people.

The so-called film festival is more like a grand event where capital gilds stars.

Of course, Hong Chen was in the entertainment industry, so he should go to this kind of occasion.

Although he is very popular now, compared with the capital of the entire entertainment industry, he is just a small person.

He still has to go up step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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