Chapter 87

It is late autumn now, and the sky is still a little cold.

Hong Chen was wearing long casual clothes, and the chilly wind made him feel a bit chilly.

The theater manager has informed him to gather at the gate of the film and television city under the Emperor at eight o'clock this morning, and specifically asked him not to be late.

"By the way, it's the opening ceremony after all, so we need to pay attention to the image." The drama manager added at the time.

Therefore, in the morning, Hong Chen also put on a simple look with the help of Ge Chen.

He looks very energetic. This time he is not dressed in a sunny youth style, but has a little more calm and introverted, making him look more stable.

Of course, handsome still.

It was about 7:45 when he arrived at the film and television city, and people had already arrived at the gate in twos and threes. When these people saw Hong Chen, they all looked at him twice, and then seemed to be talking about something.

Hong Chen remained expressionless, quietly waiting for the crew to arrive.

Not long after, he saw a group of people walking towards him, followed by many reporters.These reporters carried all kinds of equipment on their shoulders and desperately took pictures of the characters in the crew.

"Director Chen, I'll report." Seeing this, Hong Chen stepped forward and said to Chen Mushen.

"Hong Chen, okay, you follow me, let's go in." Chen Mushen said politely.

This group of people is almost the crew members of this filming. Brother Yuanlong and Chen Mushen are walking in the front, full of domineering, while the actors behind are like younger brothers.

Brother Yuanlong seemed very kind. After all, he was an international star, so his attitude was very friendly.

When Hong Chen walked into the crew members, the reporters frantically took pictures, and the sound of "click, click" kept coming.

The actors and reporters here in HK are all familiar with it. Seeing Hong Chen appear now, it is naturally like discovering a new world, especially judging from Hong Chen's position, it seems that there are quite a few scenes this time.

When did Hong Kong films start hiring mainland actors?
The reporters were very curious.

He didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional. After entering the film crew, Hong Chen felt as if someone pushed him, but there were too many people, so he couldn't see who it was.

He glanced back, expressionless, but there was some coldness in his eyes.

Turning around, the expressions of the surrounding actors changed slightly.

The start-up ceremony here in HK is very particular. You must choose a good day and auspicious day, and you must burn incense and worship Buddha. Even the time of start-up is calculated by the master.

This link is very important. Directors in the entertainment industry basically believe in this, and it is the same in the mainland.

The theater manager has already prepared all the props for the opening ceremony. The long table is covered with a red cloth, and a huge roast suckling pig is placed in the middle, surrounded by various fruits, as well as red envelopes, incense burners, candles and other items.

The camera is placed at the front and covered by a red cloth. This is to "suppress evil spirits", and the red cloth is lifted when the camera is turned on.

Then, the director and Yuan Long offered incense one by one, and Hong Chen did as the Romans did, imitating their appearance, holding three incense sticks, and preparing to worship.

The custom of this worship varies from place to place. For example, in the Mainland, there are people who worship the sky and the earth, and some people who pray for good weather in the four directions, but in HK, they basically worship Guan Erye. Guan Gong represents justice, and they believe in this very much.

This thing, believe it or not, it depends on the person.

Hong Chen took it lightly, but the rules should be followed, of course, and he also respected Guan Erye from the bottom of his heart.

He looked at Erye Guan, and said silently in his heart: "Please, Erye Guan, bless me for the smooth shooting this time."

But this time, Guan Erye didn't seem to appear.

Hong Chen had just bowed for the first time when the candles on the table suddenly went out.

This time, the faces of the crew changed.

The opening ceremony is for safety and success. When the candles are extinguished, it means bad luck. In addition, the people in HK believe in this very much, so their faces are a little sullen.

"What kind of mainlander are you looking for? You really are a broom star." Some actors began to curse.

"That's right, I heard that the production team was able to start the film a month ago, but they have to wait for him for a month. What do you think he is so awesome."

"Elder brother dare not do that!"

"The candle is extinguished, this movie needs to be compensated, change actors quickly."

Director Chen Mushen also frowned slightly. The candle went out, which was not a good sign.

Similarly, Yu Jiawei, the senior executive of the Emperor, believed in this kind of belief, and suddenly became suspicious.

Hong Chen was also slightly taken aback, he felt the eyes of the people around him suddenly changed.

Very strange.

Hong Chen shrugged, and made a second prostration.

Once he finished worshiping, it became even weirder.

It was windy.

The weather forecast said there would be no wind today, and the warlock also calculated that it would be a good time to start the machine with clear skies at this time.

The wind blows strangely.

This time, the actors of the crew were even more suspicious.

Could it be that Hong Chen made Guan Erye angry?
How dare the crew accept such an actor!
"Director Chen, this is not appropriate." Yu Jiawei whispered in Chen Mushen's ear.

Actors around also started whispering.

Chen Mu frowned deeply, Hong Chen met all the requirements for the role of Guan Zu, and the crew also waited for him for a month before starting the film.

I didn't expect to encounter such a weird thing before turning it on.

The first bow, the candles go out, the second bow, the demon wind rises.


Hong Chen was expressionless. How could he see these details, and he didn't know there were so many details.

Thinking about it, he performed the third prayer again.

After worshiping, he put the incense into the censer and stood up.


Suddenly, a drop of water landed on the tip of Hong Chen's nose.

Hong Chen touched his nose and looked up.

The sun is still there, and the sun is very mild.

What's the matter with this water?


Another drop.

Only then did Hong Chen realize that it was raining!It's raining sun!

The crew also felt the rain. At first, their expressions were not very good-looking, but after the rain, all of them looked surprised.

It's raining!
The sky was clear and it was raining.

This is a particular point. Generally, when the machine is turned on, it will be turned on on a sunny day, and it will not rain on auspicious days. If it rains, it is a very good sign.

If it meets water, it will send out!

"It's raining, a good sign!"

"When it meets water, it will break out, and when it meets water, it will break out. This drama is going to make a lot of money."

"Congratulations, congratulations."

The actors and reporters cheered and spoke Cantonese.

Chen Mushen was very happy, and businessman Yu Jiawei was even more happy.

Yu Jiawei said with a smile: "I said that our vision is correct, Hong Chen is a lucky star!"

Chen Mushen responded: "Yes, yes."

Hong Chen had no idea what happened.

All he knew was that the sun was raining right after he finished his prayers, so the roast suckling pig was too much to eat.

On the altar, Guan Erye was still brave and mighty, standing tall and majestic.

(End of this chapter)

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