Chapter 88
The good day has come.

Director Chen Mushen, investor Yu Jiawei, and lead actor Brother Yuan Long pulled back the red silk cloth on the camera together.

Immediately, the actors and surrounding reporters all applauded.

"Thank you, thank you!" Chen Mushen said loudly to the reporter.

"Everyone has worked hard! I will go to the drama manager to get a red envelope later, thank you all."

Chen Mushen is very polite, but there is nothing he can do. These reporters are uncles, and there is no benefit in offending them. It would be troublesome to write any black material for you, so take care of them if you can.

The reporters shouted hello, and another wave of interviews followed.

Probably the director and screenwriter answered one by one, saying some prepared things, all of which were scene-related words, plus words of blessing such as box office hits.

The scene was very lively, and Hong Chen found that the atmosphere and sense of ritual of the opening ceremony was stronger here.

Everyone is very religious.

The opening ceremony is also a way to unite the actors. After a ceremony, the actors can feel that they are one. They must be serious when filming this movie, and they must be worthy of the Buddha worshiped today.

Hong Chen also received a red envelope, he secretly opened it to look, and there were [-] Hong Kong dollars in it.

The money is not much, but so many people receive red envelopes, it can be considered a considerable expense.

Of course, this money should be spent or spent. What many drama managers and staff members look forward to most when they come here is not the boot, but this red envelope.

After busying for a while, the opening ceremony was almost coming to an end, Chen Mushen said to the actors behind him:

"Okay, everyone, go back to the hotel and rest. The filming will officially start tomorrow. Everyone has to come over for the first scene."

Then, the crew had a special bus to pick up the actors to and from get off work.

"Hi, Hong Chen, we meet again." Just as Hong Chen was about to board the bus, someone patted him on the shoulder from behind.

This voice is nice and familiar, and there is also a scent coming from behind.

Hong Chen turned around, and the fashionable Wen Jiayu came into view.

Wen Jiayu is a model by profession, so of course her figure is very tall, straight and compact, needless to say.

"It's you, what a coincidence, did you also come to attend the opening ceremony?" Hong Chen asked with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Wen Jiayu laughed and said, "Yes, Chen Mushen is my second uncle, I'm here to join in the fun."

Hong Chen didn't expect that Wen Jiayu and Chen Mushen still had such a relationship. It was a coincidence that the girl he met on the plane turned out to be the director's niece.

In fact, it's normal. Those who fly first class to Hong Kong are usually ladies from rich families. It's normal that they have something to do with the entertainment industry.

"Haha, this is too coincidental." Hong Chen said with a smile.

"Yes, just now I heard from my second uncle that you are a lucky general, and it will rain as soon as you pay your respects to Second Lord Guan, which is a good omen." Wen Jiayu laughed again.

Hong Chen shrugged and explained: "This is really a coincidence, could it be because I have the aura of the protagonist?"

"You're so funny." Wen Jiayu laughed, "Do you come here a lot in HK? The filming will start tomorrow. Today I will take you for a walk."

"Don't." Hong Chen refused with a smile, "If I go shopping alone with a beautiful woman, there will be all kinds of news about my relationship the next day. I'm afraid you won't be able to stand the gossip from the media."

What Hong Chen said was not bad. Occasionally watching gossip news on weekdays, a certain male star and a certain female star went shopping alone, and they were labeled as "in love". All kinds of reports are normal.

Although Hong Chen is not top-notch now, his gossip is still valuable.

In addition, Wen Jiayu is a model and Chen Mushen's niece.

Hong Chen had already thought of the title.

#传奇青年艺术免费广儿威廉希尔,take the opportunity to be on the top#
It's scary to think about it.

"That's it." Wen Jiayu stuck out her tongue, "That's right, I forgot that you are a big star."

"It's not like a big star, but these troubles can be as few as possible."

"Then what are you going to do this afternoon?"

"Read scripts, listen to music, and keep fit at the hotel."

Wen Jiayu admired Hong Chen's words. She is a young lady, and her hobby since she was a child is playing. A self-disciplined person like Hong Chen is rare.

"The bus is about to leave. I'll leave first. We'll talk when we have a chance." Seeing the urging of the bus to the hotel, Hong Chen greeted Wen Jiayu and left.

"Goodbye." Wen Jiayu waved to him.

Over there at the hotel, the crew had already been set up, and Ge Chen and Wang Shaoqi had each booked a room.

"How are you guys? Are you getting used to it?" Hong Chen asked when the three of them had dinner together in the evening.

"It's okay, there are a lot of mainland tourists here, so it doesn't matter to us. But I seem to hear that many actors in the crew are dissatisfied with mainland actors, so be careful." Ge Chen comforted Hong Chen instead.

Hong Chen nodded, he already had a faint feeling.

It seems that some people are very repulsive to themselves.

It was okay when I was filming "Slaying the Wolf 2", because on the one hand, the film had both Hong Kong stars and mainland movie stars, and on the other hand, it was filmed in Thailand, so there were no factions.

This time it was filmed locally in HK, so the rejection was a bit serious.

In addition, in order to wait for Hong Chen, the crew dragged on for a month, which is an exaggeration.

It was nothing special at night, he just stayed in the hotel.

But in fact, HK has a very rich nightlife, especially nightclubs, which can be regarded as a major feature.

If you have watched the movie "Love Ye Pu" series, you can probably feel the chaos in it.

Wen Jiayu and her best friend Mo Huihui were doing SPY in the beauty salon at night. The two of them were lying on the massage table with a mask on and wrapped in a blanket, chatting.

"What are you thinking? You're so engrossed." Seeing Wen Jiayu in a daze, Mo Huihui shouted with a smile.

Wen Jiayu turned her head to look at Mo Huihui, and said seriously: "You say I'm not beautiful enough or I'm not good enough, why do I feel that he doesn't mean anything to me?"

Mo Huihui was taken aback by Wen Jiayu's words, this girl is in spring.

"Which one are you talking about? Hong Chen? That's not the case." Mo Huihui said in surprise, "There are so many rich second generations chasing you, why did you just fall in love with an actor."

"I didn't like it either, but it feels good. It's handsome and gentle. It's the one I like." Wen Jiayu said with a smile, "The key is not like those rich second generations who don't want to be shy all the time. It's annoying. died."

"What if he is pretending."

"Not really."

"Isn't it your birthday in a few days? You can invite him." Mo Huihui reminded.

"That's right." Mo Huihui's words made Wen Jiayu's eyes light up.

The next day, Hong Chen came out of the hotel, got on the special bus for the crew, and went to the shooting scene with the actors of the crew.

He didn't have a role in the daytime play, but according to the director's request, the actors had to be present on the first day to make it lively and popular.

When we came to the set, the crew had already made preparations.

The first scene is a big scene. The plot is that a bald and wretched man who failed to trade stocks and lost all his money took a young woman hostage with a gun.

Then there were police cars parked all around, and the police were watching behind the door with guns as the background.

The supporting actor Liang Feifan went to persuade first, and the scene was quite tense, but because he was a supporting actor, of course he failed.

Afterwards, the protagonist, Big Brother Yuanlong, appeared on the stage, risking his life to subdue the bald and wretched man, and successfully rescued the hostages.

This scene belongs to the typical style of Hong Kong movies, with police cars, guns, policemen, gangsters, reporters, crowds of onlookers, and rain, all of these elements are missing.

When filming "Slaying the Wolf 2" before, Hong Chen had been filming prison scenes, and the theme at that time was Thai style.

Now that we can see the orthodox Hong Kong film style, Hong Chen is quite looking forward to this scene.

(End of this chapter)

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