Chapter 89
Hong Chen was on the crew's side, watching the set.

The script management of Hong Kong films is very professional, and they are already familiar with this type of film. There are special arrangements for where the police cars are parked, where the onlookers are, and where the police are.

This is a long shot, the script has already been sent out, and the actors are very familiar with the script.

The filming started, and for a moment, sirens blared.

The gangster came out with the hostages and kept saying threatening words. Five or six policemen stood not far from him with guns raised, and none of them dared to act rashly.

Then, Brother Yuanlong appeared on the stage, pretending to be negotiating, he suddenly grabbed the robbers to rescue the hostages, and was shot in the process of fighting with the robbers.

At the same time, the robber jumped over the wall in a hurry and pulled the ring of a grenade. In the end, Brother Yuanlong took the grenade, climbed over the guardrail handsomely, and threw the grenade into the sewer with the lid open, averting the crisis in a thrilling manner.

Even if this scene is over.

The whole shooting process was smooth and smooth, everyone knew what to do, and everyone's expressions and acting skills were in place.

The ferociousness of the gangsters, the cautiousness of the police, and the fearless spirit of Brother Yuanlong are all reflected.


The director called to stop, and the crowd started applauding.

Hong Chen also clapped his hands in admiration.

He made a simple comparison in his mind. Although it is not good to say that, as far as middle-level actors are concerned, Hong Kong film actors are more dedicated than mainland actors.

But the bottom layer is different, and it's not an order of magnitude at all.

He worked as a Hengpiao in Hengdian, and Hengpiao is definitely the hardest person in the industry. He wakes up earlier than a chicken, sleeps later than a pig, is scolded every day, and even smiles when he asks for a role.

The bottom is the real dedication.

As for the actors at the upper level, each has its own characteristics, so there is no need to compare them.

This scene took about an hour to shoot, which is considered very efficient.

"Very good." Chen Mushen was very satisfied, "Everyone rest first, the indoor scene will be filmed in the afternoon, and there will be a key scene in the evening, so get ready."

"Good director."

"Director, don't worry."

The actors all responded with a smile.

The scene at night is very important. It is the first confrontation between the villains led by Hong Chen and the police, and it is also the first scene of Hong Chen in this play.

But the rest of the time was a bit boring. After all, Hong Chen didn't know many people in the crew this time, and he wasn't the kind of person who took the initiative to join in the fun.

If it was any other actor, seeing Big Brother Yuan Long, he probably would have gone up to curry favor with him long ago. This is common in the crew.

Ge Chen and Wang Shaoqi did a good job. They used the company's funds to rent a commercial vehicle for a few people to rest, and Hong Chen could study the script with peace of mind.

This time, the villain played by Hong Chen is more complicated. He is a rich second generation. His father is a high-ranking police officer, but he abused him and looked down on him since he was a child.

As a result, he developed an incomparable dislike for the police in his heart, and found four rich kids who were also thrill-seeking, and started committing crimes.

For this role, the feeling of paranoia and madness must be performed.

Before, Hong Chen also used the skill of "Script Comprehension" to watch movies in parallel worlds.

The actor who plays Guan Zu is very handsome, especially the final effect of this role, which gives people a kind of evil feeling.

At the same time, the expression techniques of Hong Kong films are still somewhat different from those in mainland China.

In order to highlight the perverted spirit, Hong Chen had to exaggerate his expression slightly when performing.

At night, night falls.

The scene filmed tonight is very exciting, it is robbing a bank.

In the first scene, five members of the villain group sat on a high-rise building, put a bank employee in a sack and threw it down, then fixed the rope upstairs, and jumped down with five people.

The scene of this scene is indeed thrilling.

However, this scene uses special effects.

There are relatively few special effects in Hong Kong films, but it is not useless.

For example, in the later stage, Yuanlong and Xie Feng had a scene of falling from the roof, which was really shot with a crane and a wire.

As for this scene, doing free fall from dozens of stories of high-rise buildings, to be honest, even if the actors dare, the director may not dare to joke about human lives.

When filming, the villain group of five first showed disdainful and somewhat excited eyes, and then they hung ropes behind their backs, and a blower blows their hair and clothes underneath. When the background changes, they will jump off the building.

The five members of the villain group forced the bank staff to open the safe. Facing the room full of banknotes, the remaining four cheered and rushed in, very excited.

Only Hong Chen, who seemed not interested in money, pointed a gun at the bank clerk and said, "Is there a phone number?"

The bank clerk took out his mobile phone from his pocket and said in horror, "Yes, yes."

Hong Chen touched the phone with the muzzle of his gun, "Call the police."

Hong Chen's words stunned the bank staff, the robber asked him to call the police?
"Call the police!" Hong Chen emphasized again, a little impatiently.

Although Hong Chen was wearing a mask, his intimidating aura was obvious, and the bank clerk nodded hastily, with a bit of fear on his face.

The director watched from behind, and he was pleased with everyone's performance.And this bank clerk performed very well as a special agent.

In fact, at this moment, the bank staff is really scared.

Especially when Hong Chen pointed a gun at him and stared at him, he felt as if he had really been kidnapped by a murderous robber.

"This mainland actor is a bit powerful." After the scene ended, the actor who played the bank clerk spit and let out a sigh of relief.

As the most powerful villain in this movie, he is full of natural aura, especially to give people a feeling that the good guy is not his opponent at all.

Fortunately, Hong Chen did it.

After a few scenes, the attitude of some HK actors towards Hong Chen changed slightly.

At least this mainland actor has real materials.They secretly thought.

You must know that mainland actors have big airs and like to pay attention to ostentation. When they go out, they must be surrounded by more than a dozen bodyguards. This is nothing new in HK.

This is especially true for young traffic.

Before, some people wondered whether Hong Chen also brought money into the group and came here to be gilded.

In hindsight, their suspicions were wrong.

After that, it was a more crucial scene.

That is, the villain group robbed the bank and did not run away. Instead, they ran to the road to set up camp and killed all the policemen who came to support.

This scene was actually shot in two scenes, one where the villains shoot and laugh wildly.

Another scene is the scene where the police are in a mess, the police cars bump into each other, and there are injuries.It's time to splice it together.

This kind of shooting method is very normal. If the villain can't really hold a gun, then it's not acting.

But this scene, just from the visual effect, is very handsome.

On a deserted street, Hong Chen hijacked the bank staff as a shield and stood in the middle of the road. With only one head sticking out, he held the gun on the bank staff's shoulder.The other four younger brothers were lying on the roof of the car on both sides of the road, also driving guns.

All five of them had excited smiles on their faces, appearing extraordinarily arrogant.

There was nothing wrong with one of their scenes, but something went wrong in another.

When a stuntman was performing a car crash, he didn't control the speed well, and the crash was a bit heavy. The car overturned and rolled several times.

"Rescue team, rescue team, hurry up." The director was in a hurry, and the other actors were also in a hurry, and rushed to the rescue.

But fortunately, the stuntman is fine, just suffered some injuries, especially a broken leg, and I'm afraid he will have to lie in the hospital for a while.

Hong Kong films are like this, they pursue effects, and sometimes they are easily injured, and injuries are commonplace.

In the era before that, actors were basically performing with their lives, and they were ashamed to say that they were action actors without a few steel nails on their bodies.

Seeing such a scene, Hong Chen was also very emotional.

The more the pursuit of reality, the more dangerous it is, that's why there are so many crews, and special effects are used for everything.

There is a costume drama, even a bonfire on the ground, because the actors are afraid that the actors will be too hot, only firewood is placed, and then a fire is made with special effects.

It feels like the director is fooling the audience for idiots.

(End of this chapter)

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