Chapter 90

The crew had an accident on the first night of filming, which made the atmosphere a little depressing for a while.

However, what made director Chen Mushen even more depressed was not the stuntman's injury.If you are injured, the crew will compensate for the medical expenses, so there is nothing to worry about.

What really frustrates him is that there are no other stuntmen.

This stuntman is an actor who specializes in driving to complete the crash scene, that is, he needs to drive just to hit the rear end of the car in front, and then the two cars stop.

It's not difficult to say, and rear-end chases are not uncommon.

But on the road, two high-speed vehicles rear-end, this is actually very dangerous.

If you are not proficient in driving skills, it is easy to turn acting into an accident.

There were originally two stunts in the two cars, but now one is injured, and the other's face is a bit ugly.

HK is very superstitious here, and when something goes wrong, it will make random associations, whether the crew has messed with something bad or something.

"How about it, have you contacted the company, can you come over for another stunt?" Chen Mushen was discussing with the crew.

The man shook his head and said: "Director, you know, this thing is too dangerous, there are few of them in the first place, and TVB is also filming, so they have invited a lot of superstars, so tonight will definitely not be able to make it. "

Hearing this, Chen Mushen frowned.

The willingness is very simple. It is very important to shoot such a big scene in one go.

The car crash scene is easy to shoot, but it is more difficult to do it like other scenes.

The weather, the location of vehicles parked on the side of the road, the sequence of rooms lit up by the lights of high-rise buildings on the side of the road, the light, etc., are different every night.

If you shoot additional sub-shots, it will be very abrupt if it cannot be integrated with the main shot. To put it bluntly, it is a large-scale goofy shot.

Chen Mushen naturally did not allow this kind of thing to happen.

Right now, Chen Mushen has only two choices: Either give up the crash scene, or find another night to reshoot the whole thing.

However, the car crash scene cannot be given up, because car crashes are also a major feature of Hong Kong films, and any Hong Kong film that does not have a few cars crashing into a ball cannot be regarded as a blockbuster.

Hong Chen also understood this situation.

The scene where the villain yells has been filmed, and his role today is over.

He was wondering if he should help solve this problem.

Hong Chen has the skill "God-level Car Skill". Although he has never used it much, it is not a problem to complete a stunt.Of course, there are definitely risks in this kind of behavior.

He never liked to meddle in other people's business, nor did he like to be in the limelight.

However, today is the first day of filming for the crew, and a stuntman was injured. If all the shooting tonight is cancelled, it will be a very big blow to the crew.

It is likely to affect the enthusiasm of the crew members.

The crew is also a whole, and the atmosphere is very important.

Besides, everyone's performance tonight was very good, Hong Chen really didn't want to waste it.

"Forget it, after all, I'm a part of the crew, so I still have to contribute." Hong Chen thought to himself.

So, Hong Chen stepped forward and said to the director Chen Mushen: "Director, let me try this stunt. My driving skills are not bad. There should be no problem in completing this scene."

Chen Mu was taken aback by his words.

Immediately, Chen Mushen shook his head and said, "Hong Chen, I know you have good intentions, but this action is very professional, and to be honest, it is very dangerous to do so, if you get hurt, I can't bear the consequences."

"Your safety is even more important than the scene itself."

"It doesn't matter, director, I'll try. I can't let everyone's hard work go to waste." Hong Chen said with a smile, "And I've done similar stunts before."

Of course, he can't say that he has cheats and god-level driving skills. He said that to dispel Chen Mushen's concerns.

"Have you ever photographed?" Chen Mushen asked suspiciously.


"That's ok, just try it, be careful not to drive too fast, slowing down will also work." Chen Mushen hesitated for a while, after all, he planned to let Hong Chen try it.

No one can take pictures right now, which is also impossible.

Next, the props crew got the car ready.

"What's going on? Have you found a special grade?" The actors onlookers were a little puzzled.

Brother Yuanlong is very dedicated, and he is also in the group at this time, as well as Xie Feng, An Jie, Ye Hao and other leading actors, they all watched over.

"It's him, Hong Chen, that mainland actor, he's going to act in the superstar?" Seeing Hong Chen getting into the car, they were even more shocked.

"No way, is he courting death?"

"Just kidding, I have never heard of stunt actors driving cars in the mainland. Aren't they all made of special effects?"

"Is it trying to be brave?"

These people were somewhat puzzled by Hong Chen's actions, and they all took a wait-and-see attitude.

After all, stunts are a difficult job, and ordinary people can't do them at all. Even old stunts need to be mentally prepared before shooting.

These people's words are actually a kind of prejudice, but many actors still support Hong Chen very much.

"If you dare to stand up at this time, you should stop making sarcastic remarks." An actor said.

"Yeah, it's all for the crew, why are you talking so much?"

"You go, you go."

These words made the actors of the crew shut up.

Brother Yuanlong remained silent the entire time, his eyes fixed on Hong Chen.

He is an international star and has worked with all kinds of actors, so there will be no regional prejudice, but it is true that he looks down on those pampered young meat playing big names.

"How is it, Hong Chen? If you can't do it, come down." Hong Chen was sitting in the car, and the director Chen Mushen asked.

Hong Chen gave the director an OK gesture.

The crane camera was set up high, and other cameras were also ready to capture this scene.

Afterwards, Hong Chen ignited the ignition, started the engine, lightly stepped on the accelerator, and performed a set of movements neatly.

The god-level car skill is indeed a magical skill. When he was sitting in the car, he felt that his thoughts and movements were very clear, as if the car was his body.

He can make whatever movements he wants the car to make.

"This is the start, old driver." An artist who knew cars was amazed when he saw Hong Chen driving.

Hong Chen stared ahead, holding the steering wheel with both hands, and stepped on the gas pedal with his right foot.


The car rushed out, and then the speed became faster and faster.

His actions surprised everyone in the crew.

"So fast?"

"what happened?"

Another stuntman, playing the role of being hit by the car in the front, he just needs to drive normally, and there is nothing to pay attention to.

The protective measures on his body were already in place, and he was driving leisurely. Then, he heard the roar of the engine, and glanced in the rearview mirror in boredom.

At this moment, all he saw was a police car with lights flashing, rushing towards him recklessly.

The stuntman was stunned.

What's with the car in the back?What does he want to do!
He wants me to die?

The director was also shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Hong Chen, stop quickly, stop quickly!"

But the speed of the car was too fast, and the distance between the two cars was too close, so there was no time to react.Before Chen Mushen finished speaking, the two cars were about to collide.

"It's over!" The cast members couldn't help closing their eyes.

Then, the two cars approached quickly, and Hong Chen's speed suddenly slowed down, only a "bang" was heard.

The two cars collided.

(End of this chapter)

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