The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 97 The Movie Chapter Begins

Chapter 97 The Film Festival Begins

In December, the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival kicks off.

According to the convention, one year is the Golden Rooster Award, one year is the Hundred Flowers Award, and this year it is the turn of Hundred Flowers.

If you have to compare, the Golden Rooster Award is more authoritative and less watery, while the Hundred Flowers Award competes for the resources behind it.Familiar viewers may know that watching the Hundred Flowers Awards is just for fun.

In the afternoon, Hong Chen was trying on clothes. Naturally, this kind of award show should be dressed more grandly.

According to his understanding, some celebrities rent dresses at this time, and there are hundreds of thousands of dresses a night, and they have to be careful even when they are sitting.

Ge Chen is picking out for him, and the team's stylist and makeup artist are also here to make a style for him.

"It's alright." Hong Chen said helplessly, wearing a dark blue suit.

Boys don't particularly like to try on clothes, and they often buy them directly when they see a similar one.Girls, on the other hand, sometimes enjoy shopping without buying anything for a day.

difficult to understand
After all, after changing a few more suits, Ge Chen still chose this dark blue suit.

Hong Chen looked at himself in the mirror, dressed in a neat suit, quite energetic.

After that, Hong Chen got into the car and rushed to the awards ceremony with his team.

The Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Festival has a home and an outfield. The home is where the awards are presented, and the outfield is where you walk the red carpet and take pictures.

"I'll be waiting for you inside the home court. You're in the fourth row. Call me if you have anything to do." After arriving at the destination, Ge Chen said.

She is an agent, so naturally she cannot walk on the red carpet.

Then, Hong Chen got out of the car and stepped on the red carpet. For a moment, the fans on both sides cheered.

"Hong Chen is here!"

"It's Brother Hong Chen, so handsome!"

Those who come to this kind of venue are usually fanatical female fans. Hong Chen waved to everyone very friendly, then went to pick up a pen and started to sign.

The enthusiasm of the fans was so high that Hong Chen was a little overwhelmed.A lot of entertainment reporters also gave a lot of face, holding their cameras and shooting frantically, lights flashing in succession.

Hong Chen remembered the last time he walked the red carpet, it was just a formality, no one knew him at all.

But this time, standing on the red carpet, he was the most dazzling existence.

After signing for a while, Hong Chen waved to everyone and went to the next area.

The next area is for the team to walk the red carpet together, and Hong Chen is with the crew of "Li Bai".

Sun Xing, Yan Yileng and others were all there.

Seeing Yan Yileng again, Hong Chen smiled lightly at her while others were not paying attention, and Yan Yileng also smiled lightly.

But the reporters are all there, and they can only pretend to be ordinary friends.

They appeared on the red carpet together again, and then entered the home court.

The seats at home are very particular.

The first row is an old artist, a first-class actor, and one of the judges. They are all important figures in China.

The second row is big-name international movie stars, such as Zhang Yiyi and Li Binger, who have great influence.

The third row is the super first-line stars, with a high degree of nationality, mainly the top actors of the Mesozoic era, such as Hu Ge.

The fourth and fifth rows are the first-line stars and contemporary traffic niches.

Hong Chen was in the fourth row.

There were dozens of rows of seats in the entire venue, and Hong Chen's location was already equivalent to the center of the Chinese entertainment circle.

Next to Hong Chen, the top leaders of the four major entertainment companies, Ning Hang, Wang Feiyu, Ren Tianzhi, and Xun Yuan, were all there, as were the young Xiaohua Mu Qingxue and Yan Yileng.

Seeing Hong Chen approaching, Mu Qingxue gave him a sweet smile, waved and said hello.

Hong Chen also smiled and nodded in response.

This scene fell in Yan Yileng's eyes, and the jealous jar suddenly turned upside down, but it didn't show on the surface.

Hong Chen then chatted with Ning Hang for a few more words.

Wang Feiyu still kept silent and took the high-cold route. Ren Tianzhi glanced at Hong Chen and had some impression of this actor, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

As for Xun Yuan, who also signed a contract with Huahai, he still felt a little uncomfortable looking at Hong Chen.

Unexpectedly, in just one year, Hong Chen would soon be equal to himself.

This speed of development is very enviable.

"Hong Chen, long time no see." Hong Chen was sitting on the edge, and suddenly he heard a person behind him greet him, and when he turned around, it turned out to be Wu Zhan.

"Haha, brother Zhan, long time no see." Hong Chen got up, both of them were very happy.

"I heard that you went to HK. I've been there before, so it's not easy." Wu Zhan said with a smile.

"Just kidding, many people in the crew know you, and they keep praising you in front of me, saying that you are the mainland actor they admire the most." Hong Chen responded.

What he said was the truth, Wu Zhan was also very hardworking in filming in HK back then, and was respected by everyone.

Wu Zhan was in the third row, and the two of them made an appointment for dinner, and Wu Zhan passed by.

The few remaining fresh meats all looked at Hong Chen, slightly surprised.After all, they are used to solitary admiration in the entertainment circle, such friendship is rare.

After a while, someone greeted Hong Chen again. Hong Chen looked back and saw that it was the great director Zhang Hai.

Hong Chen hurriedly stood up again.

Zhang Hai is the director of "Li Bai" this time, and he is also a judge. He is in the first row.

"Hong Chen, you look good."

"Thank you Director Zhang, you also look very energetic."

"Don't be so talkative, this time "Li Bai" was shortlisted and you helped me a lot. I have another show next year, so I will contact you then." Director Zhang laughed and left.

This time, the other little fresh meats were even more surprised.

Xun Yuan became more and more jealous.

The director and the others also know each other, but it is absolutely impossible to take the initiative to say hello.

This is friendship.

Then, Zhang Yiyi also came over, saw Hong Chen, and patted him on the shoulder.

The last time she participated in a variety show, Zhang Yiyi felt that the champion should be Hong Chen, and the program group was too dark, so she felt a little guilty for Hong Chen.

Seeing that Hong Chen is doing well now, he is also very happy.

Several big figures greeted Hong Chen one after another, and the astonishment in the eyes of the top leaders grew stronger.

What's the situation with Hong Chen, is he so powerful?
Then, something that surprised them even more happened again.

Yuan Long actually came to participate in this Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival!Moreover, when passing by them, he also said hello to Hong Chen.

The two were filming in the same crew, and they were rivals. Hong Chen had always performed well in the crew. Yuan Long was very optimistic about Hong Chen, so it was natural to say hello.

But the rest don't think so.

That's Yuanlong!
China's most influential star in the international market!

He even knew Hong Chen?
What's up with this guy?
The few remaining people secretly compared their resources. Although they were top-notch, the resources were all given by the company.

In other words, they may not lack resources, but they will never know these people who have resources.

But Hong Chen was different.

It was only at this time that Xun Yuan realized that Hong Chen was much stronger than he had imagined.

His foundation is very stable. With such a foundation, even if he experiences some wind and rain in the future, he will not fall.

Is this something a second-tier actor can do?

(End of this chapter)

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