Chapter 98 Awards
Then, the music started and the host came on stage.

The host is Huang Jiaozhu, a man who likes to play a domineering president.

After he read the opening remarks and enlivened the atmosphere, he began to present the awards.

At this time, the entire venue was silent.

Hong Chen couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Because, although the Best Actor and Best Actress have been pre-determined, the remaining awards are still relatively fair.

Several top works competed on the same stage, and only one won in the end. Even the audience was unavoidably nervous.

"This time, the winner of the Best Art Award is"

Master Huang opened his mouth, and after reading this, he deliberately paused, to whet the appetite.

It looks like the author who loves to break chapters.

"Thump, thump, thump, thump," the background music became hurried, and everyone in the audience looked at the big screen.

"Directed by Zhang Hai, "Li Bai"!"

When the award was announced, there was thunderous applause. Zhang Hai got up and waved to everyone, and then went to the stage to accept the award.

Every award of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Festival, no matter how much water is involved, represents the highest honor in the country.

To Hong Chen's surprise, Zhang Hai also praised his acting skills during his speech, and his close-ups were simultaneously played on the big screen.

Hong Chen smiled and expressed his thanks.

Then several awards were presented, such as Best Screenplay, Best Cinematography, and Best Publicity, each of which has gained, and "Li Bai" has gained the most and is the biggest winner tonight.

Then, came the most critical moment.

best actor
That is, the actor.

This award can be said to be the biggest award a Chinese actor can win.

"This time I won the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award, the nominees for Best Actor are:"

"Hong Chen, "Li Bai"."

"Wang Feiyu, "The Young Prime Minister"."

"Sun Hong, "National Witness."

"Wang Jingchun, "Everlasting and Everlasting"."

"Duan Yihong, "Blizzard is Coming"."

As the sound sounded, the audience cheered enthusiastically again and again.

Regardless of whether they can win the award or not, just being nominated for Best Actor for these few people is already remarkable.

Especially Hong Chen, most of the actors in the Huaxia showbiz are sitting here. They were very surprised that such a young actor could be nominated for Best Actor.

"Didn't Hong Chen come out this year? How could there be nominations?" Someone whispered.

""Li Bai" has too much influence, and it set off a wave of antiquity craze, and the nomination is normal. Besides, his acting is really good." Someone explained to him.

A close-up of the five nominated actors emerged on the big screen.

The five people were all in straight suits, looking at the big screen with indifferent smiles on their faces, looking very calm.

At this time, Hong Chen already knew who won the award in the end, but he still had to act.

The guest presenting the award was Yuan Long. He made some jokes with the host on the stage, enlivened the atmosphere, and then said: "This year's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards, the winner of the Best Actor Award is Wang Feiyu!"

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause.

Except for Wang Feiyu, the close-ups of the remaining four nominated actors are still on the big screen. Everyone has a tacit understanding, and they all show a little bit of disappointment, but their faces are full of sincere wishes.

Especially the applause, which seemed particularly sincere.

We are all actors, this is trivial.

Then there was Best Actress in a Leading Role. To Hong Chen's surprise, Yan Yileng won the Best Leading Actress over two Mesozoic stars.

Sure enough, appearance is justice.

This also put Hong Chen under a lot of pressure. Times Media made it clear that they wanted to promote Yan Yileng as a brand.

In the end, Yan Yileng was taken over by a second-tier actor from the company next door?
The boss of the times knew it, and probably wanted to kill Hong Chen.

Yan Yileng stood on the stage, looking glamorous, she was wearing an expensive dress, she looked glamorous.

Hong Chen could see that Yan Yileng was on the stage, his eyes stayed on him for a long time, and there was a flash of light in them.

This scene is like a puppy love in high school, going to the podium to write questions on the blackboard, and never forgetting to look back at the person you like.

"This is my girlfriend." Hong Chen had a faint smile on his face, very proud in his heart.

But he also knows that he is under a lot of pressure now.

It's not that easy to be with Yan Yileng, at least he has to be outstanding himself.He is more or less machismo, and he doesn't want to make people feel that he is dependent on women.

At this point in the awards presentation, it is already the capital stage.Subsequent awards are as follows:

Best Popularity Award, Ren Tianzhi.

Most Popular Actress Award, Mu Qingxue.

The Most Popular Actor Award, Ning Hang.

The best newcomer award, naturally, goes to Hong Chen.

The Best Newcomer Award is not a low weight award, it is not just a superficial meaning.For this award, Huahai also spent a lot of money.

This award represented that Hong Chen was about to enter the front line, and was about to become a top player.

It's a symbol.

Then, the sponsor gave a speech and concluded.

It was destined to be a night of shining lights.

It is conceivable that the reports about the stars will sweep the Internet the next day.From walking the red carpet to presenting awards, from top streamers to third-tier actors, there will be focus.

For the entertainment company, this is a war, and for the water army, this is the busiest time of the year.

Of course, it is also the most profitable time.

Isn't it just writing and blowing rainbow skin?It's nothing more than boasting about who is "immortal", who is overpowering who, who offended the stylist and so on.

The old way.

Coming out of the venue, Hong Chen got into the car, and Ge Chen had been waiting for a long time.

"Best newcomer, how do you feel?" Ge Chen smiled.

Hong Chen looked at the trophy in his hand, and recalled the scene when he stood on the stage and spoke to the actors of the entire Huaxia just now, and felt that the feeling was a bit dreamy.

"Honestly speaking, the feeling of winning the award is really cool. Everyone is looking at me. They are big names in the entertainment industry and celebrities in society. The sense of honor and pride of being recognized by others makes me very satisfied."

Hong Chen said what was in his heart, although a little vain, but very true.

"The newcomer award is just the beginning, my goal has always been to be the best actor."

"But it won't be limited to the Golden Rooster Best Actor."

"HK Golden Statue Best Actor, Taiwan Golden Horse Best Actor, Oscar Best Actor, Berlin Best Actor, and even the world's Best Actor."

"That's my goal."

What Hong Chen said was serious and domineering.

After hearing his words, Ge Chen was also a little shocked.

The concept of a global actor is exaggerated, and I am afraid that few people in the world can achieve this.

Just thinking about it, I feel a little unbelievable.

"I support you." Ge Chen nodded solemnly, but her dream is to be a gold medal agent, if she can become the agent of the world's best actor
What could be better than this?
Seeing her appearance, Hong Chen smiled lightly, "It's still a long way to say this now, take your time, this is a dream, as long as you keep working hard for the dream."

"Well, but your popularity is not low now. I think you can already talk to Manager Wang Yao about improving your salary." Ge Chen said again.

Under normal circumstances, when an actor ranks among the first-line actors, his share of remuneration will increase, and at the same time, he will receive greater resources from the company.

Now he is already quasi-first-line, but in fact he has not fully reached the first-line level.

But Hong Chen didn't intend to do that. His idea was to open a studio and be his own boss.

"No hurry, anyway, there are no new movies recently, we have to wait for "New Police Story" to be released, and it should be almost there by then." Hong Chen nodded and said.

"En." Ge Chen nodded in response, and at the same time was watching the related content on Weibo about the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.

"Li Bai" must be on the hot search. Although this movie did not win all the awards, it is also the work with the most awards, and it is the biggest winner tonight.

If it wasn't for the capital behind it, the best actor tonight should be Hong Chen's.

"Hundred Flowers Award has a lot of water, and Golden Rooster Award has higher gold content. Next year, the interference of capital power will be much smaller, relying on real skills." Ge Chen comforted again.

Hong Chen nodded, and also planned to choose one or two scripts in the next year, and strive to win the next Golden Rooster Award.

(End of this chapter)

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