Chapter 10 Horror Power!
After Bald Qiang's voice fell, everyone's eyes turned to Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan instantly became the focus of the audience!
"Bald-headed Qiang! I already told you that you have misunderstood the wrong person. What's the point of bullying a student!" the Red Blood Wolf roared angrily.

Anyway, he is doomed today, and at this time, he doesn't want to implicate others.

"Haha, I can't believe this kind of nonsense, Xiong Er, get rid of this kid!"

Bald Qiang laughed out loud!
In fact, he also knew in his heart that he probably admitted the wrong person.

Compared to Mad Elephant, Luo Xuan looked too weak and unstoppable, and even more so, he was dressed as a student.

It didn't look like someone who came to rescue the Red Blood Wolf.

But at this time, you can only make mistakes!

Just now, he just said that Luo Xuan must have come to rescue the Red Blood Wolf, and that his IQ is not as short as the hair on his head, if he changes his words now, wouldn't he be slapping himself?

For his own face, at this time, he naturally couldn't let Luo Xuan go.

In his opinion, the life and death of a student is irrelevant!

The wild elephant tried hard to get up, and said: "Little brother, I can block him for a while, you run away and go to a crowded place!"

Xiong Er didn't look at the struggling mad elephant at all, and looked at Luo Xuan with disdain.

"Boy, I'll give you a chance to make the first move!" Xiong Erzhi said proudly.

It was as if attacking Luo Xuan was an insult to him!
Luo Xuan's expression was still indifferent, looking at Xiong Er on the opposite side, he said lightly: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards Xiong Er.

Seeing that Luo Xuan actually walked towards Xiong Er, those bald and strong people all looked at Luo Xuan with eyes like looking at a fool.

Even Sanda King Kuangxiang was defeated by Xiong Er in seconds, this kid dares to challenge Xiong Er, he is looking for death!
Bald Qiang laughed even more, as if he had seen the scene where Luo Xuan was completely maimed.

Wild Elephant also sighed, if there was still a chance of escape, Luo Xuan was going to attack Xiong Er, which undoubtedly ruined his last hope.

The red blood wolf also shook his head secretly in his heart. After all, he is a hot-blooded young man who doesn't know how to give in. Such a move is no different from sending him to death.

Xiong Er's gaze became even more disdainful.

However, at this time-


A heavy slap sounded, and Xiong Er was blown away by the blow!


Almost at the same time, there was a loud noise.

Xiong Er's whole body was directly embedded into the wall by Luo Xuan's fan!

Seeing this scene, Bald Qiang was stunned, Bald Qiang's subordinates were also stunned, and so were the wild elephant and the red blood wolf.

What did they see, Luo Xuan slapped Xiong Er directly into the wall?
What a terrifying power this is!


At this time, Xiong Er's huge body fell directly from the wall to the ground, and he had lost his breath.

His expression was still that arrogant look, but the expression had completely froze on his face.

It is enough to see that he did not react at all to Luo Xuan's slap just now.

Xiong Er, who was able to defeat Sanda King Kuangxiang in an instant, was killed in an instant by Luo Xuan's slap!

There was a chill in everyone's heart, what a terrifying power this is!

Luo Xuan's gaze also turned to Bald Qiang at this moment.

Bald Qiang felt like falling into an ice cave all over his body, and said sternly, "You killed Xiong Er, and Xiong Er's elder brother will not let you go! If you are sensible, you just...uh!"

Before he finished speaking, the whole person was speechless.

Because his whole body was directly pinched by Luo Xuan's throat.


The bald-headed Qiang was thrown directly by Luo Xuan into the pit that Xiong Er smashed just now.

The entire wall finally collapsed at this moment!

Until his death, Bald Qiang couldn't believe it, just because he wanted to deal with such a student boy, he let himself go to death completely! ! !
Those with strong bald heads were not spared either.

Soon, the people brought by Bald Qiang no longer had a living! ! !
Instead of looking at the wild elephant and the red blood wolf, Luo Xuan walked away with an indifferent face.

The red blood wolf woke up like a dream, regardless of his injuries, tried his best to get up from the ground, and limped to Luo Xuan together with the wild elephant.

"Mr. Xie, help me!"

The red blood wolf bowed his head respectfully, and his tone was extremely respectful.

"I didn't want to save you, they provoked me." Luo Xuan said indifferently.

"No matter what, sir saved me and the wild elephant, please accept this."

"In Jianglin City, Blood Wolf runs some commercial businesses. Such things may be useful to Mr. Wang."

With that said, the Scarlet Blood Wolf took out a black card from his pocket, and handed it to Luo Xuan respectfully.

Seeing the black card that the Red Blood Wolf took out, Kuang Xiang couldn't help being startled.

He knew what the black card in the hands of the Red Blood Wolf meant!
As if Luo Xuan had scanned the black card, he just accepted it casually, lest the Red Blood Wolf would do these unnecessary polite things that he didn't like.

After that, he left directly.

Seeing Luo Xuan accept the black card, Scarlet Blood Wolf breathed a sigh of relief.

In his opinion, no matter what, such a master must befriended!

"Blood Wolf Boss, Wild Elephant Warrior, are you all right?"

Not long after Luo Xuan left, a group of people rushed over in a panic, needless to say, they were from the Red Blood Wolf.

Seeing the Scarlet Blood Wolf and the Wild Elephant standing here, they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing Bald Qiang and his subordinates lying on the ground, some people couldn't help admiring: "As expected of the Wild Elephant Warlord, Bald Qiang and his mob are no match for the Wild Elephant Warlord at all!"

"No, I didn't do this." Kuang Xiang said solemnly.

Mad Elephant, actually said that he didn't do all of this?

Then who did all of this!

Who else has the ability to do all this!
The Red Blood Wolf said: "Notice, start to take over all the forces of Bald Qiang, and at the same time, let everyone dispatch to find someone!"

"Once you find it, don't offend him, and report to me immediately!"

Luo Xuan left the alley and walked towards the central street.

He didn't take what happened just now, even if he wanted to experience human nature, since Bald Qiang and others came to provoke him, they would have to bear his wrath!

However, at this moment, a sky blue sports car suddenly stopped beside him.


(PS: The heroine will appear in the next chapter! Book friends who have read the author’s previous book can guess what kind of character the heroine is~
Book friends who like to watch games and spread dog food, you can read the author's last book: "The Almighty Genius of League of Legends"~)
(End of this chapter)

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