Chapter 11 Is It You?

Luo Xuan turned his head to look, saw the people in the car clearly, and couldn't help but stop.

"It's you?"

Sitting in the sports car was a woman.

Her face is enough to be described as beautiful.

To Luo Xuan, her appearance was second to none, what he was concerned about was other things.

That night, he had sex with this woman!
In other words, it was precisely because of the woman in front of him that his ten thousand-year boy body was broken!
Although it was also the first time for a woman, thinking of all this, even in Luo Xuan's state of mind, her emotions fluctuated slightly.


The woman's snowy face seemed to be covered with eternal black ice, she said in a nonchalant voice.

Luo Xuan frowned, "What are you doing?"

There was a sense of coldness in the woman's tone, which made Luo Xuan frown.

However, he could tell that this did not seem to be done on purpose by the woman, but due to the inertia of being in a high position for a long time.

The woman's expression was not the slightest wave, "Get a marriage certificate with me."

Hearing the woman's words, Luo Xuan said: "If so, should I refuse?"

The woman glanced at Luo Xuan and said, "Of course you have the right to refuse, I can't force it."

Looking at the woman in front of him so closely, Luo Xuan finally remembered who she was.

"Unexpectedly, Mu Bingqing, the female president of Bingmeng Group, would want to marry me, an ordinary college student."

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, the woman didn't say anything, as if she acquiesced to all of this and her own identity.

"If I don't want to, what are you going to do, and continue to find a second man?" Luo Xuan said.

Right now, he naturally doesn't have any intention of marrying Mu Bingqing, but since Mu Bingqing found him and wanted to marry him, she might find another person.

Even though he doesn't have any feelings for Mu Bingqing, Mu Bingqing is still his woman, and at the same time, his only woman!
How could his woman marry another man!

But if Mu Bingqing wanted to use this method to restrain him and marry him, how could he be manipulated!

Mu Bingqing's voice was a little colder, and her expression was even more sullen.

"Who do you take me, Mu Bingqing! Even if that night was an accident, you are my only man, Mu Bingqing!"

"If you don't want to marry me, I will definitely never marry someone else, nor will I be touched by others!"

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Luo Xuan's brows tightened even more.

According to Mu Bingqing, even if he doesn't want to, she will not marry another man.

Luo Xuan could also tell that she was not lying.

From this point of view, even if he refused, there would be nothing wrong with it.

Don't worry, your own woman is touched by others.

The night between the two of them could be regarded as a dream.

Thinking this way, looking at Mu Bingqing, Luo Xuan said, "Okay, I agree!"

Mu Bingqing didn't ask what Luo Xuan was thinking just now, she glanced at Luo Xuan and then withdrew her gaze.

Luo Xuan also opened the co-pilot's door and sat in the co-pilot's seat.

Mu Bingqing quickly drove in the direction of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Along the way, neither of them said a word, as if two big icebergs came together.

Luo Xuan would agree to Mu Bingqing's marriage with her, naturally it was not unreasonable.

No matter what, Mu Bingqing was indeed his woman, and the only woman he had had in the past ten thousand years.

Even if it was him, it was impossible to completely ignore her, otherwise, when he was at the school gate, he wouldn't have wanted to use a big tracing technique to find out Mu Bingqing's identity.

On the other hand, when Luo Xuan was a human being, he never got married.

Afterwards, his whole heart was devoted to cultivation, so it was even less likely that he would have the idea of ​​getting married.

Since he wanted to experience human nature, marry Mu Bingqing and enjoy the feeling of being married, perhaps, it would make him feel more like a human being.

It is also naturally helpful for him to experience human nature.

Just now, even though it was Bald Qiang and the others who provoked him, Luo Xuan could feel that he was almost aroused by them to his demonic side!
He is the god emperor who traverses the starry sky, and he is also the devil emperor who shakes the universe. His demon nature has already been perfected, so how can he restrain it easily!

If he can't find a way to quickly strengthen his humanity, the purpose of his return this time will fall short!
After arriving at the place, Mu Bingqing and Luo Xuan walked down one after another.

When Mu Bingqing was standing on the ground, Luo Xuan could tell that her height would never be lower than 1.7 meters five.

She has a slender figure, a slender waist, and a pair of crystal-colored high-heeled shoes, making her look extremely tall.

She was wearing a light blue dress with lightly painted skirts around the skirt, which looked elegant and noble.

The light blue dress is not slim, but the chest part is still propped up high.

The black hair, like a beautiful waterfall pouring down, is naturally scattered on the fragrant shoulders.

Her snowy face was even covered with eternal frost, it wasn't a deliberate act, it seemed like it was born like this.

The feeling Mu Bingqing gave him was undoubtedly extraordinarily cool and elegant.

Her demeanor can even be compared to the Ice Moon Empress of the God Realm!

Luo Xuan also did not expect that when he returned this time, he would unexpectedly have such a wife.

Soon, the marriage formalities were completed.

After obtaining Luo Xuan's consent, Mu Bingqing also drove Luo Xuan to the villa where she lived.

The villa that Mu Bingqing lived in was very large and luxurious, but the overall tone was rather cold, giving people a very lonely feeling.

Perhaps only a character like Mu Bingqing could live in this environment.

"Very good place." Luo Xuan said.

He himself is also Xijing, and such a place is perfect for him.

Moreover, this place is very close to Tianhai University, even if he walks to the school, it only takes a short time.

"As long as you like it, since we are married, you are the host here." Mu Bingqing said expressionlessly.

After looking at the marriage certificate in her hand, she turned her gaze to Luo Xuan, and a different look flashed across Mu Bingqing's icy face.

Then, as if she had made up her mind, she said, "Since we are married and I am your wife, then I should too. Let you see my real appearance."

Saying that, Mu Bingqing slowly raised her jade hand and placed it on her jade cheek.

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Luo Xuan's expression didn't change at all.

With his eyesight, he could already tell that Mu Bingqing's face was covered with a layer of 'camouflage', similar to a delicately crafted human skin mask.

It can be said that Mu Bingqing's current appearance is not her real appearance. As for her real appearance, Luo Xuan can easily see through it, but he did not do so.

In his opinion, even if Mu Bingqing is an ugly monster, she is still his woman.

Since she didn't let herself see her real appearance before receiving the certificate, perhaps it is more likely that she is really an ugly monster.

However, Luo Xuan didn't pay much attention to all of this.

He married Mu Bingqing, firstly because Mu Bingqing was his woman, and secondly, to temper his own humanity. After getting married, maybe he could feel a little more human.

Mu Bingqing's appearance is beautiful and ugly, in his opinion, it doesn't matter.

But at this moment, Mu Bingqing gently moved her jade hand, and gently tore off the thin camouflage on Xueyan's face...

(End of this chapter)

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