Xiuxian returns, what the hell are multiple arrogant wives?

Chapter 159 The Divine Art is Finally Completed

Chapter 159 God's Art Finally Completed (Fourth Change)

After Luo Xuan left Song Xianming's mansion that was not yet taken back, he didn't immediately return to his and Mu Bingqing's villa.

Standing in the sky floating in the night, Luo Xuan's expression did not show the slightest wave.

It is not a pity for Song Xianming and Mr. Zhao's fate, but the two of them, it can also be said that Mr. Zhao, are right in what they said.

Mr. Zhao said just now that Mu Bingqing's intelligence, methods, and vigilance are all extremely high.

The kidnapping of Mu Bingqing planned by others, big and small, must be no less than hundreds of times, but I have never heard of anyone being successful.

Luo Xuan had thought about this point more than once.

Originally, on the day Mu Bingqing was almost kidnapped, when Luo Xuan rescued her, he didn't pay much attention to this.

At that time, Luo Xuan only thought that she was a vase bearing the name of the female president of Bingmeng Group.

After all, even if he is the president of the group, he may not be capable, and he may be a fool.

But after getting along with Mu Bingqing for this period of time, Luo Xuan felt that Mu Bingqing definitely possessed extremely high wisdom, means, courage, and was extremely decisive in dealing with things.

She is definitely not so easy to be kidnapped like this.

Furthermore, if she had been kidnapped so easily, to put it to the extreme, she would not have been able to live well until now.

But in that case, what happened that day?

Glancing at the night in the distance, Luo Xuan didn't stay any longer, and flew towards his and Mu Bingqing's villa.

After a while, Luo Xuan returned to their villa.

Stepping into their room, Mu Bingqing was still fast asleep. If he hadn't lifted the sleep-inducing mark on her body, she wouldn't wake up naturally.

Looking at Mu Bingqing who was sleeping soundly, Luo Xuan couldn't help but pause.

"Sure enough, it's very suitable. My vision is not wrong." Luo Xuan said lightly.

At this time, Mu Bingqing was undoubtedly wearing the Suyueliu Xueyi that he had just given her. The snow-white and flawless snow-cloth was attached to her body, making it fit perfectly.

And because Mu Bingqing was sleeping on her side with Luo Xuan in her arms, now that Luo Xuan left her side, she naturally slept on her side alone.

Outline a very perfect and attractive body curve.

Luo Xuan couldn't help feeling that his vision was indeed right, and the 800 million yuan was not in vain.

This Suyue Liuxue suit is perfect for Mu Bingqing.

Of course, it may also be that this Suyueliu Xueyi is worn on a stunning beauty like Mu Bingqing to have such an effect.

Luo Xuan slowly walked towards Mu Bingqing who was on the bed, and instead of lying down next to her, he stopped beside the bed.

Looking at Mu Bingqing in front of him, Luo Xuan's eyes fluctuated slightly when he thought about what he was thinking when he left the place where Song Xianming was just now.

"Forget it, today, let's make a slight exception."

As he spoke, Luo Xuan slowly stretched out his hand and stood in front of Mu Bingqing's beautiful forehead.

There was a faint golden glow on the hand.

After a while, Luo Xuan withdrew his hand.

He finally knew why Mu Bingqing was almost kidnapped that day.

"It turns out that Mu Bingqing stopped the car to wait for me that day, and even looked for me several times, wanting to take me back together." Luo Xuan's expression was slightly turbulent.

After leaving the hospital with Mu Bingqing that day, Luo Xuan once said that he had something to do and separated from Mu Bingqing.

But after Mu Bingqing left, he returned to the hospital and had a heart-to-heart talk with Lin Yunhai.

In addition to confirming that Lin Yunhai's fate was broken, he also learned a little bit about Mu Bingqing.

Afterwards, part of the power was used to directly open Huangquanhai, stepping into the netherworld to renew Lin Yunhai's life
But it was only at this time that Luo Xuan knew that Mu Bingqing had stopped the car to wait for him that day, and even looked for him several times, intending to drive him back together.

Even the route Mu Bingqing judged was quite correct, if Luo Xuan hadn't stepped into the Yellow Spring Sea and disappeared by the river, the two would have really run into each other.

If it weren't for this, and with some emergencies later, Mu Bingqing would not have been nearly kidnapped at all.

Although Luo Xuan didn't ask Mu Bingqing to wait for him, it can indeed be said that Mu Bingqing's near accident was because of him.

Staring at Mu Bingqing's perfect profile, Luo Xuan's eyes changed slightly.

"Mu Bingqing, you are really an interesting woman..."

When Luo Xuan's voice fell, a bright moonlight sprinkled from the sky, like a silver belt, through the window lattice, and sprinkled into the room.

The moonlight just reflected on Mu Bingqing's perfect snow face like the morning glow reflecting the snow.

Under the moonlight, Mu Bingqing, who was sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, simply formed the most beautiful picture scroll in the world.

Luo Xuan stared at Mu Bingqing for a long time, then slowly moved his eyes away, looking at the night outside.

"Forget it, since today has made an exception, the Bing Qing Jue will also be completed today."

As he said that, without any spatial fluctuation, Luo Xuan disappeared directly in place.

When it appeared again, it was already standing above the nine heavens!

"Three Thousand Illusory Worlds!"

With the activation of Luo Xuan's divine sense, the scene in front of him changed drastically again in an instant.

Even, as if all the heavens and worlds appeared directly in front of him!
Luo Xuan's expression was still calm, and he walked in directly, and disappeared in place.

After an unknown amount of time, when Luo Xuan reappeared, a divine formula exuding an incomparably cold aura had already appeared in his hand.

Remove the last power restriction on it, and suddenly, an extremely cold breath erupts instantly.

The tens of thousands of unmanned galaxies around, and even hundreds of millions of planets, were instantly frozen!
"It seems that tempering it is too perfect."

Luo Xuan talked to himself, without any emotion in his voice.

Mu Bingqing is his woman, and he will naturally refine the magic formula for his own woman to perfection.

However, his power level is much higher than that of the entire Heavenly Dao. With all his strength, he has directly created the current Bing Qing Jue.

Thinking of the all-out effort just now, Luo Xuan suddenly remembered what a person said to him.

In the devil world, he is the devil emperor, but he has a subordinate who is the only one who dares to tease him, named Moming.

Moming once jokingly said that Luo Xuan was indifferent to everything, and he had never seen Luo Xuan do his best for anyone or anything.

If one day, Luo Xuan can do his best for one person, that person must be Luo Xuan's empress.


Luo Xuan muttered softly, looking at the void in the distance, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Only the Bing Qing Jue in his hand exudes a strong icy aura...

(End of this chapter)

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