Chapter 160 The Person Who Cares (Part [-])
Luo Xuan cast his eyes into the distance, thinking about the empress that Moming jokingly called, Luo Xuan couldn't help thinking of when he just became emperor.

Luo Xuan ascended in a human body, but did not ascend to become a fairy, but directly ascended to become a god, and then became a fellow practitioner of gods and demons. His starting point was many times higher than others. He was simply a natural freak.

After that, he became a god emperor and a devil emperor, the supreme ruler, and commanded all the gods and demons.

And when he became emperor, he needed an emperor title, and in the end, Luo Xuan decided on Jiu Xuan as his title.

Although the gods and demons of the heavens did not know what Luo Xuan meant, they naturally did not dare to disobey Luo Xuan, and the name of Emperor Jiuxuan was determined accordingly.

Only Luoxuan knew why he took the name of Jiuxuan, and it was due to the fact that he ascended to the gods and became a demon through cultivation.

Luo Xuan was born and raised in the country of Hua, and throughout the history of the country of Hua, in ancient times, he was known as the Ninth Five Supreme.

Only because the single digits were divided into Yang numbers and Yin numbers in ancient times, odd numbers are Yang, even numbers are Yin, and among Yang numbers, nine is the highest, and five is in the middle, so nine and five symbolize the nobility of the emperor, and are called the nine-five supreme.

As far as nine and five are concerned, nine is more noble than five, because nine is the highest among yang numbers, and nine is the extreme number!

Among the nine five supreme beings, the nine is in front and the five is in the back. This is also the reason.

Therefore, when he became emperor, Luo Xuan directly took the nine characters, plus his single name, a Xuan character, and used the name of Jiu Xuan as his emperor title.

And the gods and demons of the heavens, except Luo Xuan, are all born as gods and demons, so naturally they don't know the deep meaning of this name.

In the final analysis, when Luoxuan decided on this emperor title, he was also influenced by the long-standing traditional culture of the Hua Kingdom, and made his own choice with a human mind.

"In retrospect, when I became emperor, I was afraid that my humanity was more than divinity and demonism. It's just that I don't know how much of my humanity is left after nearly [-] years have passed."

Luo Xuan spoke lightly, without the slightest emotion in his voice, then put away the Bingqing Art in his hand, glanced at the endless void in the distance, and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he had already returned to his and Mu Bingqing's villa.

Open the window on the second floor, just like last time, Luo Xuan flew in directly, and then closed the window, the few traces of dust on the window returned to their original positions, as if he had never gone out.

Walking in front of Mu Bingqing, Luo Xuan flipped his hand, and the scroll of Bingqing Jue had already appeared in his hand.

If it wasn't wrapped by his divine power, just taking out this volume of Bing Qing Jue in this way would cause an unimaginable ice disaster!
Luo Xuan's expression didn't change in the slightest, and with the light movement of his divine sense, the Bing Qing Jue in his hand directly turned into ice blue spots of light, which merged into Mu Bingqing's eyebrows little by little.

Luo Xuan didn't directly let Mu Bingqing practice this Bingqing formula, and didn't even directly imprint this formula in her mind.

After all, if there is such a formula directly in the mind, anyone will find it difficult to accept.

What Luo Xuan did was to strengthen the existence of the Bing Qing Art little by little in Mu Bingqing's subconscious, either through dreams or through other methods.

When things come to fruition, Mu Bingqing can fully accept the existence of this Bingqing Art, and gradually master it.

After doing all this, looking at Mu Bingqing's snowy face, Luo Xuan's expression slightly fluctuated.

"Mu Bingqing, today you said that compared to others, I'm a bit less human. I never thought that you would understand me so well."

These words, when Luo Xuan and Mu Bingqing were alone in the Spiritual Treasure Appreciation Association, Mu Bingqing had just told Luo Xuan, Luo Xuan naturally would not forget.

This was the first time Luo Xuan heard such words after returning this time.

Mu Bingqing was undoubtedly the first person to realize this.

Or, there were others who realized this, but they didn't mention it to Luo Xuan, or they didn't dare to mention it.

After glancing at Mu Bingqing, Luo Xuan slowly walked to the window, and turned his gaze to the night outside the window, gradually covering up the power of gods and demons in his body.

In terms of strength alone, he has reached the pinnacle and is at the peak. Although he can look down on everything, he also feels lonely from ancient times.

Luo Xuan was somewhat interested in martial arts at first, but now, he feels more and more disinterested.

Although he was experiencing human nature, even though he was only using his physical strength, no matter whether it was Luo Changsheng or Yang Fenghu, they were really too weak.

Not to mention, Mr. Chen and Mr. Li next to Bai Shixiong, or Su Ningxue's father, Su Qiancheng, the head of the Su family.

I thought that when I came into contact with the black market of martial arts, there would be a few promising warriors, but I didn't expect that even Zhou Laogui, who had a long-standing reputation in the black market, was still so weak.

Even Old Ghost Zhou is weaker than Yang Fenghu, and Luo Changsheng is no more than siblings.

All of this made Luo Xuan less interested in martial arts.

Luo Xuan was even thinking, should he take some time to go to the Tianshan Mountain, which is highly respected by Wenren Mu and others, and see how the martial arts on the Tianshan Mountain are!
If this Tianshan Mountain disappointed Luo Xuan, Luo Xuan might really not have to have any expectations for the martial arts on Earth.

"However, this Tianshan Mountain is not the pinnacle of martial arts. Maybe there will be even stronger martial arts on Earth." Luo Xuan said lightly.

As the saying goes, a leaf that blocks your eyes cannot see Mount Tai, and a frog at the bottom of a well cannot see the sea.

A person's position and strength determine the level of a person's vision.

Just like in the black market of martial arts, those warriors respected Old Ghost Zhou extremely. If Old Ghost Zhou had made a statement in the black market of martial arts, it is estimated that these people would kneel down and lick them as much as possible.

But in fact, the old ghost this week is not considered strong, not even as powerful as Yang Fenghu.

Vision limits those warriors in the martial arts black market, and it is difficult to have a higher pursuit.

Wenren Mu and others may have a higher vision than those warriors in the martial arts black market, but they naturally have their apex. The Tianshan Mountain they admire may not be the pinnacle of martial arts on earth.

"I hope that the ultimate in martial arts on earth will not disappoint me." Luo Xuan's eyes were indifferent.

He came back this time to experience human nature, and everything now is indeed developing towards a better place.

Everything was within his expectations, perhaps the only variable was Mu Bingqing.

Even Luo Xuan never imagined that when he returned this time, there would be such an unexpected and caring person.

Thinking of this, Luo Xuan couldn't help looking at Mu Bingqing who was on the bed.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xuan walked slowly towards Mu Bingqing, lay down beside Mu Bingqing, waved his hand, and a blue light flashed across, eliminating the sleep-inducing mark on Mu Bingqing's body.

Afterwards, Luo Xuan held Mu Bingqing in his arms, and finally fell asleep...

(End of this chapter)

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