Chapter 161 Joke, garbage (second more)
The next morning, when Luo Xuan woke up, Mu Bingqing wrapped herself around him like before.

Luo Xuan has long been used to this scene.

If someone else had such close contact with Mu Bingqing, and Mu Bingqing has such a hot and attractive figure, it would be impossible not to think about it.

However, Luo Xuan's expression did not change at all.

His concentration is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary men. At most, he was slightly shaken when facing her charming and charming Mu Mengqing last time.

But now, Luo Xuan's Vientiane Heaven Skill has advanced to the second level, even facing her incomparably charming Mu Mengqing's personality, it should not be so easy for her to become obsessed.

A moment later, Mu Bingqing's long eyelashes trembled slightly, then she slowly opened her beautiful eyes and woke up.

Seeing the scene in front of her, her eyes fluctuated slightly and then returned to normal. Immediately afterwards, she got off Luo Xuan's body as if nothing had happened.

After arranging her clothes briefly, Mu Bingqing got off the bed and walked out of the room.

Staring at Mu Bingqing's beautiful back for a while, Luo Xuan withdrew his gaze.

Maybe even Mu Bingqing didn't realize that she was already carrying a little bit of icy aura while walking.

"In the past, she just had a cold personality. In the future, perhaps not long after, she will truly become an ice beauty."

Luo Xuan said lightly, and then also walked out of the room.

When Luo Xuan went downstairs, Mu Bingqing was no longer in the living room on the first floor, and had obviously entered the yoga room.

Luo Xuan didn't say much, and walked directly into the kitchen.

Every morning, the two of them went through the same process. Luo Xuan made breakfast, while Mu Bingqing did yoga. After Mu Bingqing's yoga ended, breakfast was already ready.

And when the two of them finished their meal, Mu Bingqing would wash the tableware, and Luo Xuan didn't have to worry about it at all.

If there is no accident, sometimes the two of them will not have any verbal communication throughout the morning.

When making breakfast, Luo Xuan couldn't help but frowned slightly, because the fish he caught last time at Hongming Lake had already been used up before.

Now, they can only use the ingredients in the refrigerator. Although Mu Bingqing has the financial resources, it is not an exaggeration to say that the refrigerator used at home is the best in the world.

But no matter how good the preservation effect is, it is still not as fresh as living things.

"If you have free time, you can go to Hongming Lake again. If you can catch the floating fish and steam or braise it, it will undoubtedly be much more delicious."

Luo Xuan is still thinking about that fluttering fish in his heart. After all, looking at the whole earth, fluttering fish are extremely rare and noble fish.

Moreover, only the earth has it, and it is not easy to encounter such a one.

After Luo Xuan finished the breakfast, Mu Bingqing also came out of the yoga room, and the two quickly started eating.

During the meal between the two, the two did not have any verbal communication.

When the meal was over, Mu Bingqing directly took away the tableware from the dining table and washed them.

Usually at this time, Luo Xuan had already left.

However, he took a look in the direction Mu Bingqing was going, and after thinking about it, Luo Xuan walked towards Mu Bingqing slowly.

Coming to Mu Bingqing's side, Luo Xuan said calmly, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"It's okay."

Mu Bingqing responded lightly, and she was a little surprised that Luo Xuan would talk to her at this time.

Glancing at Mu Bingqing, Mu Bingqing was still wearing the Suyue Liuxue dress that Luo Xuan gave her.

If she didn't like it, after Mu Bingqing went downstairs, she would have enough time to change out of this dress and change back to the snow suit she used to wear, but she didn't change it out, but kept wearing it all the time.

Seeing this, Luo Xuan said lightly: "Then I will give you this dress, is it comfortable to wear?"

Hearing this, Mu Bingqing snorted coldly, and said, "I don't feel comfortable at all! If it didn't look much more pleasing to the eye than your Tiger Pill, I wouldn't accept it!"

Hearing what Mu Bingqing said, Luo Xuan was speechless for a while.

He didn't know why Mu Bingqing had been so strong, and why she had always been so upright.

Seeing that she was clearly talking hard, Luo Xuan said casually: "Since it's uncomfortable to wear, why don't you take off your clothes and go to sleep at night?"

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Mu Bingqing's icy eyes instantly fluctuated violently, and she subconsciously said, "No!"

When facing Luo Xuan at night, take off your clothes and sleep?

Thinking of all this, a faint blush flashed across Mu Bingqing's icy face.

Afterwards, looking at Luo Xuan, Mu Bingqing's snow cloak rose and fell violently on her chest, and said, "You, really want this?"

Taking a look at the violent ups and downs in front of Mu Bingqing, Luo Xuan said calmly, "It's just a joke."

After speaking, Luo Xuan didn't stay here any longer, and left here directly.

After Luo Xuan left, Mu Bingqing woke up suddenly.

"Even if I really feel uncomfortable with this dress, I can change into other clothes to sleep when I sleep, so why do I have to take off my clothes and sleep?"

"Such a simple truth, I usually can understand in a flash, why did I fall into his way just now, and in front of him, I was so upset just now!"

Thinking of the feeling of confusion that she had just now, Mu Bingqing couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that she would react like that.


Looking at the Suyueliu Xueyi on her body, Mu Bingqing's icy eyes showed a little bit of complexity.

"Besides, I don't hate this Suyueliu Xueyi..."

When Luo Xuan left the washroom and walked towards the entrance of the villa, he glanced at the corner casually.

In the corner, there were piles of the so-called treasures that Mu Bingqing took back yesterday, and they were also those things that Mu Bingqing and Luo Xuan regarded as rubbish and tattered things.

Yesterday Luo Xuan didn't take a closer look, but today he casually looked at it, and his eyes couldn't help but pause.

These so-called treasures have descriptions beside them.

Luo Xuan looked at it casually, and the first thing that caught his eye were two things with somewhat strange effects.

Red Taiyang’s frying pan: Supplemented with a little spiritual power, cooking food can increase the taste. Married women use this to control their men, which can improve men’s loyalty and resistance to attack.

Pure gold aura washboard: supplemented with a little spiritual power, married women use this to control their men, which can improve men's loyalty and lower body strength.

After just a glance, Luo Xuan withdrew his gaze.

"Sure enough, it's some rubbish."

After speaking, Luo Xuan didn't stay any longer, and directly left his and Mu Bingqing's villa, walking towards Tianhai University.

After Luo Xuan left the villa, Mu Bingqing remembered what Luo Xuan said just now, her eyes were still slightly complicated.

"He said just now that he asked me to take off his clothes and sleep with him at night. After all, was he joking..."

(End of this chapter)

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