Chapter 162 Receiving the wind meeting (third change)
After leaving the villa, Luo Xuan walked to Tianhai University.

When they came to the classroom, Sun Lei and the others were discussing something fervently at this moment, even if Luo Xuan came in, they didn't have much reaction.

With Luo Xuan's ear strength, he naturally heard what they were discussing.

"Brother Lei, are we really going to invite the head teacher to the party tonight?" a boy beside Sun Lei asked.

"of course!"

Sun Lei said: "Chu Shiyin is a real beauty, and her beauty is not inferior to the five campus beauties of our Tianhai University."

"In addition, Chu Shiyin has just arrived at Tianhai University, so many people probably don't know her yet. Such a piece of fat, if it's late, it will be snatched away by others!"

When Sun Lei called Chu Shiyin, he directly called him Chu Shiyin, not Teacher Chu, without the slightest respect. Obviously, he really regarded Chu Shiyin as the fat that he was about to get.

After Sun Lei finished speaking, one of his younger brothers immediately flattered him: "What Brother Lei said is that only Brother Lei can be worthy of a beautiful woman like Teacher Chu."

"With Lei Ge's family background and Lei Ge's ability, isn't Teacher Chu easy to catch?"

Hearing his younger brother's words, Sun Lei nodded with satisfaction, and his whole body was about to float.

Luo Xuan walked past Sun Lei and the others, and when he heard their conversation, his expression didn't change at all.

Sun Lei actually wants to pursue Chu Shiyin?
It would be fine if it was a normal pursuit method, but if Sun Lei dared to use any other means, he would undoubtedly have to withstand Chu Yueyin's beating!
"Brother Xuan, here."

Seeing Luo Xuan coming in, Hou Ji in the back row waved to Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan walked towards Hou Ji, and then sat down beside Hou Ji.

After sitting down, Luo Xuan glanced at Sun Lei and the others, and said to Hou Ji: "Monkey, Sun Lei and the others seem to be discussing about the new head teacher?"

Hou Ji nodded and said, "That's right, those guys with brains are planning to invite Teacher Chu to some party at night."

"It just so happens that Teacher Chu has just come to Tianhai University, and Sun Lei has just been appointed class monitor by Teacher Chu. He is going to hold a welcome party for Teacher Chu in this name. It must be difficult for Teacher Chu to refuse."

Hearing Hou Ji's words, Luo Xuan nodded slightly, but said nothing.

Indeed, if Sun Lei used such an excuse, it would be really difficult for Chu Shiyin to refuse.

At this moment, Chu Shiyin walked in, the discussion between Sun Lei and others stopped, and the whole class became much quieter in an instant.

But today's Chu Shiyin was wearing a very decent OL uniform, so beautiful that Sun Lei almost stared out of his eyes.

If it wasn't for Sun Lei's deliberate control, the corners of his mouth would probably be drooling.

Chu Shiyin glanced around the classroom, and seeing that everyone was here, she said, "Okay, since everyone is here, let's go to class!"

"Teacher, wait a moment!"

As soon as Chu Shiyin finished speaking, a voice sounded.

Seeing this, Chu Shiyin frowned slightly, and said, "Student Sun Lei, what's the matter?"

It was none other than Sun Lei who yelled that voice just now.

Sun Lei stood up from his seat and said, "Teacher, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but there is still some time in class, so I want to tell you something first."

Hearing Sun Lei's words, Chu Shiyin said, "Okay, student Sun Lei, tell me."

After Sun Lei said that, she couldn't let Sun Lei speak directly.

Besides, it is true that it is not time for class now. Strictly speaking, there are still 2 minutes.

Just listen to Sun Lei said: "That's right, teacher, since you just came to Tianhai University and our class, the class held a welcome party for you."

"This welcome party is tonight, I hope you can attend."

Hearing what Sun Lei said, Chu Shiyin's slender brows frowned even deeper.

"Student Sun Lei, the teacher is already very satisfied that you have this kind of heart, but you are still students after all, so you still have to focus on your studies."

"Forget about the gathering this time. When you graduate, the teacher will naturally get together with you."

As if he knew that Chu Shiyin would say this, Sun Lei spoke up.

"Teacher, it's natural to get together when you graduate, but this meal for you is naturally indispensable. Besides, I am the monitor you appointed, and I haven't reported to you about my work. Tonight is a good opportunity."

"This..." Hearing this, Chu Shiyin couldn't help but hesitate slightly.

Afterwards, Chu Shiyin said again: "Even if it is to report work, you can go to the office to do it. This kind of large-scale gathering is really too extravagant and wasteful, and it is not good for you."

Sun Lei smiled and said, "Teacher, don't worry, we're just holding a small gathering tonight. Not all the students will go. Keep everything simple and never wasteful."

Hearing Sun Lei's words, Chu Shiyin hesitated even more.

"Then, which classmates will go?" Chu Shiyin said.

"Teacher, I will go!"

"Teacher, I will go too!"

After Chu Shiyin's voice fell, several boys raised their hands directly. Without exception, these people were all Sun Lei's dogs.

Sun Lei also had a smug expression on his face. If there is no accident tonight, Chu Shiyin is completely in his pocket!
Even compared to the five campus beauties of Tianhai University, Chu Shiyin is not inferior in the slightest.

Moreover, compared to the five campus beauties of Tianhai University, Chu Shiyin obviously has a more mature feeling and more charm.

More importantly, each of the five campus beauties of Tianhai University has its own suitors, and some Sun Lei is completely unwilling to provoke.

But Chu Shiyin, who just came to Tianhai University, many people must not know her, and they don't know that Tianhai University has such a top female teacher.

To Sun Lei, Chu Shiyin is undoubtedly a piece of fat, or a piece of fat that no one covets, how could Sun Lei let it go so easily!

Chu Shiyin looked around, as if she was looking for something, and finally her eyes fixed on Luo Xuan.

"Student Luo Xuan, will you go?"

Hearing Chu Shiyin's words, Sun Lei's expression froze completely!
He didn't understand, Su Ningxue was fine, why, why even Chu Shiyin paid so much attention to Luo Xuan!
Sun Lei never expected that Chu Shiyin would ask Luo Xuan for his opinion alone at this time!
Could it be that Chu Shiyin and Luo Xuan already had some kind of special relationship?

(End of this chapter)

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