Chapter 16 Hou Ji's Girlfriend

Hearing the voice in his ear, Sun Jianren was completely dumbfounded!

Looking back with difficulty, his legs became weaker for a while.

The person standing by the door was none other than the principal of Tianhai University, Zheng Shouqiong!
After the words fell, Zheng Shouqiong turned and left with a livid face, and Sun Jianren didn't care about others, and hurried after him.

Hou Ji couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Haha, Sun Jianren, it's really retribution, now he will suffer!"

"Brother Xuan, do you think so?"

Luo Xuan took a deep look at the direction where Sun Jianren was leaving, stretched out his hand and flicked the air slightly, then retracted his gaze as if nothing had happened, and nodded slightly.

"Yes, if you do many unrighteous acts, it will be a matter of retribution sooner or later." Luo Xuan said.

The other students in the classroom looked at each other even more in blank dismay. Did Sun Jianren open his mouth?
Sun Jianren went there and didn't come back until the end of get out of class.

The students in the classroom were a little strange. Even if Zheng Shouqiong asked Sun Jianren to go to his office, it would be impossible to stay with Sun Jianren for such a long time.

Although it was strange, they couldn't think of a better explanation. It was just that Zheng Shouqiong really lost his temper.

Hou Ji was naturally a little strange, but he didn't think too much about it.

Seeing that it was almost noon, Hou Ji said with a chuckle: "Brother Xuan, you haven't forgotten what I told you yesterday, have you?"

"You are mine at noon today, let's go, brother will take you to a good meal!"

Luo Xuan nodded, he also wanted to see if Hou Ji would encounter some kind of accident today.

If something really happens, he will do it with all his strength!
When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, at noon, Luo Xuan and Hou Ji left the school together.

Shi Hao Hotel!
When Luo Xuan and Hou Ji came here, there were already people waiting at the door.

It was a girl, although she was far inferior to Su Ningxue and Xia Mengxi in appearance, let alone Mu Bingqing, but she was much taller than ordinary girls, enough to be called a beauty.

But her dress is extremely revealing!

The upper body is wearing a lace suspender skirt, which is exposed where it should not be exposed. The style of the suspender skirt is sandy and translucent, and some skin is faintly visible.

She was wearing a very short black miniskirt on her lower body, and her face was painted with heavy makeup, especially the deep eye shadow.

A few meters away, Luo Xuan smelled a strong smell of powder!
Seeing this, Luo Xuan couldn't help frowning slightly, he really couldn't understand how Hou Ji would like such a girl.

This girl is none other than Hou Ji's girlfriend, Xu Shuang!

Turning his gaze to Hou Ji, Luo Xuan noticed that Hou Ji's brows were also slightly frowned, apparently Xu Shuang's dress like this also displeased him a little.

"A Shuang, why are you dressed like this today?" Hou Ji frowned.

Xu Shuang didn't feel that there was anything wrong, "To see Young Master Zhang today, of course you have to dress up well, otherwise it's going to embarrass you?"

Hearing Xu Shuang's words, Hou Ji moved his lips, but finally said nothing.

Xu Shuang noticed Luo Xuan, frowned, and said, "Hou Ji, why did you bring him here?"

Hou Ji smiled and said, "A Shuang, what's the matter if I invite my brother to have a meal together?"

As he said that, Hou Ji wanted to hook Xu Shuang's shoulder, but Xu Shuang dodged it directly.

Xu Shuang looked at Luo Xuan with disgust, and said to Hou Ji: "If you insist on letting him in, Zhang Zichen and Zhang Shao will blame him later, I don't care!"

With that said, Xu Shuang turned around and walked into the hotel!

Hou Ji's complexion was also a bit ugly, and he was full of shame and said: "Brother Xuan, I didn't know she would be like this..."

"It's okay, Monkey, let's go in." Luo Xuan said.

On the way, Luo Xuan already knew the ins and outs of the matter.

Hou Ji's father's company has suffered a lot of accidents recently, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is on the verge of bankruptcy!

In order to get rid of this situation, Hou Ji has been thinking of ways to share his father's worries recently.

And Xu Shuang recommended this Young Master Zhang to Hou Ji and said that Young Master Zhang was her friend.

As long as Hou Ji can have a meal with Young Master Zhang and gain a relationship with Young Master Zhang, the problem of Hou Ji's father's company can be solved easily.

Since it was Xu Shuang's recommendation, Hou Ji naturally agreed quickly, and made an appointment at the five-star hotel, Shi Hao Hotel!
Asking Luo Xuan to come, naturally, as he said, he wanted to treat Luo Xuan to a good meal.

He knew that if he directly invited Luo Xuan to eat at such a place, Luo Xuan would definitely not agree.

Only in this form of a dinner party, can Luo Xuan come with him, take good care of Luo Xuan's self-esteem, and let Luo Xuan have a good meal with him!
Luo Xuan was naturally aware of all this, he had indeed received a lot of care from Hou Ji when he was a boy.

He has participated in many similar dinners.

Just thinking of today's situation, Luo Xuan couldn't help shaking his head.

No wonder Hou Ji was ignorant of people when he was young and was deceived by Xu Shuang. After all, Hou Ji was too innocent.

Today's matter is far from being so simple that it can be solved with a meal!
During those dinners in the past, Hou Ji's father's company hadn't had any problems, and during those dinners, others came to curry favor with Hou Ji, so naturally there wouldn't be any problems.

Even if he followed to participate in such a dinner, others would not say anything, and would flatter and curry favor with him.

But today, it was Hou Ji who wanted to find the young man to do something, and the identities of the begging and the begging were completely changed, so how could it be the same?
If he doesn't come today, I'm afraid Hou Ji will be ridiculed and humiliated!
Luo Xuan and Hou Ji walked into the Shihao Hotel together. This time, the private room that Hou Ji reserved was on the fourth floor. Apart from the most luxuriously decorated banquet hall, there are also many high-end private rooms of this kind.

After everything was ready, it wasn't until half an hour after the appointed time that Mr. Zhang arrived late.

"Sister Xu Shuang, I'm really sorry. There was a traffic jam on the road for a while, and we were late." Zhang Zichen said.

Although he had a gentle and elegant posture, there was a trace of hidden deep fire in his eyes when he looked at Xu Shuang.

"It's okay, we just arrived too."

Saying that, Xu Shuang stretched out her hand and held it with Zhang Zichen.

Luo Xuan noticed that when the two let go, Zhang Zichen touched Xu Shuang's hand unobtrusively, but Xu Shuang didn't feel disgusted at all, even though Hou Ji was right next to him!
Luo Xuan also read a hint of affection from the eyes of the two.

Hou Ji obviously didn't notice all this.

Noticing all this, Luo Xuan couldn't help frowning.

It seems that this Zhang Zichen is not just her friend as Xu Shuang said!

(End of this chapter)

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