Chapter 17 Please go out!
"This is Miss Xu Shuang, Young Master Zhang is right, she is really beautiful!"

"I've heard Young Master Zhang talk about Miss Xu Shuang a long time ago, and today I finally saw a real person!"

Zhang Zichen didn't come by himself, he was accompanied by two elders and young children. After Zhang Zichen's voice fell, the two of them also spoke one after another.

However, the position of the two of them was a little behind Zhang Zichen, and it could be seen that the two of them were below Zhang Zichen!

It can also be seen from the two people's addressing of Zhang Zichen, if they are the same level as Zhang Zichen, they will not call Zhang Zichen Young Master Zhang, but Zichen or something like that.

Zhang Zichen deliberately brought these two people along, fearing that he deliberately highlighted how noble his status is!

In addition to these two, there were four burly bodyguards standing behind Zhang Zichen with stern faces.

"Sister Xu Shuang, this is Yan Guangjie, and this is Wu Shiming. Both of their companies are in Jianglin City, and both of them are at the tens of millions level."

Zhang Zichen and Xu Shuang introduced, with a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Xu Shuang's eyes also lit up, and she stretched out her hands to shake hands with Yan Guangjie and Wu Shiming respectively.

Several people chatted quickly, and Hou Ji and Luo Xuan seemed to be completely ignored.

After a while, Xu Shuang seemed to have just remembered, and introduced: "Young Master Zhang, this is my boyfriend, Hou Ji."

Hearing Hou Ji's introduction, Zhang Zichen said in a neutral tone, "Oh, hello."

Hou Ji was a little displeased by the other party's attitude, but thinking that he was the one asking for something today, he could only bear it.

Just when Hou Ji was about to say something, Zhang Zichen glanced at Luo Xuan who was at the side, and said, "Is this the cleaning staff in the private room? Why don't you go out?"

After Zhang Zichen's voice fell, the atmosphere in the entire private room suddenly froze!

Yan Guangjie also followed suit: "Young Master Zhang said, should this cleaner go out?"

Hearing what the two said, Hou Ji's face instantly became extremely ugly.

"Young Master Zhang, Young Master Yan, brother Xuan is my brother, not some cleaning staff!" Hou Ji said coldly.

Hearing Hou Ji's words, Zhang Zichen seemed a little surprised, and said, "Really, that's because Zichen's eyesight is dull."

Although he said this, his tone was still very flat, and he didn't mean to apologize to Luo Xuan at all.

In fact, how could he not know that when he came to the hotel, Xu Shuang told him that besides her boyfriend Hou Ji, Hou Ji brought another person here today.

It was in response to Xu Shuang's wishes that he would find an opportunity to humiliate Luo Xuan at this time!

There was also a hint of contempt in Xu Shuang's eyes, and he said, "Young Master Zhang, don't worry about him, Luo Xuan is just a poor friend of Hou Ji's, and he just came here to eat!"

Hou Ji's face turned completely cold, and he said, "A Shuang, be careful with what you say, what do you mean by being here for dinner!"

"Originally, why don't people say it?" Xu Shuang sneered.

Seeing that Hou Ji was on the verge of eruption, Zhang Zichen's eyes flashed a gleam, and he said, "Hehe, what happened today is my fault. Let's have dinner first, and put these unpleasant things aside for now."

After speaking, he walked to the main seat and sat down.

Hou Ji wanted to quarrel with Xu Shuang and Zhang Zichen just now, but Luo Xuan held him back and calmed him down a bit.

Hearing Zhang Zichen's words again, as if he really wanted to apologize, Hou Ji temporarily suppressed his anger and sat down.

But when she was sitting, Xu Shuang didn't sit beside Hou Ji, but beside Zhang Zichen!

Naturally, the four bodyguards did not take their seats, but next to Xu Shuang was Wu Shiming, next to Zhang Zichen was Yan Guangjie, followed by Luo Xuan and Hou Ji.

It can be said that the positions of Hou Ji and Xu Shuang are completely separated by Wu Shiming!
Luo Xuan's gaze also turned completely cold.

Because he saw that Zhang Zichen's hand had already been placed on Xu Shuang's thigh, and his hand was not honest at all!
They probably had discussed this seat a long time ago. Wu Shiming was a bit taller. He sat there, directly blocking most of Hou Ji's line of sight. Hou Ji didn't notice Zhang Zichen and Xu Shuang's small movements at all.

But Luo Xuan, how could he not notice!

Under Zhang Zichen's actions, Xu Shuang not only did not feel any disgust, but even gave Zhang Zichen a charming white look.

Really, a shameless woman!

After sitting down, Zhang Zichen glanced at Luo Xuan, and then at Yan Guangjie.

Yan Guangjie understood, with a meaningful smile on his face, he said to Luo Xuan beside him: "Brother Luo, I made a slip of the tongue just now, I apologize to you."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to Luo Xuan.

Luo Xuan's eyes were flat, and he directly held hands with Yan Guangjie.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Zichen's eyes showed a hint of gloating.

He knew exactly how strong Yan Guangjie's hand was, for an ordinary student like Luo Xuan, Yan Guangjie would definitely break his hand bones!
Zhang Zichen also quietly put his lips to Xu Shuang's ear, and told her all this.

After hearing Zhang Zichen's words, Xu Shuang showed a trace of revenge-like pleasure on his face.

It seemed as if he had already seen the scene where Luo Xuan's hand bones were broken and he screamed!
Seeing Yan Shijie and Luo Xuan holding hands together, Wu Shiming also understood, with a smile on his face.

Just when they were expecting Luo Xuan's hand bones to be crushed and screamed...


A cracking sound resounded throughout the private room.


After the sound, it was accompanied by an incomparably shrill scream!

Hearing this voice, Zhang Zichen's face froze completely, Xu Shuang was even more stunned for a moment, and the smile that Wu Shiming just showed was also completely froze on his face.

Because the one who screamed was not Luo Xuan, but Yan Guangjie! ! !
After breaking Yan Guangjie's hand bones, Luo Xuan didn't let go of his hand immediately. Instead, he shattered all Yan Guangjie's hand bones with his strength, and then let go of his own hand!
Yan Guangjie couldn't control himself and fell to the ground. Beads of sweat flowed down his forehead. It was enough to imagine how much pain he was enduring now!
Zhang Zichen hadn't expected the scene in front of him at all, but this scene just gave him and Luo Xuan a reason to turn against each other!

"Brother Luo, Guangjie is kind enough to shake hands with you to apologize, what do you mean by that!" Zhang Zichen said.

Before Luo Xuan said anything, Hou Ji said angrily:
"Young Master Zhang, please go out. For today's meal, I will invite my brother, not you!"

(End of this chapter)

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