Xiuxian returns, what the hell are multiple arrogant wives?

Chapter 37 The Underworld, the Nether Gate!

Chapter 37 The Underworld, the Nether Gate!
Luo Xuan stepped into Huangquanhai, and the world around him instantly turned gray.

And Luo Xuan's expression didn't change at all, and he walked forward slowly.

Huangquan is the last place in the world, perhaps countless people have imagined its appearance.

But no matter how you imagine it, it is not as real as experiencing it yourself.

In the whole underworld, there are wandering souls from time to time, and they all retain the appearance in front of them.

It's okay to die of illness, at least the body is still healthy. If the death is caused by some other disasters, in this sea of ​​yellow springs, people's perception will naturally not be much better.

Many souls are walking forward aimlessly, and many of them completely dissipate as they walk.

It is the real dissipation, completely dissipating in the whole world, without even the chance of reincarnation.

Some people think that living is a kind of pain, and they want to die to seek relief, but they don't know that after death, it is still suffering.

If there is not enough obsession, even Huang Quanhai will not be able to pass through, and will completely dissipate between heaven and earth.

And this process of complete dissipation, the pain experienced, and even the pain of nothingness after dissipation are completely unimaginable for ordinary people.

I don't know if those people who despise their own lives will want to ask for death after knowing all this.

As a human being, no matter how difficult life is, we must work hard to live!

Even Luo Xuan has wandered between life and death for countless times in the past ten thousand years.

If it weren't for his obsession and persistence, how could he be what he is today, and how could he have the supreme power to overlook the vastness of the world?

Living, there are countless possibilities!

Luo Xuan was walking in the entire Yellow Spring, and the souls around him had almost completely dissipated.

In this case, his whole person is completely highlighted.

Because from the beginning to the end, his footsteps did not deviate in any way, let alone the slightest pause. He walked all the way on the road in front of him.

It is very close to the end of Huangquan.

"Hey, this soul's obsession is very deep."

At the gate at the end of the underworld, several ghost messengers had already noticed Luo Xuan.

They have stayed here long enough. Although there are not many souls who can pass through Huangquan, they are not particularly rare.

But it was the first time for them to see someone like Luo Xuan, whose expression was so calm that he couldn't be more calm, walking directly all the way.

Luo Xuan didn't bother with these ghost messengers, watching the door in front of him slowly approaching, he continued to walk past.

His purpose is not in Huangquan, but in the nether world behind the gate of Huangquanhai!

The nether world is his goal this time!

However, when Luo Xuan was getting closer and closer to the gate, a harsh voice suddenly came from above.

"Human! Your vitality is not broken, why did you come to Huangquan!!!"

The stern voice, accompanied by the overwhelming coercion, made the surrounding ghosts almost unable to stand still.

Immediately afterwards, a huge figure descended directly from the sky.

This huge figure has three dog heads, each of which has a mouth full of fangs, uttering human words, and a tail, which is a snake's tail.

The guardian of the Nether Gate, the hell three-headed dog!
Seeing the hell three-headed dog in front of him, Luo Xuan frowned slightly.

He hasn't been to the Netherworld for thousands of years, when did the guardian of the Nether Gate become a three-headed beast!
"Human! Answer the question of the deity!" The hell three-headed dog roared.

Luo Xuan raised his head, looked directly at the three-headed hell dog, and said in a nonchalant voice: "If this emperor wants to, he can go anywhere in this world."

The arrogance of the three-headed dog stagnated slightly, and then, it laughed even more arrogantly.

"Hahaha! Ben Emperor? You are so generous, I didn't expect that you are not only a human being who does not know how to live or die, but also a human being who has problems with his brain!"

The hell three-headed dog laughed wildly, and the many ghosts beside him even flattered them.

"Master Three-Headed Dog said that this kid has a problem with his brain at first glance."

"I think this kid, he committed a second-year illness and tried to die, so he came here out of nowhere!"

"That's right, this kid doesn't think he's still filming, he doesn't even know he's half-dead, he's really like what Master Three-Headed Dog said, he's a human being with a dull mind!"

"Thanks to the three-headed dog-sama's sharp eyesight, otherwise this kid would have been fooled!"

The ghost servants around were flattering and flattering, and the flattery on their faces was completely undisguised.

Hearing these flattering words around him, the hell three-headed dog also felt a burst of satisfaction.

Looking at Luo Xuan in front of him, the hell three-headed dog sneered, "Since you're here, let's stay here for good!"

Huang Quan is not a human being who has not been to Huang Quan and has not completely cut off its vitality. Naturally, the three-headed dog can send it back and erase its memory in Huang Quan, but it did not do so.

In its view, a human like Luo Xuan should be shot to death directly to save trouble.

After finishing speaking, one of its evil claws directly slapped Luo Xuan!

If it was an ordinary human being, under this claw, it would definitely be torn apart!

Seeing the hell three-headed dog patted Luo Xuan with its claws, the ghosts around them also had sneer on their faces.

It seemed as if he had already seen the scene where Luo Xuan was photographed being torn apart!
Just when the hell three-headed dog didn't pay attention to Luo Xuan at all, and was about to slap Luo Xuan to death with one paw, the ghost guards around also sneered.

A golden light suddenly flashed!


The screams of the hell three-headed dog filled the entire underworld.

Its claw that jumped out was directly cut off by Luo Xuan!
Moreover, the golden light that cut off its claws did not stop after cutting off its claws, but continued to move forward.

It was directly facing the head of the claw just now, and it was directly cut off by this golden glow!
This scene that happened suddenly was completely beyond the expectations of the hell three-headed dog, and made all the ghost messengers stunned.

This... what's the situation!
At this moment, Luo Xuan's temperament completely changed, and a huge coercion emanated directly from him, even the hell three-headed dog felt suffocated for a while.

"Heh, I didn't expect that this emperor has not been in the Netherworld for only 3000 years, and even a three-headed beast would dare to offend this emperor!"

Luo Xuan's words, accompanied by bursts of Dao laws, in front of Luo Xuan, the hell three-headed dog felt as small as a grain of sand!
Not only his temperament, but Luo Xuan's appearance also changed at this time.

It changed back to his handsome, handsome face when he was at the gate of Tianhai University.

Seeing the scene in front of him, deep fear appeared in the eyes of the three-headed hell dog!
He felt that all his hairs were trembling, and that huge body bent down directly.

"Hell three-headed dog, bye...greetings to Emperor Jiuxuan!"

(End of this chapter)

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