Chapter 38 Nine Profound Emperors!

Emperor Nine Profound! ! !

Hearing the three-headed hell dog's words, the ghost messengers around were completely stunned.

Even if they are the most ordinary existences, they also know that Emperor Jiuxuan is the supreme existence in this world!

They all knelt on the ground with a plop.

"Greetings...greetings to Emperor Jiuxuan!"

After finishing speaking, each of them dared not breathe, and their whole bodies were trembling uncontrollably.

With their weak cultivation base, even if they touch any power breath of Luo Xuan, it will completely dissipate.

Just now, if it weren't for the fact that Luo Xuan's angry shout was just random, without deliberately exerting force, and the coercion was all concentrated on the hell three-headed dog, all of them would have completely dissipated long ago!
But now, these ghosts can't wait to dissipate completely!
At the very least, that would be a one-and-done thing, and angered Emperor Jiuxuan, who knows what the end will be like!

Looking at the hell three-headed dog and a kind of ghost messenger kneeling in front of him, Luo Xuan's expression remained calm.

Nine Xuan Emperor Zun is his emperor title!
In this universe, he is both Luo Xuan and Luo Jiuxuan!
"Offend this emperor, do you know what will happen?"

As he said that, Luo Xuan's gaze flickered, and a golden glow shot out from his fingertips, and one of the heads of the hell three-headed dog was severed again!
With ten fingers connected to a heart, the pain of severed fingers has become unbearable for countless people, let alone a head that is connected with flesh and blood like the hell three-headed dog was cut off directly!

But the hell three-headed dog didn't dare to make a sound!
If it made Luo Xuan unhappy, it might die on the spot at any time today!
"You beast offends this emperor, and this emperor cuts off both ends of your feet, do you accept?" Luo Xuan said lightly.

"Three-headed dog, obey!" The only remaining head of the three-headed dog lowered.

Glancing at the three-headed hell dog, Luo Xuan said: "You have two severed heads and one foot. Under the law of this emperor, without the permission of this emperor, you will not be able to regenerate for the rest of your life. I will let you remember today's lesson forever!"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, the hell three-headed dog secretly groaned in his heart, but he didn't dare to say a word.

With its power, it naturally has the ability to regenerate its head and limbs, but it knows that under Luo Xuan's words, its head and severed limbs will never be able to regenerate for life!

In the future, it will no longer be a hell three-headed dog, but a hell three-legged dog!

And the two heads that were cut off by Luo Xuan, if one is on the left and the other is on the right, it will be fine, at least the middle one is left, at least it looks more beautiful.

But what Luo Xuan cut off was the middle head plus the right head, leaving only the left head.

In the eyes of others, it looks like its head is crooked, plus he is missing a foot. Needless to say, in appearance, it must be very ugly, and it can even be said to be funny!
The hell three-headed dog felt so bitter that he didn't know what to say.

From its point of view, Luo Xuangui is the emperor of Jiuxuan, if he wants to come here, he can just come here directly, how dare he not treat him respectfully, why did he change his appearance again, and come for a private visit in a micro-service.

The power gap between it and Luo Xuan is so big, naturally it can't be sensed.

Isn't this a pit dog!

Luo Xuan walked towards the gate of the Netherworld without even looking at the ghost servants kneeling on the ground.

"These people offended the emperor, so I will leave it to you to deal with."

After speaking, Luo Xuan directly stepped into the Nether Gate.

After Luo Xuan's words fell, the three-headed hell dog looked at the ghost messengers with a strong and fierce look.

Now it just has no place to vent!
Seeing the eyes of the three-headed hell dog, those kneeling ghost messengers trembled even more.

They are all too clear about the means of the hell three-headed dog. If they fall into the hands of the hell three-headed dog, they will definitely have no good fruit to eat.

Now each of them felt deep remorse in their hearts!

If they were given another chance, they would never dare to disrespect Luo Xuan in words.

Not long after, outside the gate of Netherworld, there was a hell three-headed dog roaring loudly!
When Luo Xuan stepped into the Nether Gate, the scene in front of him changed for a while, and it was no longer the same as Huang Quanhai.

And Luo Xuan stepped into the gate of Netherworld so openly, it is impossible for the whole Netherworld not to know.

Hades, who was in charge today, hurriedly brought a group of his men down to Luo Xuan, and saluted Luo Xuan in a panic.

Before he could speak, Luo Xuan glanced at the person who came, and said calmly: "Which Hades are you, why hasn't this Emperor seen you?"

The King of Hades saluted hurriedly, and said: "Go back to Emperor Jiuxuan, the kings of Hades in the ten halls are all in retreat, and the villain is the agent of King Hades, King Abi."

After King Abi finished speaking, Luo Xuan glanced at him, didn't speak, and walked directly towards the direction of the life wheel platform.

Seeing Luo Xuan's appearance of completely ignoring himself, A Bi Wang felt a little sullen.

During the period of Yan Luo's retreat in the ten halls, he was the supreme existence here, and no one was respectful to him.

No matter what, he could be regarded as the king of one side, and A Bi Wang felt a little angry in his heart.

But he naturally wouldn't show this emotion, he didn't know what Luo Xuan was going to do, and after sorting out his emotions, King Abi could only keep up.

Before arriving at the Fate Wheel Platform, Luo Xuan stopped his footsteps.

Seeing this, King Abi said cautiously: "What is the reason why the emperor is here?"

Luo Xuan said lightly: "This emperor came here to continue his life for a mortal."

Hearing this, King Abi was stunned, and then said in shock: "Emperor, you can't! The fate of mortals is determined by heaven, and you can't change your fate!"


Luo Xuan's expression remained calm, "Heaven dare not interfere with what this Emperor has done, let alone punish him!"


"Give Lin Yunhai's life wheel book to this emperor, don't ask this emperor to say it a second time!"

Being reprimanded coldly by Luo Xuan, Abi King felt even more furious.

Looking at Luo Xuan's body, he seemed to have discovered something, and said cautiously: "The emperor came here in person today, not in his soul body?"

"Is there a problem?" Luo Xuan asked lightly.

Hearing Luo Xuan's confessed words, a ray of light suddenly flashed in Abi King's eyes.

His bowed body slowly straightened up, and the expression on his face also became loose.

Even, there is already a little arrogance.

"Luo Jiuxuan, you'd better apologize to this king quickly, otherwise this king will make you unable to get out of the netherworld today!"

King Abi no longer respects Luo Xuan as Emperor Zun, but calls him by his first name, without any respect!

The tone was even more arrogant to the extreme, even accompanied by bursts of arrogance.

Following the words of King Abi, the entire atmosphere of the nether world dropped to freezing point!

(End of this chapter)

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