Chapter 5 Lin Yu Bears a Grudge!

After Luo Xuan's words were finished, many people only felt that there was a thunderbolt in their ears.

Being taken care of by a man?
This is the first time they know about such a thing!

And judging by Lin Yu's reaction, is this still true?

Many people only knew that Lin Yu should not be messed with, because many people who provoked Lin Yu did not end well.

The teacher would nod and bow in front of Lin Yu, and the dean would give Lin Yu face.

Could it be that the root of all this is that Lin Yu was taken care of by a powerful man? !
Lao Di was completely exposed by Luo Xuan in front of everyone, Lin Yu's face turned green and pale, but he didn't dare to say anything after all.

After struggling to get up, she wrote on the blackboard that she went to self-study this morning, and left the classroom with a livid face.

She lost all face today!

Even so, she didn't dare to say the words about going to self-study this morning, but wrote them with chalk.

It is enough to see how much fear Luo Xuan left in her heart just now!
Lin Yu walked out of the classroom, just in time to meet the teacher who was in charge of the class.

Seeing Lin Yu, the teacher subconsciously wanted to nod and bow.

Lin Yu was full of anger at this time, seeing this teacher, he finally couldn't help roaring.


In the classroom, Lin Yu's roar could be heard.

The teacher didn't know what happened, so he could only leave in despair.

After Lin Yu left, Luo Xuan's gaze swept across the classroom, and everyone who caught his gaze lowered their heads unconsciously.

However, most of the boys are still a little dismissive in their hearts.

Tianhai University advocates martial arts, and there is also a martial arts club in the school. Even ordinary boys are much stronger than boys from other universities.

Even if Luo Xuan slapped Lin Yu from the backstage to the front podium, some boys thought they could do it, and didn't think Luo Xuan was so good at fighting.

It's just that they don't want to encounter Luo Xuan's misfortune at this time.

Looking across the classroom, Luo Xuan's gaze was always indifferent.

This is human nature!
The jealousy in human nature is unavoidable even for some gods and demons, but it is undoubtedly more vividly displayed in human beings!
Because she was jealous of Su Ningxue's beauty, Lin Yu came to trouble herself today.

Because he was jealous of Su Ningxue's kindness to him, even if he had not treated these people badly in the class before, these people's eyes were full of gloating when they were troubled by Lin Yu.

Wild beasts drink blood with their fur, like uncivilized barbarians, but tiger poison does not yet eat children.

Although humans are primates, some ugly human natures are more terrifying than beasts!
"Sure enough, it's best to be a human being to experience human nature." Luo Xuan was indifferent.

In the two worlds of gods and demons, even in the lower worlds of immortals and demons, how could he feel this kind of human nature that others hate him?
He hadn't felt this kind of human nature for ten thousand years!
His personal cultivation can reach perfection at any time, but the experience of human nature is not so easy.

What happened today gave him a little more understanding of the human nature he hadn't been in contact with for a long time.

It also helped him a lot to practice his humanity.

Looking across the classroom, Luo Xuan seemed to have completely ignored what happened just now, and sat down leisurely in his seat.

As for Hou Ji, he is still in a state where he has not recovered.

"Brother Xuan, are you really Brother Xuan?" Hou Ji asked subconsciously.

A rare smile appeared on the corner of Luo Xuan's mouth, and he said, "If I'm not Luo Xuan, who else can I be?"

Hou Ji came back to his senses, thinking about what happened just now, he couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"Brother Xuan, you hit Lin Yu, she is very powerful, I'm afraid next..."

Hou Ji knew that no matter whether Lin Yu was taken care of by an old man or not, there was no doubt that she was powerful behind her back.

Someone had provoked Lin Yu before, and even a well-known rich second generation from another class.

But one of these people who provoked Lin Yu was forced to transfer to another school!
Kowtow to apologize!
That rich second generation even had his hands and feet broken!

Especially the rich second generation whose hands and feet were interrupted, the family didn't even dare to fart, let alone pursue it.

The power behind Lin Yu can be seen!
Luo Xuan beat Lin Yu today, it is conceivable that this matter will definitely not be resolved.

Just as Hou Ji finished speaking, he suddenly grinned again.

"Haha, but I have to say, brother Xuan, you played really well just now!"

"Anyway, I've already done it, don't care what the consequences are, the sky is falling, brother will help you stand together!"

Luo Xuan couldn't help but feel a warm current in his heart.

He has enough power to look down on such a small character as Lin Yu, and he can completely dismiss Lin Yu as an ant.

But Hou Ji didn't know all of this, but he still stood by his side without hesitation.

This is his brother, treat his brother sincerely!
The whole morning passed quietly like this.

At noon, almost as soon as the school bell rang, Su Ningxue came to the door of Luo Xuan's classroom, looking forward to it, for fear of missing Luo Xuan.

She never wears any makeup, but she is as breathtakingly beautiful as a lotus emerging from water.

Seeing Su Ningxue, the girls around couldn't help but jealousy flashed in their eyes, and at the same time, they felt ashamed.

And the boys who came out of Luoxuan's class, after seeing Su Ningxue, showed a deep sense of amazement in their eyes, and even couldn't hide their enthusiasm.

But in the end, all these turned into deep jealousy towards Luo Xuan.

Why, what kind of luck did Luo Xuan have to allow Su Ningxue to treat him like this!
Su Ningxue's jade hands were subconsciously entangled at this moment.

It was enough to see how nervous she was.

After seeing Luo Xuan, her autumn-like pupils finally had incomparably moving ripples.

Seeing Su Ningxue's jade hands tangled together, full of nervousness, wanting to ask something, but hesitating to speak, Luo Xuan couldn't help but smile.

"Ningxue, can we go?" Luo Xuan said.

Hearing that Su Ningxue let go of her last trace of worry, she hurriedly nodded her head and said, "Okay, sure... of course."

She has been worried that what Luo Xuan said in the morning was just a joke, now, she can finally rest assured.

Thinking of having dinner with Luo Xuan in a while, her snowy face couldn't help turning a little red.

Seeing this, Hou Ji chuckled and said, "Brother Xuan, I won't bother you and Senior Colonel Su."

"But let's say it first, today you are the beauty of the University of Su, and tomorrow you will be mine. Today you treat the beauty of the University of Su to dinner, and tomorrow, brother will treat you to a good meal!"

After finishing speaking, Hou Ji smiled and left.

Hearing Hou Ji's words, especially Hou Ji's sentence that Luo Xuan belongs to her today, Su Ningxue's snowy face turned redder.

Luo Xuan frowned imperceptibly.

When he was a boy, it was during this time that Hou Ji's father's company suffered a major change.

After Hou Ji also came back from a certain day, he became devastated.

If Luo Xuan remembers correctly, it should be tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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