Chapter 6 Lunch Together
Thinking of this, Luo Xuan felt relieved.

Regardless of whether the time will be tomorrow, if it is tomorrow, it will be better.

In the face of absolute power, all obstacles are just illusions.

If something really happens, he will do it with all his strength!
With him here, even Yama of the Ten Palaces, gods and demons of the heavens, don't even think about harming Hou Ji!

Not to mention, all the gods and demons in the sky are his subordinates.

Not thinking about it for the time being, Luo Xuan looked at Su Ningxue with a soft expression on his face, and said, "Ningxue, let's go."

Being so close to Luo Xuan, Su Ningxue's snowy face couldn't help but blush again.

She suddenly thought of something, hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: "Luo Xuan, where are we... going to eat?"

"Canteen No. [-]." Luo Xuan answered briefly.

After Luo Xuan's words were finished, some students who heard the conversation between the two couldn't help but feel a flash of contempt in their hearts.

It turned out that today, it was not Su Ningxue who invited Luo Xuan to dinner, but Luo Xuan who invited Su Ningxue to dinner.

Invite the school belle to dinner, but go to the No. [-] cafeteria?
As we all know, Tianhai University has three canteens.

And No. [-] canteen is the cheapest canteen!
Canteen No. [-] is much better than Canteen No. [-], and it is also the choice of most people, even some second-generation rich people.

As for No. [-] canteen, it is the most luxurious one, it can no longer even be called a canteen, it is simply an incomparably high-end star-rated restaurant!

Those who can afford to go there are all children of real big families.

Those who go to No. [-] cafeteria are basically some really poor students.

Luo Xuan invited Su Ningxue to dinner, but she chose to go to No. [-] canteen?
Many people are full of contempt for Luo Xuan in their hearts.

What a poor man!
At the same time, many people were looking forward to Su Ningxue's reaction after hearing Luo Xuan's words.

Even many people's footsteps were deliberately slowed down, just wanting to hear what Su Ningxue would say next.

I'm afraid it would be easy to just turn around and walk away!
However, to everyone's surprise, hearing Luo Xuan's words, Su Ningxue not only didn't turn around and leave, she didn't even feel displeased at all, and the corners of her lips were slightly curved, evoking a beautiful arc.

"Okay, let's go to No. [-] canteen."

Hearing Su Ningxue's words, many people who were secretly mocking Luo Xuan were completely stunned.

Su Ningxue actually agreed?
This, why on earth!
Only Luo Xuan knew that Su Ningxue would definitely agree.

Moreover, he would only agree to go to No. [-] canteen!
Because, he knows this girl, and he understands this girl's considerate heart that always thinks of himself.

Luo Xuan has had no father or mother since he was a child, only some relatives with very little relationship, and he has not had any contact with him yet.

His family background is naturally not good, whether it is economic strength or other aspects.

She would bring breakfast to herself every day, not only to express her love for herself, but also to help him save money.

In other respects, help him as much as possible.

Moreover, she has always been careful, for fear of hurting his self-esteem, and always considers him.

Luo Xuan knew that if he wanted to invite Su Ningxue to the No. [-] canteen, even if it was the No. [-] canteen, this girl would insist on refusing!

Soon, the two left together, and they went in the direction of No. [-] canteen.

Seeing the direction the two were going, many students who were about to watch a good show also gave up their last glimmer of hope.

The two actually, really wanted to go to No. [-] canteen!

"Damn it, what's so good about this Luo Xuan that Su Ningxue can be so fascinated by him!"

After Luo Xuan and Su Ningxue left, someone said with a gloomy expression at the door of the classroom where they were just now.

This person is none other than Luo Xuan and Hou Ji's classmate, Zhao Xing!

When he came out of the class just now and heard the conversation between Luo Xuan and Su Ningxue, he was ready to watch a good show.

Unexpectedly, the ending was completely beyond his expectation!
Everyone has a love of beauty, let alone a beautiful woman like Su Ningxue.

Zhao Xing is no exception.

But unfortunately, Su Ningxue only had Luo Xuan in her eyes, and completely regarded the others as nothing!
He really couldn't figure out why Su Ningxue was so kind to Luo Xuan!
Zhao Xing wanted to teach Luo Xuan a lesson, but he didn't do it.

Tianhai University advocates martial arts, even boys who have not practiced martial arts are much stronger than boys from ordinary universities.

In the scene where Luo Xuan slapped Lin Yu away in the classroom just now, many boys thought they could do it themselves, and they were not afraid of Luo Xuan in their hearts.

But Zhao Xing was one of the few who couldn't do it.

If he went to trouble Luo Xuan, there would be no second result other than humiliating himself!

Seeing Luo Xuan and Su Ningxue leaving like this, Zhao Xing's expression was extremely gloomy.

However, for some reason, Zhao Xing couldn't help showing a sneer on his face.

"I can't take care of him. Naturally, someone else can take care of him! He said just now that he was going to No. [-] cafeteria, right..."

Luo Xuan and Su Ningxue came to No. [-] canteen. At this time, there were already many people in No. [-] canteen.

No matter how many rich children there are in Tianhai University, this society is still dominated by ordinary people.

Canteen No. [-] is the choice of most people.

After the two entered the No. [-] cafeteria, the eyes of the students there showed a sense of amazement.

No one knows the flowers of the five major campuses at Tianhai University, and it is even rarer to see them in normal times.

Before Su Ningxue fully entered the cafeteria, it caused quite a commotion.

Su Ningxue seemed unaware of the commotion she caused, all her thoughts were on Luo Xuan beside her.

Finally, after the two finished queuing up, they also bought today's lunch.

A tomato scrambled eggs!
A fried potato shreds!

Plus two bowls of ordinary rice!

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, it would be absolutely impossible for others to believe that Su Ningxue and Luo Xuan came to No. [-] cafeteria to eat, and they actually ate these things.

For ordinary students, eating these things is really nothing.

But what is Su Ningxue's identity?
You know, Su Ningxue is one of the top five campus beauties, and there are many suitors, many of whom are rich and young.

However, she has always dismissed these young and old, and never accepted the flowers, jewelry, or even sports cars they sent.

She rejected those young and old, but chose to come to No. [-] canteen to eat these things with Luo Xuan.

How can a husband ask for a wife like this!

Seeing the dishes in front of him, Luo Xuan also had a slight smile on his lips.

This girl still thinks about herself like this.

He knew that Su Ningxue would definitely choose to order only one dish if he was not afraid that he would not be full.

Of course, if Su Ningxue shared a dish with him, the students around would look at her with envy and want to kill him.

But why do you want a wife like this? These people think too much.

Just when Luo Xuan picked up the chopsticks and was about to enjoy the dishes that he had never tasted in this world for thousands of years, a discordant voice suddenly came.

"Boy, get out of Ningxue's side!"

(End of this chapter)

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