Xiuxian returns, what the hell are multiple arrogant wives?

Chapter 7 Even being a dog is incompetent!

Chapter 7 Even being a dog is incompetent!
Hearing this voice, Luo Xuan frowned imperceptibly.

Su Ningxue also subconsciously looked in the direction of the source of the voice, a trace of worry flashed in her beautiful eyes.

The crowd around them became even more violent.

"Oh my god, it's actually Wu Shan!"

"What happened today? Not only the school girl Su Ningxue, but even Wu Shan came to No. [-] cafeteria!"

"Needless to say, by looking at it like this, Wu Shan is obviously not here for dinner, but for trouble!"

"Everyone knows that Wu Shan has always liked Su Ningxue, Luo Xuan had lunch with Su Ningxue today, Wu Shan will definitely not let Luo Xuan go."

"Wu Shan is a member of the Fengshan Martial Arts Club. If Luo Xuan provoked him, he will be in big trouble now!"

When Su Ningxue entered the No. [-] canteen, it caused a sensation.

And when Wu Shan came in, it caused only riots!

As Wu Shan, he definitely wouldn't come to No. [-] canteen at ordinary times.

He came to No. [-] cafeteria today, and he made it clear that he was looking for trouble!
"Luo Xuan, Young Master Wu has spoken, you still don't want to get out of the way!" A person next to Wu Shan said arrogantly.

This person is none other than Zhao Xing!
After knowing that Luo Xuan and Su Ningxue were coming to No. [-] canteen, he directly approached Wu Shan to deal with Luo Xuan.

So what if Luo Xuan could slap Lin Yu away with a single slap?

Wu Shan is a member of the Martial Arts Club, crushing Luo Xuan, isn't it easy?
After finishing speaking, Zhao Xing said flatteringly: "Young Master Wu, I'm right, Luo Xuan and she are indeed eating here with Senior Colonel Su."

Wu Shan nodded lightly, with a hint of satisfaction in his expression, he said: "That's right, once I win Ningxue's favor, you will be the one to benefit."

Hearing this, Zhao Xing was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Thank you Wu Shao, thank you Wu Shao."

At this time, Su Ningxue couldn't help standing up.

"Wu Shan, what are you doing! I said, I don't like you, so don't pester me anymore!"

Seeing Su Ningxue stand up, Wu Shan said: "Ningxue, I am the one who likes you the most. You still don't understand, so I don't blame you."

"You don't like me, don't you... still like this kid? Then, I'll let you see for yourself how unworthy he is for you!"

When looking at Luo Xuan, Wu Shan changed his expression instantly, and said coldly: "Boy, didn't you hear me, I'll tell you to go away!"

Hearing Wu Shan's words, Zhao Xing's face was full of complacency. He came to Wu Shan today, and he really found the right one!

The students around were also waiting for Luo Xuan's reaction.

Soon, under everyone's gaze, Luo Xuan stood up slowly.

Seeing this scene, many students around sighed secretly in their hearts. Sure enough, Luo Xuan still chose to bow his head to Wu Shan and was about to leave.

In Zhao Xing's heart, he was even more proud, as if he had seen the scene of Luo Xuan leaving in embarrassment.

Wu Shan's face was even more satisfied, and he looked at Su Ningxue, as if to say that he is the one who is worthy of Su Ningxue.

Su Ningxue's face also turned slightly pale.

But she doesn't blame Luo Xuan, she believes that the man she likes must be a dragon among men, and there is nothing wrong with holding back for a while.

Even if Luo Xuan won't become a dragon among men, but is just an ordinary student, she will still like him, always like him!

She didn't blame Luo Xuan, she only blamed herself, and she blamed herself for spreading the news that she had dinner with Luo Xuan today, making Luo Xuan suffer such humiliation.

In Su Ningxue's heart, she only felt very self-blame and guilt.

Just when the students around were secretly sighing, Zhao Xing was proud, Wu Shan was a victor, and Su Ningxue felt extremely guilty, Luo Xuan spoke indifferently.

"It seems that you are not only a dog, but also an incompetent dog!"

When he said these words, what he looked at was not Wu Shan, but Zhao Xing!

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Zhao Xing couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Afterwards, he said with a gloomy face: "Luo Xuan, what do you mean!"

He didn't quite understand Luo Xuan's words, but he understood one thing.

Luo Xuan, call him a dog!
Looking at Zhao Xing, Luo Xuan said: "As a dog, you don't even know enough about the news. If you are well-informed enough, how can you find such a waste to deal with me?"

"You don't even have a sensitive dog's nose, Zhao Xing, even if you are a dog, you are not competent!"

After Luo Xuan's voice fell, all the students around were shocked.

They thought that Luo Xuan would give in to Wu Shan, but they didn't expect that the development of the situation was completely beyond their expectations!

Luo Xuan, call Zhao Xing a dog!

Call Wu Shan a waste!

This, I don't want to live anymore!

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Wu Shan's expression also became completely gloomy.

"Boy, just now, you called me a waste?"

Luo Xuan stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "In my eyes, to say you are trash is to flatter you!"

What he said is of course the truth. In Luo Xuan's eyes, a role like Wu Shan is indeed not even a waste!

As for his saying that Zhao Xing is not a competent dog, and he doesn't even have a sensitive dog's nose, it's not unreasonable.

This morning, he taught Wang Sen a lesson, which Zhao Xing obviously didn't know about.

Otherwise, Zhao Xing would never ask Wu Shan to deal with him!

Luo Xuan could tell that Wu Shan's muscle density was slightly stronger than Wang Sen's, perhaps due to joining the Martial Arts Club and training for a long time.

But Wu Shan's height is not as good as Wang Sen's.

Even if Wu Shan is stronger than Wang Sen, his strength is limited.

This morning, Wang Sen was defeated by Luo Xuan in seconds, and Wu Shan would naturally not be Luo Xuan's opponent.

If Zhao Xing knew all this, he would never ask Wu Shan to deal with him.

It's really incompetent to be a dog!
"Hahaha, okay, kid, you managed to piss me off."

Wu Shan smiled instead of anger, and said coldly: "Now, you have one last chance, kneel down and apologize to me immediately, maybe I can spare you!"

Kneel down and apologize!

There are still so many students in No. [-] cafeteria, if Luo Xuan really does this, it will undoubtedly spread throughout Tianhai University!

Wu Shan was naturally extremely angry at this time, but he wasn't completely out of his mind.

If he beat Luo Xuan to death now, it would only leave a bad impression on Su Ningxue, and it would only make Su Ningxue hate him even more.

What he has to do is to humiliate Luo Xuan and make Su Ningxue disappointed in Luo Xuan!
Only when Su Ningxue is completely disappointed in Luo Xuan can she fall into his arms!
After Luo Xuan succumbed and Su Ningxue was disappointed with Luo Xuan, at that time, he would teach Luo Xuan severely.

After all, what he just said was that Luo Xuan's kneeling would 'maybe' spare him, but he didn't say that he would definitely be spared.

Wu Shan is not a magnanimous person, Luo Xuan called him a waste, how could he spare Luo Xuan!

Thinking of his series of plans, Wu Shan's sneer grew even stronger.

"Boy, what are you thinking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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