Chapter 512 Greylist? (Second more)

Following the eyes of the three-headed hellhound, the middle-aged man at the door subconsciously felt chills all over his body, but he didn't know where this feeling came from.

And when he heard his second brother say that Luoxuan's restaurant is a black shop, the middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Second brother, don't say that, this restaurant is not a black shop, after you eat it, it will change completely. point of view!"

An Jinxi was also very angry and said: "Sir, my brother Luo Xuan's restaurant is not a black shop, even though the price is a bit high, but he never forced anyone to eat, it's completely voluntary!"

Hearing An Jinxi's words, the middle-aged man hurriedly said: "This beautiful lady, my second brother can't speak, please be more patient."

And after the middle-aged man finished speaking, not only his second brother, but even his elder brother said: "What is not a black shop, I think this is a black shop!"

Thinking of the voluntary An Jinxi said just now, this person feels that An Jinxi is deliberately emphasizing all this, and the current guests in the restaurant are all trustees.

Thinking of this, the man felt that he had guessed all this correctly, and said: "What are you talking about voluntarily, let me see, these people in the restaurant are all trustees!"

As he spoke, the man glanced at all the current guests in the restaurant, and focused on staying on Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe for a while longer.

"I have to say that the trustees in your restaurant are very dedicated. There are even two old things on these two tables." The man said triumphantly, as if he had already seen through all of this.

And hearing this person's words, Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe all looked sideways.

old stuff?
After so many years, this is really the first time someone dared to call them that.

You know, even for Luo Changsheng, when he met Yang Fenghu last time, Yang Fenghu only called him an old man at most, and he didn't call him an old thing.

Not to mention Bai Canghe, who has stayed in the Bai family all these years without ever going out, so today is naturally the first time he is called an old thing.

This person is very courageous!
Hearing that the middle-aged man at the door called Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe old things, the hell three-headed dog felt relieved.

Even though Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe are completely inconspicuous existences in its eyes, it also knows that Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe are completely untouchable existences of this man.

Compared with the group of middle-aged men who spoke so rudely to Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe, they are probably colder, so he won't need to serve them food in the future.

And the middle-aged man who brought his elder brother and second brother was about to faint from fright.

My elder brother said that Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe are old things?
This is simply trying to die!

Although this middle-aged man is an office worker nearby, he is more knowledgeable than his elder brother and second brother after all.

Because by a coincidence, he also watched Bai Shixiong and others from a distance at the entrance of a gathering of big brothers, so he naturally recognized Luo Changsheng as Mr. Luo from the Luo family.

As for Bai Canghe, who hadn't left the Bai family for decades, this middle-aged man hadn't seen him before, but after seeing the big men's gathering from a distance, he naturally knew Bai Shixiong.

Bai Canghe and Bai Shixiong sat at the same table to eat, just think about it, and you will know that Bai Canghe's identity must be the same!

And when he took a closer look, he could still find that Bai Shixiong and Bai Canghe had a certain resemblance. It was very possible that Bai Canghe was Bai Shixiong's father!

In this case, is it equivalent to his elder brother scolding Mr. Luo of the Luo family and Mr. Bai of the Bai family?
Thinking of this, the middle-aged man only felt that his legs and feet were weak, and he couldn't even stand still!

And after the middle-aged man finished talking, Bai Shixiong's gaze turned cold, and he was about to slap the table and stand up when Bai Canghe laughed.

"Hehe, Shixiong, it's okay. Those who don't know are not guilty. Others don't know my identity. It's normal to have this misunderstanding. Don't worry about it."

Bai Canghe has been cultivating his body since he was disabled for decades, and he has already honed his excellent character. He is no longer as murderous as he was when he was young, and it was the first time he faced Yang Fenghu. One rushed up and was seriously injured.

This middle-aged man's elder brother said such words, with Bai Canghe's heart, he naturally wouldn't care about him.

Not to mention, his body, which had been crippled for decades, has recovered, and he is already in a very good mood at this moment, let alone care about this person.

Hearing Bai Canghe's words, Bai Shixiong's expression softened, and he said, "Yes, father."

Since Bai Canghe said not to worry about it, Bai Shixiong will naturally obey.

Besides, it wasn't just that Bai Canghe was in a good mood at this time, because of Bai Canghe's body recovery, Bai Shixiong was also in a good mood at this time, these people, as Bai Canghe said, don't care about him for the time being.

As for Luo Changsheng, after this man finished speaking, the faces of the three Luo Changming brothers also became extremely ugly.

When the three brothers Luo Changming wanted to slap the table and stand up, Luo Changsheng smiled lightly and said, "Chang Ming, Chang Qing, and Chang Song are just ordinary people, so don't worry about them."

Bai Canghe's temperament has been honed over the past few decades, and Luo Changsheng naturally has the same temperament.

What's more, under Luo Xuan's guidance, he has already entered the initial stage of gang refining, and his vision is even more different than when he was in the perfect state of inner refining.

In his eyes, these people are just ordinary people, and there is no need to care about them.

Hearing what Luo Changsheng said, Luo Changming and the three of them would naturally not disobey Luo Changsheng's intentions, and said in unison: "Yes, father."

At the moment, they all calmed down.

Seeing that the Bai family and the Luo family didn't care about it, the middle-aged man also breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that his elder brother, and even the three of them, were almost on the verge of death!

And the Hell Three-Headed Dog in the back kitchen, seeing that Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe didn't bother with the middle-aged man and his party, the Hell Three-Headed Dog couldn't help but feel a little unhappy.

If possible, it really wanted Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe to clean up the middle-aged man and his party directly, especially the middle-aged man.

In that case, it would no longer have to think about serving the middle-aged man, how nice it would be!
At this moment, Luo Xuan said indifferently: "Er Gouzi, if the three of you want to order food later, you will be in charge."

"In addition, you will ask for their names later, add a gray list to the restaurant's rules, and add the names of all three of them."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, the hell three-headed dog couldn't help but froze for a moment.

Gray... gray list?

(End of this chapter)

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