Chapter 513 Beauty and the Beast (Part [-])
Hearing what Luo Xuan said about the gray list, the Hell Three-Headed Dog immediately suspected that he had heard it wrong. After all, the black list is quite common, and what is the gray list?

The three-headed hellhound wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

But almost subconsciously, it felt that it was impossible, and dared not say anything else, at least its dog nose and dog ears were still very good.

It even couldn't help wondering if there was something wrong with Luo Xuan's pronunciation, so it called the black list a gray list.

But this point, the hell three-headed dog also thinks it is impossible, let alone think it is impossible, even if it is true, the hell three-headed dog naturally does not dare to question Luo Xuan, hastily and respectfully said: "Yes, my lord."

Luo Xuan glanced at the hell three-headed dog, he could naturally see what the hell three-headed dog was thinking.

To a certain extent, the three-headed dog had a good idea. Luo Xuan really wanted to set up a blacklist in the store, and if there were troublemakers, they would be banned forever, and they were forbidden to set foot in the restaurant again.

But there is still a distance between having a good meal and making trouble in the restaurant.

Before Luo Xuan was inspired by the matter of this middle-aged man, he thought about whether to set up a similar greylist if someone did not reach the level of trouble on the blacklist, but just like a middle-aged man whose words are not pleasant to listen to.

People on the gray list are not prohibited from coming to eat, but they are served with hell three-headed dogs, let's see how they react...

It is estimated that it will take a long time, and no one can sustain it...

Luo Xuan has always convinced people with virtue, if he can use this to make those people retreat, it would be a good idea.

It doesn't matter even if those people really haven't backed down all the time, it's nothing more than finding some work for the three-headed dog and being responsible for ordering and serving the people on the blacklist.

If the hell three-headed dog is really busy in the back kitchen, Xia Mengxi and the others can also let Xia Mengxi and the others do the ordering. The hell three-headed dog is only responsible for serving the people on the gray list.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xuan said indifferently: "In addition to this gray list, you are adding a rule about the black list. If anyone makes trouble in the restaurant, they are prohibited from stepping into the restaurant. This ban will be banned forever! "

"Yes, my lord."

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, the hell three-headed dog also knew that what Luo Xuan said before was either a blacklist or a gray list.

Both blacklist and graylist exist.

At this time, Xia Mengxi happened to come to take away the last meal from the Bai family's table, and the hell three-headed dog didn't need to cook for a while.

Thinking of Luo Xuan saying that he asked the middle-aged man to add their names to the gray list, the hell three-headed dog couldn't help but respectfully said to Luo Xuan: "My lord, then I'll go over to get the gray list and black list right now. gone."

After the Hell Three-Headed Dog finished speaking, Luo Xuan nodded lightly and didn't say anything.

After getting Luo Xuan's consent, the hell three-headed dog also walked towards the place where the three middle-aged men were.

Seeing the Hell Three-Headed Dog going about the blacklist and graylist, Luo Xuan's eyes were still indifferent.

On the gray list, there are naturally only three middle-aged men now.

As for the blacklist, it will naturally be empty for the time being, and even after a while, most of them will be empty.

Luo Xuan knew that the possibility of someone causing trouble in the store was extremely low, or even almost non-existent.

When the restaurant just opened, Luo Xuan said that the three-headed hell dog was responsible for the security work in the restaurant. With the three-headed hell dog, it is naturally impossible for anyone to threaten Su Ningxue and the others.

Even if the Hell's three-headed dog doesn't make a move, it is completely enough to deal with troublemakers who are not warriors with Luo Shuiyue's level of entry-level training.

Jianglin City and Canghai City, no matter what, are mostly ordinary people.

Even if there are warriors, how many people can see through them, how could they come to Luoxuan to make troubles so coincidentally?

What's more, all the top leaders in Jianglin City and Canghai City are dining in the restaurant now, not only business leaders like Bai Shixiong Wenren Mu, but also martial arts families like the Luo family are here.

With a martial artist like Luo Changsheng in the early days of Gang Lian, Bai Canghe's body and cultivation have already recovered, plus Wu Lao Song on Wenren Mu's body, Chen Lao and Li Lao beside Bai Shixiong are all here, even if It's a warrior, who dares to make trouble here?
Even if there are troublemakers, because this is Luo Xuan's restaurant, and because they all want to curry favor with Luo Xuan, these top bosses will definitely punish the troublemakers severely, wishing they could just throw them out!

Even if it's not for Luo Xuan's restaurant, the daughters or granddaughters of these bigwigs are here, such as Su Ningxue, Luo Shuiyue, and Wenren Zihan.

If someone makes trouble here, even if it is for his own daughter or granddaughter, Su Qiancheng, Luo Changsheng, Wenren Mu, they will be thrown out directly!

In addition to these power factors, Luo Xuan now also hired Chu Yueyin as a loader.

Chu Yueyin is naturally powerful, and even the warriors at the beginning of foreign training are not her opponents. Apart from strength, Chu Yueyin also has another important identity, that is, the police captain of Jianglin City.

With her here, it means that Luo Xuan's restaurant also has the power of the police. If there is trouble, Chu Yueyin can directly arrest it.

It can be said that Luoxuan's restaurant is now more fully developed in all aspects, and there is no need to worry about such security issues at all.

At this point, he can naturally be a hands-off shopkeeper and simply wait for Mu Bingqing's arrival.

At the entrance of the restaurant, although Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe didn't care about the middle-aged man's elder brother after he finished speaking, the middle-aged man was really scared, for fear that his elder brother would say something disrespectful again.

If there is a second time, I don't know if Luo Changsheng and Bai Canghe will be as careless as they are now!

The middle-aged man also said: "Brother, it's already here, let's sit down and order food first, okay? After eating the food in this restaurant, you will definitely not regret it."

As he said that, in order to eliminate the other concerns of the two of them, he said again: "If you think it's not delicious, I will pay for all your meals today."

Hearing this, the elder brother of the middle-aged man said: "Third brother, since you have said so, then I will reluctantly try to eat here."

"Let's say it first, if it doesn't taste good, you will pay for the meal!"

The middle-aged man's second brother naturally had the same opinion.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man naturally nodded in agreement.

At this time, the middle-aged man's elder brother and second brother also felt a little relieved. No matter what, it is still good to be able to enjoy the service of ordering and serving dishes from beauties like An Jinxi, and it is pleasing to the eye after all.

However, when they were thinking this way, they suddenly saw the dark three-headed hellhound and almost jumped up on the spot!
(End of this chapter)

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