Chapter 59: A Storm of Words! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Sun Jianren walked in, and the whole classroom fell silent.

To be precise, the entire classroom was already very quiet, not as noisy as when Zhao Xing's incident happened last time.

Seeing Sun Jianren's gaze, Luo Xuan couldn't help but frown.

Sun Jianren looked at him like this, clearly looking for trouble for him!
Sure enough, in the next second, Sun Jianren said: "Luo Xuan, you still dare to come to the class. Did you forget the trouble last time?"

Sun Jianren's voice fell, and the classroom became obviously quieter.

Hearing Sun Jianren's words, Sun Lei's eyes became brighter.

Luo Xuan may be able to fight, but Sun Jianren has great power. Even if Luo Xuan can fight, can he still fight against Sun Jianren?
Thinking of this, Sun Lei felt a little more happy in his heart.

Hou Ji couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Boss, what do you mean, what happened last time was obviously not done by Brother Xuan!"

Sun Jianren sneered and said, "I said he did it, so he did it!"

After speaking, Sun Jianren said hypocritically: "Don't worry, everyone knows that I am a good teacher who never punishes students physically."

"As long as student Luo Xuan can answer my next question, I will naturally not make things difficult for him."

Hearing Sun Jianren's words, Hou Ji also had a bad feeling in his heart.

In the next second, Sun Jianren directly sneered and said: "Luo Xuan, just recite the entire "Spring and Autumn" directly, and I will not pursue your troubles last time!"

The whole "Spring and Autumn"? !

After Sun Jianren finished speaking, many people in the classroom were shocked.

Now even the best student in the class can't recite the whole "Spring and Autumn", right?

You know, in their teaching plan, Spring and Autumn only needs to recite an excerpt, and it's not that important, and they usually don't take the exam.

But Sun Jianren actually asked Luo Xuan to recite the entire Spring and Autumn Annals!

The complete spring and autumn is not even in the textbooks, and it is all mixed with various years. Just looking at it is enough to make people dazzled.

If you want to recite it completely, it is obvious that it is completely embarrassing!
The boys in the classroom, especially Sun Lei, looked at Luo Xuan gloatingly after being stunned for a moment.

In their view, Luo Xuan would definitely not be able to recite it, and he was destined to be troubled by Sun Jianren!
Hou Ji's expression turned ugly, before he could say anything, Luo Xuan pressed his shoulders, motioning him not to continue.

Afterwards, Luo Xuan stood up and looked at Sun Jianren indifferently.

"You just said that you want me to recite the entire "Spring and Autumn"?"

"That's right." Sun Jianren said with a sneer.

In his opinion, Luo Xuan is bound to submit!

And Luo Xuan is doomed not to be able to recite it!
However, in the next second, Luo Xuan's indifferent voice directly reached his ears.

"Even if Confucius is here, he dare not let me recite a line of "Spring and Autumn", what are you!"

After Luo Xuan's voice fell, the whole classroom instantly became audible!
Sun Jianren's expression froze completely.

He didn't expect that Luo Xuan would still not give him any face today in front of so many people!

And what did Luo Xuan just say, Kong Qiu?

That is clearly the name of Confucius!
Sun Jianren had a mocking look on his face, "Luo Xuan, what did you just say, Kong Qiu, it couldn't be the Kong Qiu on the roadside of your house, right?"

Luo Xuan's expression was still extremely indifferent, and he said in a nonchalant voice: "Kong Qiu, Kong Zhongni!"

The voice fell, and no one doubted it anymore.

The Confucius mentioned by Luo Xuan really refers to Confucius!

"This Luo Xuan has lost his mind!"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Sun Lei directly took the lead and laughed.

With Sun Lei taking the lead, the other boys soon spoke up.

"That said, obviously, this is a brain failure!"

"He actually said that even if Confucius was here, he wouldn't dare to let him recite a line of "Spring and Autumn", what a fool!"

"I originally thought that Luo Xuan was just crazy, but I didn't expect it to be something wrong with his brain!"

"Even if he can fight, so what, his brain is not working well, he is still a useless person."

"I really don't understand, Su Xiaohua, how could she like such a person!"

The boys in the classroom all laughed and mocked.

When Luo Xuan walked into the classroom earlier, they naturally didn't dare to mock Luo Xuan like this.

But now that Sun Jianren is here, with Sun Jianren's backing, they naturally don't have any scruples anymore!
Besides, looking at Sun Jianren like this, he made it clear that he wanted to find the bottom of Luo Xuan's troubles.

Whether Luo Xuan can stay in the class in the future is still unknown.

That being the case, what do they have to be afraid of!

Sun Jianren also had a mocking look on his face, and said, "Luo Xuan, you said just now that even if Confucius was here, he wouldn't dare to let you recite a sentence of "Spring and Autumn"?"

"Okay, then you recite a sentence for me, and I'll see what happens!"

Hearing Sun Jianren's words, Luo Xuan's expression remained calm, and he said calmly, "Are you sure you want me to read?"

Luo Xuan naturally did not tell lies, even if Confucius was here, he would not dare to let him recite a line of "Spring and Autumn"!
Back then, Confucius had already transformed into a fairy after his life span reached its end.

In the entire fairy world, it is also well-known.

However, Luo Xuan is the supreme god emperor and devil emperor!
Even if Confucius saw him, he would have to salute him.

How dare you ask him to recite "Spring and Autumn"!
After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Sun Jianren said with disdain: "Of course, I want to see if something terrible will happen."

Hearing this, Luo Xuan still had an expression of indifference, and said lightly: "This, but you said it, I hope you don't regret it."

As he spoke, Luo Xuan opened his mouth and said, "The Spring King of the first year is the first month."

call! ! !
As soon as Luo Xuan opened his mouth, the originally cloudless sky suddenly became violently violent!
boom! ! !
The window next to the classroom was scraped and slammed!
This scene made Sun Jianren stunned, Sun Lei was stunned, and the others were also completely stunned.

How could it be such a coincidence that as soon as Luo Xuan opened his mouth, there was such a gust of wind!

Sun Jianren came to his senses and hurriedly said, "Sun Lei, hurry up and get someone to close the window!"

Hearing that Sun Lei had called a few people, stood up from his seat, and was about to close the window when Luo Xuan spoke the second sentence.

"In March, Gong and Zhu Yi's father allied with Yu Mie."

boom! ! !
Luo Xuan's voice fell, and thunder rang outside the classroom!
The explosion of thunder shocked Sun Lei and the others so much that the hairs on their hairs jumped out of their skin!
The few people who had just stood up fell to the ground one after another directly because of the thunder explosion.

Each of them was trembling almost subconsciously.

Such a vision is like the sky is angry again!
However, after a while, hearing such thunder, they had different ideas.

This thunder, it seems that the sky is not angry.

But God, in fear! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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