Chapter 60 Shameless Sun Jianren! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Outside the classroom, there was a strong wind and thunder.

Sun Jianren, Sun Lei and the others felt that they would be torn to pieces at any time under this power of heaven!
In the entire classroom, only Luo Xuan, Hou Ji, and the girls who had never mocked Luo Xuan were not affected.

For Hou Ji and the others, it was naturally Luo Xuan who protected them with his physical strength.

The rest of Sun Jianren and the others felt so uncomfortable that they were about to explode!
"Stop it, stop it!"

Sun Jianren didn't bother to trouble Luo Xuan anymore, and shouted directly.

He didn't know if all this was really related to Luo Xuan, to be honest, he still didn't believe it.

But if this continues, he really can't take it anymore!

Luo Xuan completely ignored him, he had already said just now, let him read, Sun Jianren, don't regret it!
At this time, Luo Xuan's next sentence was also his mouth.

"Xia Wuyue, Zheng Boke Duan Yuyan."

呲! ! !
Accompanied by Luo Xuan's words, an astonishing bolt of lightning pierced through the entire night sky, brightly illuminating the entire classroom!


A few timid boys even screamed!
Whoa! ! !

Outside the classroom, it rained instantly!
Wind, thunder, rain, electricity!
Under such might, Sun Jianren was really scared.

"Don't read it, really don't read it!" Sun Jianren shouted in fear.

However, Luo Xuan ignored him and continued reading.

Under such heavenly power, the windows around the classroom have all been shattered!

The fans above, the lights, and even the doors of the entire classroom were completely destroyed!

If Luo Xuan hadn't used a little strength to protect the classroom, the entire classroom would have been razed to the ground!
After Luo Xuan finished reading "Spring and Autumn" in its entirety, Sun Jianren and many others were already prostrate on the ground, trembling unceasingly.

Almost everyone is extremely weak.

Several people have passed out!
Hou Ji was also extremely shocked, but thinking of what Sun Jianren said just now, Hou Ji said directly: "Boss, don't forget what you just said."

"You said just now that as long as Brother Xuan memorizes the entire "Spring and Autumn", you won't bother Brother Xuan anymore!"

After Hou Ji finished speaking, Sun Jianren didn't respond for a while.

To be precise, now he has no energy to respond, and his whole body is in a state of weakness.

After a while, he finally regained some strength and straightened up.

Looking at Luo Xuan not far away, Sun Jianren's face was still extremely shocked.

What happened today is indeed a bit evil!

However, Sun Jianren still didn't think that Luo Xuan did all of this.

How can Luo Xuan have such power, it is clearly impossible for a human to have such power.

All of this must be a coincidence!
Thinking of all this, another sneer appeared on Sun Jianren's face.

Hearing Hou Ji's words, Sun Jianren sneered and said, "I didn't agree to not trouble him!"

After Sun Jianren finished speaking, Hou Ji said angrily: "Boss, you just said clearly that as long as Brother Xuan memorizes the entire "Spring and Autumn", he will not trouble him!"

Hearing this, a cunning look flashed across Sun Jianren's face, and he said, "What I said just now is that as long as Luo Xuan memorizes the entire "Spring and Autumn", he will not be held accountable for his troubles last time."

"But I never said, don't pursue him for causing trouble this time!"

Hearing Sun Jianren's words, Hou Ji was completely angry.

Man, how can you be so shameless!

Hou Ji said angrily: "Boss, what happened last time was not done by Brother Xuan at all, and today, Brother Xuan didn't make trouble either!"

"Even if it's a battle with the Fengshan Martial Arts Club, it was the Fengshan Martial Arts Club's initiative to make an appointment, and it was held on the competition stage, which completely complied with the school's regulations!"

From Hou Ji's point of view, what Sun Jianren was referring to could only be the battle between Luo Xuan and Fengshan Martial Arts Club today.

But even this matter is completely within the regulations of Tianhai University, otherwise Tianhai University would not advocate the development of the Martial Arts Club!
"Of course I know that." Sun Jianren said.

Tianhai University is not an ordinary university, it is a Martial Arts University that is mainly supported, and based on this alone, naturally Luo Xuan cannot be judged as a troublemaker.

Immediately afterwards, a sneer appeared on Sun Jianren's face, and he said, "What I'm referring to is something else!"

As he said that, Sun Jianren turned his gaze to Luo Xuan, and said, "Luo Xuan, you will not forget the trouble you caused in Restaurant No. [-] at noon today!"

Luo Xuan caused trouble in Restaurant No. [-] at noon today?
Hearing Sun Jianren's words, many boys who were still awake were a little shocked.

Where is Restaurant No. [-]? It is undoubtedly an aristocratic restaurant!
Luo Xuan dared to make trouble there, he didn't want to live anymore!

Even Hou Ji was stunned for a moment.

What happened to Luo Xuan at Restaurant No. [-] at noon today has not been spread, so it is naturally impossible for him to know.

Luo Xuan's eyes froze slightly.

There was no news about his being in Restaurant No. [-] at noon today, and it was obvious that Chen Ziang deliberately suppressed this matter.

After all, if this matter got out, it would be enough to make Chen Ziang feel ashamed.

Neither Hou Ji nor the boys in the class, and even Su Ningxue didn't know about it, which is enough to explain this point.

But now, Sun Jianren knew all this.

Obviously, it was Chen Ziang who asked Sun Jianren to trouble him!

What Luo Xuan thought was right, it was Chen Ziang's order that Sun Jianren came to trouble Luo Xuan today!
What Chen Ziang meant was that it would be best for him to find a way to expel Luo Xuan directly!
Moreover, Xu also gave Sun Jianren a lot of benefits.

Sun Jianren, of course he is willing to do it!

Not to mention that Luo Xuan contradicted him before, he had been looking for a chance to trouble Luo Xuan again!
Even the last time Lin Yu asked him to find an opportunity to trouble Luo Xuan, Sun Jianren did not forget.

Lin Yu hasn't come back since he asked for leave last time. Sun Jianren doesn't know what Lin Yu has done, but with Lin Yu's powerful background, even if he takes a long vacation, he dare not say anything.

He didn't care what Lin Yu did, he didn't know, and he didn't dare to ask.

But maybe at some point, Lin Yu will come back.

At that time, Lin Yu will definitely give him a lot of benefits when he sees that he has cleaned up Luo Xuan.

Thinking about the double benefits Chen Ziang and Lin Yu gave, it's exciting!
Perhaps, it may not be necessary for him to take advantage of this opportunity to directly rise to the position of teaching director!
Seeing Sun Jianren's excited expression, Luo Xuan could tell what he was thinking at a glance.

It's just that Sun Jianren is doomed to be disappointed.

Sun Jianren looked forward to Lin Yu's return one day, but he didn't know that Lin Yu would never come back!

However, although Lin Yu couldn't come back, Luo Xuan could reunite Sun Jianren and Lin Yu.

He didn't mind, and sent Sun Jianren to Lin Yu's world! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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