Chapter 61 is true? (ask for a recommendation ticket)
Suppressing the excitement in his heart, looking at Luo Xuan who was not far away, Sun Jianren's face instantly became unkind.

"Luo Xuan, what else do you have to say!" Sun Jianren said coldly.

Hearing Sun Jianren's words, Luo Xuan didn't speak, but looked at Sun Jianren indifferently.

Seeing that Luo Xuan didn't speak, Sun Jianren sneered and said, "I'm sorry you don't have anything to say, come to the office with me, today, I must fire you!"

At Sun Jianren's words, Luo Xuan's eyes instantly flashed black, almost sending Sun Jianren to the world where Lin Yu was in the next moment!

However, thinking of something, the black light in his eyes gradually disappeared again.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Luo Xuan said lightly.

It is more convenient to go to the office with Sun Jianren, when there are only him and Sun Jianren, and send Sun Jianren to that world!

"Brother Xuan!"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Hou Ji cried out anxiously.

"Monkey, don't worry, I'll be fine."

After speaking, Luo Xuan walked directly outside the classroom.

Sun Jianren also let out a cold snort, and walked directly outside the classroom.

Not long after, the two left the classroom.

Seeing this scene, Sun Lei burst out laughing.

"Haha, this kid, even if he can fight, so what, if he provokes Sun Jianren, he still has no good fruit to eat!"

In the past two days, he thought several times that Luo Xuan was going to be beaten into a dead dog and his face would be disgraced, but the facts were completely opposite to what he thought, and he almost doubted his life.

But even if Luo Xuan can fight, even if Luo Xuan is not beaten into a dead dog, so what if he doesn't lose face?
After provoking Sun Jianren, there is still no good fruit to eat!
Since Sun Jianren said that Luo Xuan would be fired, Luo Xuan would be fired tomorrow, or this afternoon!

The final victory, after all, is on his side!

Now Hou Ji is also full of anxiety.

Although Luo Xuan told him not to worry, how could he not worry!
He knew that Luo Xuan was very good at fighting, but now Luo Xuan didn't have any wealth or power at all!

Getting into trouble with Sun Jianren will undoubtedly be very troublesome!
Sun Jianren has a lot of power. Although he does not have the right to directly expel Luo Xuan, as long as he reports it, there is a great possibility that he will be approved.

Hou Ji just felt very anxious, but unfortunately his father's company is a bit small, if it is an ordinary university, it will be fine, but Tianhai University is not an ordinary university at all.

His father was on Tianhai University's side, so he couldn't speak at all.

How to do how to do!
Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Hou Ji's mind, and he thought of a person.

Su Ningxue!
Others may not know it, but Hou Ji has been by Luo Xuan's side for so long, he knows that Su Ningxue's wealth and background are definitely beyond the reach of many people.

It's just that Su Ningxue is relatively low-key and never shows it.

If you ask Su Ningxue for help, maybe you can really help Luo Xuan get through this difficult time!

Thinking of this, Hou Ji rushed out of the classroom and rushed towards the classroom where Su Ningxue was.

Su Ningxue didn't have any class in this session. Seeing Hou Ji's gaze outside the classroom, she knew that Hou Ji had something to do with her, so she got up and went outside the classroom.

And when she walked out of the classroom, that beautiful figure made countless people lose their souls.

Seeing Su Ningxue coming out, before Hou Ji could say anything, Su Ningxue exclaimed: "Hou Ji, why did your class become like this?"

What she was referring to was naturally the classroom of Luo Xuan and Hou Ji. Now the doors, windows, and even the glass on them are not complete, which seems a bit shocking.

"President Su, you guys, didn't you hear anything?" Hou Ji asked in disbelief.

The strong wind, the wind and thunder, and the two classes' classrooms are so close together, did Su Ningxue and the others hear it?
Could it be that the only people in their class who felt that vision just now?
"No." Su Ningxue said.

Hearing Su Ningxue's words, Hou Ji couldn't believe it even more.

Hou Ji didn't dwell on this topic, and said: "Let's not talk about it, it's not important, what's important is that Brother Xuan got troubled by our class teacher Sun Jianren."

"He accused Brother Xuan of causing trouble, and he has already threatened that Brother Xuan must be fired today!"

Hearing that Su Ningxue's pretty face also changed, she said anxiously: "Then Luoxuan..."

"Brother Xuan has already been taken to the office by that bitch Sun in our class."

Hou Ji said, "President Su, I came here to ask you, is there anything you can do?"

At this time, Su Ningxue already knew the ins and outs of the matter.

She also panicked for a while, but she knew that she couldn't get confused at this time. Soon, she made up her mind and said, "I...I'll go home right away."

Hearing Su Ningxue's words, Hou Ji couldn't help being stunned.

"Go home, is there something, can't you explain it on the phone?"

Su Ningxue's eyes became a bit complicated, and she said: "Our family's a bit complicated, I have to go home."

After finishing speaking, she ignored the detailed explanation with Hou Ji, and hurriedly walked outside the teaching area.

As she said, go home quickly.

After Su Ningxue left, Hou Ji didn't go back to the classroom, but wanted to go to Sun Jianren's office to inquire about the current situation.

Although he had asked Su Ningxue for help, Hou Ji still felt uncertain when he thought of Su Ningxue's expression just now.

But at this moment, he didn't know what to think of, and his figure paused slightly.

Afterwards, he slowly put his hand into his pocket, and took out the so-called Patriarch of the Bai family business card that Luo Xuan gave him earlier.

Before, he naturally didn't believe it at all.

However, since the matter of his father's company was resolved, he had already inadvertently believed it a little bit.

It has to be said that the timing of the resolution of his father's company matter was really coincidental, it just happened to be shortly after he and Luo Xuan returned from the Shihao Hotel.

Although those things did not seem to be done by the Patriarch of the Bai family, Hou Ji really had to think about it.

Looking at the business card in his hand, Hou Ji also became a little uncertain.

What if this business card is real?
Thinking of this, Hou Ji made up his mind and took out his cell phone.

Now, there is no better way, if it is true, it is the best, even if it is false, he has nothing to lose!
After taking out his mobile phone, Hou Ji pressed the number on the business card and called.

After a while, the blind tone of the phone connection came, at least it can prove that this number is not empty.

After an unknown amount of time, the call was finally answered.

"Which one?"

A thick and majestic voice came from the phone.

Hou Ji was also slightly startled in his heart.

Is this phone number really the Patriarch of the Bai Family, Bai Shixiong? !

(End of this chapter)

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