Xiuxian returns, what the hell are multiple arrogant wives?

第598章 1念天堂,1念地狱!(2合1)

Chapter 598 One thought of heaven, one thought of hell! (two in one)

Bai Jingyang asked aloud, asking if he could surpass Luo Xuan one day, would An Jinxi's gaze stay on him a little longer.

But in his heart, a feeling of jealousy and hatred towards Luo Xuan was faintly growing!

But now, in his heart, there is still such a last hope that An Jinxi will give him a different answer...

After Bai Jingyang finished speaking, An Jinxi was silent for a while, and said, "Even if you can really do all this, in my heart, you are still not as good as Brother Luo Xuan."

There was a hint of ruthlessness in her words, she wanted to make Bai Jingyang give up.

However, upon hearing her words, Bai Jingyang's body shook violently again.

Because An Jinxi's words meant tacit consent, and the person she liked was exactly Luo Xuan.

Although she could almost see what was going on in her heart, what Bai Jingyang said just now was mostly because of the factors that tested her, how much she hoped in her heart that she would keep denying it, and that what she liked was not Luo Xuan.

But unexpectedly, he was scammed out again.

Now he can't lie to himself, An Jinxi does have someone he likes, and it is Luo Xuan.

Bai Jingyang still didn't give up, and said: "...Miss Jinxi, Rong Jingyang asks one more question. Master Luo has already come together with President Mu. I'm sure you don't know this."

"When you called President Mu before, you used the title Bingqing's sister-in-law. Obviously, you also subconsciously regarded President Mu as your sister-in-law and Master Luo as your brother."

"Since that's the case, why are you unwilling to let go of all this? Isn't all this an obsession destined to be fruitless for you?"

After Bai Jingyang finished speaking, An Jinxi was silent for a long time.

Afterwards, An Jinxi also said: "I do regard Brother Luo Xuan as my elder brother, but even so, it doesn't affect my liking for him, although I know that all this is destined to be fruitless."

"I like someone in my heart. This feeling is enough to make people happy. In many cases, there is no need to pursue any results."

Hearing what An Jinxi said, Bai Jingyang no longer knew what to say.

He never expected that An Jinxi would be so infatuated with Luo Xuan.

Even though she knew that all of this was fruitless, she still persisted silently in her heart. Just having this feeling of liking someone made her feel satisfied.

That being the case, what else can he say...

With a sigh of relief, Bai Jingyang said: "Then...Miss Jinxi, after Jingyang, will he still like you? Although it is very possible, it is destined to have no result."

Hearing Bai Jingyang's words, in order to make Bai Jingyang completely give up, An Jinxi wanted to say no, but thinking that she also likes Luo Xuan so much, what right does she have to ask others.

Besides, it is Bai Jingyang's own right to like someone alone, and she has no right to ask for anything.

An Jinxi said: "Young Master Bai, you naturally have the right to like anyone. This is your due right. However, anyone also has the right to refuse another person's liking."

Although An Jinxi's words did not directly refute Bai Jingyang, they were enough hints, even explicit indications.

Bai Jingyang naturally has the right to like her, but as she said, she also has the right to reject Bai Jingyang. She is undoubtedly explaining to Bai Jingyang that no matter how long Bai Jingyang persists, there will be no results.

When he said the confession of Wushan's vicissitudes to An Jinxi, An Jinxi's expression did not have the slightest turmoil, and it is still the same until now.

To be precise, during the conversation between the two, An Jinxi has always been very calm.

It was so calm that there was no ripple in my heart.

Looking at An Jinxi, Bai Jingyang seemed to understand something, and a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Miss Jinxi, aren't you already used to such a scene, and already know how to deal with it?"

In his opinion, a perfect girl like An Jinxi has heard this kind of confession many times.

What's more, when she rejected her, she didn't drag herself in any way, and she didn't have any disconnection. It was obvious that she knew what method to use to make him give up completely.

It is no exaggeration to say that I am used to it.

Bai Jingyang guessed right. An Jinxi has heard many confessions and received many love letters since she was young.

Added up, it has already reached three digits.

But Bai Jingyang's confession method is really the first time.

It has to be said that a gentleman has a gentleman's way of courtship, and the method he uses is somewhat different from others.

However, the result is the same, still useless...

Seeing that An Jinxi was silent, Bai Jingyang let out a soft breath and said, "Miss Jinxi, can I call you Jinxi..."

"No! I'll be mad if you call me that."

Just after Bai Jingyang finished speaking, An Jinxi said very simply.

Her attitude was a bit tough, on the one hand, it was to make Bai Jingyang completely give up.

On the other hand, she didn't want to be misunderstood by others because of this title.

"Sure enough, it still doesn't work..."

Bai Jingyang smiled indifferently, but there was a bit of bitterness in the smile.

"Okay, Miss Jinxi, I just want to tell you that in my heart, you will always be the cloud of Wushan, the water of the sea, and there will be no change."

Looking at An Jinxi's flawless profile, Bai Jingyang said firmly.

Hearing Bai Jingyang's words, An Jinxi's eyes became distant.

"Young Master Bai, I want to tell you that even if I am a cloud, I don't want to be that Wushan cloud."

"I'd rather be just an ordinary white cloud under the blue sky, silently...accompanying the blue sky."

As she spoke, An Jinxi's tone paused slightly, and Luo Xuan's figure slowly reappeared in her mind.

In her heart, Luo Xuan's figure is like the vast blue sky, and she is at best a white cloud under the blue sky.

Perhaps under the blue sky, there will be many more white clouds like her.

Compared with the blue sky, a white cloud will look extremely inconspicuous.

But no matter how broad and wide the sky is, Bai Yun always stays by Lan Tian's side and never leaves...

Just like what she told Bai Jingyang, even if she wanted to be a cloud, she didn't want to be Wushan's cloud, she just wanted to be an ordinary cloud.

Those who don't understand what An Jinxi said, it's hard to hear the difference.

Bai Jingyang also understood the meaning of her words after a long time in the future...

"As for the water in the sea..."

An Jinxi said: "If Young Master Bai still believes in fate, and still believes in this dark guidance, why not go to Canghai City, which is adjacent to Jianglin, to seek your true love, wouldn't it be better?"

After she finished speaking, Bai Jingyang's face froze slightly again.

He couldn't refute these words, and he couldn't help but sighed softly in his heart.

"Young Master Bai, I'm here."

When Bai Jingyang hadn't fully recovered, An Jinxi said to Bai Jingyang.

Bai Jingyang looked up and found that he and An Jinxi were already outside the teaching area

Seeing that the two returned to the teaching area so quickly, Bai Jingyang also understood in his heart.

The initial route of the two of them was naturally not to arrive at the teaching area so soon. After all, what An Jinxi promised him before was to show him around the campus.

But maybe An Jinxi had deliberately led the route this way when he was at the rockery.

At that time, Bai Jingyang was only focused on observing the spring water on the rockery and talking with An Jinxi, but he didn't realize all this at all.

"At that time, she had already made up her mind to reject me..." Bai Jingyang said silently in his heart.

How could he not understand that when he returned here, he would no longer be able to say those words to An Jinxi, and An Jinxi also had a reason to go back to the classroom and leave him.

An Jinxi is very aware of this, so she has been deliberately shifting the route to the teaching area.

And the timing was just right.

"Young Master Bai, I should go back to class. Mengxi and the others should be waiting for me. Young Master Bai's time is like gold, and Jin Xi can't delay Young Master Bai's time any longer."

"As for Tianhai University, Jinxi has only been here for one semester after all, and many places are still unfamiliar. If Young Master Bai still wants to visit Tianhai University in the future, Jinxi can find another guide for Young Master Bai." An Jinxi road.

What An Jinxi said undoubtedly completely cut off the possibility and hope of Bai Jingyang coming to her again.

Hearing what An Jinxi said, Bai Jingyang also said bitterly: "Okay, since that's the case, thank you Miss Jinxi."

An Jinxi smiled slightly, and said, "You're welcome, I don't think Young Master Bai would easily tell others what happened today, right?"

Hearing what she said, Bai Jingyang was silent for a while, and finally nodded slightly, saying: "It's natural."

Saying that, Bai Jingyang said: "Miss Jinxi, it's getting late, Jingyang...it's time to go back soon."

Hearing this, An Jinxi smiled and said, "Okay, then Jinxi won't waste Young Master Bai's time, and won't send Young Master Bai off, Young Master Bai will go all the way."

After An Jinxi finished speaking, Bai Jingyang stood still on the spot for a while, then nodded and turned to leave.

Seeing this, An Jinxi didn't say anything, turned around and walked towards the teaching area.

After Bai Jingyang walked a few steps, he couldn't help turning his head around and looking at An Jinxi's back.

Seeing her beautiful back, Bai Jingyang smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Extremely smart and perfect girl, unfortunately, I will never be with you..."

After finishing speaking, Bai Jingyang sighed lightly, and also walked outside Tianhai University.

The teaching area, the classroom where An Jinxi, Xia Mengxi and others are located.

"Jin Xi, you're back."

Seeing An Jinxi come back, Xia Mengxi greeted her.

Here, she is the one who waits most anxiously.

Although she wasn't completely sure about all of this, the speculation in her heart didn't weaken at all.

Seeing that An Jinxi finally came back, she immediately went up to meet her.

"Mengxi, what's wrong?"

An Jinxi smiled slightly, and stretched out her jade finger to tap Xia Mengxi's forehead lightly.

"Uh...no, nothing."

Xia Mengxi looked over An Jinxi's snowy face, as if she wanted to see something, but An Jinxi's expression was always very natural, and nothing unusual could be seen.

No matter what Xia Mengxi thinks, An Jinxi's state at this time is no different from before accompanying Bai Jingyang to visit Tianhai University.

"Jin Xi, didn't he say anything special to you when you went out with Young Master Bai?" Xia Mengxi finally couldn't help asking.

An Jinxi smiled slightly, and said, "Of course not, Meng Xi, I told you earlier, how could someone like Young Master Bai fall in love with an ordinary girl like me."

"This time, you really thought too much."

When An Jinxi was talking about all this, there was still nothing unusual on her expression, so Xia Mengxi couldn't see anything wrong either.

"It seems that I really thought too much." Xia Mengxi couldn't help muttering in her heart.

At the moment, I didn't think about such a thing anymore.

And Luo Xuan and Luo Shuiyue went to Zhonghai and haven't come back yet, and Wenren Zihan and Su Ningxue wouldn't gossip like Xia Mengxi.

Naturally, no one will ask about the matter between An Jinxi and Bai Jingyang, and maybe if they have enough time, they will forget it...

"Little Lord."

In Tianhai University, after Bai Jingyang separated from An Jinxi, he met Mr. Chen and Mr. Li not long after.

Bai Jing nodded slightly to them and said, "It's getting late, we should go back."

As he said that, Bai Jingyang couldn't help looking at Tianhai University behind him, even though he couldn't see An Jinxi for a long time.

Bai Jingyang's expression was also slightly complicated, he didn't look again, and then turned to leave.

Seeing this, Old Chen and Old Li naturally followed.

On the way back, looking at Bai Jingyang, old Chen said: "Young master, after getting along with Miss Jinxi, what do you think of Miss Jinxi?"

Hearing Chen Lao's words, Bai Jingyang's eyes fluctuated slightly, but it was very faint, not attracting attention.

"Miss Jinxi is a perfect girl, with impeccable appearance, posture, and temperament. It is extremely difficult to find a girl like her in the world."

Thinking of this, Bai Jingyang sighed softly in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface.

An Jinxi is such a perfect girl, but unfortunately, she won't belong to him.

After Bai Jingyang finished speaking, Elder Li smiled and said, "Since that's the case, then the young master should contact Miss Jin Xi more often."

"If the young master can really make a good story with Miss Jinxi, and the relationship between Miss Jinxi and Master Luo is also of great benefit to our Bai family."

Hearing Mr. Li mention Luo Xuan, Bai Jingyang could not help but clenched his fists subconsciously.

Afterwards, Bai Jingyang concealed the emotion in his heart, and said: "Jingyang will meet, thank you Mr. Chen and Mr. Li for your concern."

Now in his heart, the feeling of jealousy towards Luo Xuan has become more and more intense.

But reason told him again that he couldn't have such emotions towards Luo Xuan, otherwise he might drag the whole Bai family into the abyss of eternal doom.

Now, it depends on whether his reason can overcome this delusion in his heart.

A heaven, a hell! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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