Chapter 599 Two Purposes (Two in One)

After Bai Jingyang finished speaking, Elder Chen also laughed and said: "Hehe, the young master doesn't need to say these things, the young master's status is respected, and it's natural for the two of us to cherish the young master."

Now that Bai Jingyang is the young master of the Bai family, even if he comes to Tianhai University, Bai Shixiong will naturally arrange for someone to protect him.

Originally, when Bai Jingchen was the young master of the Bai family, only Mr. Chen was the one to protect him. At that time, it was mainly Bai Shixiong who also needed Mr. Li to protect him.

But now, old man Bai Bai Canghe had fully recovered, so Bai Shixiong naturally didn't need Mr. Li to protect him anymore. Mr. Chen and Mr. Li were now protecting Bai Jingyang.

When facing Bai Jingchen, Old Chen's attitude was still a bit bad. When Bai Jingchen asked him to deal with Luo Xuan for the first time, he could be said to have ignored Bai Jingchen directly.

Because of Bai Jingchen's character and character, it really made Chen Lao feel displeased.

As for Bai Jingyang, Mr. Chen's recognition was naturally much higher.

In his eyes, Bai Jingyang is undoubtedly a humble gentleman, and he treats others with humility and courtesy. Maybe Bai Jingyang is not very suitable to be the head of the family, but his character is definitely not comparable to that of Bai Jingchen.

Of course, this is only part of the reason, the more important reason is Bai Jingyang's status, which is far from comparable to that of Bai Jingchen at that time!
Although both of them have been the young masters of the Bai family successively, Bai Jingyang's status at this time is naturally much higher than that of Bai Jingchen at that time.

This kind of change is naturally due to the recovery of Bai Canghe, so that the Bai family has such a strong person in the inner realm, far stronger than Chen Lao and Li Lao!
Before Bai Canghe recovered, Bai Shixiong employed Mr. Chen and Mr. Li in a simple employment relationship, so they naturally wouldn't be so respectful to a young master of the Bai family.

In fact, if we talk about the employment relationship, Wen Renjia also employs Mr. Wu and Mr. Song, and there is no one like Bai Canghe who can suppress Mr. Wu and Mr. Song, but Mr. Wu and Mr. Song are very loyal to Mr. Wen. He also loves Wenren Zihan very much.

There is no other reason, only because Mr. Wu and Mr. Song were hired by Wenren Mu decades ago. They grew up watching Wenren Zihan, so they naturally have feelings for Wenren's family.

On the contrary, on the Bai family's side, Mr. Chen and Mr. Li were not hired by Bai Shixiong at the beginning. After all, at the beginning, the Bai family had Bai Canghe, a strong man in the inner realm, so why bother to hire Mr. Chen again? and Mr. Li.

That is to say, after Bai Canghe was disabled and stepped down from the position of Patriarch, Bai Shixiong took over the position of Patriarch, and then hired Mr. Chen and Mr. Li to protect the safety of the Bai family.

Under such circumstances, the two of them naturally wouldn't be so loyal to the Bai family, and it was enough to protect Bai Shixiong, but the status of Bai Jingchen, the young master of the Bai family, was naturally not much higher in their eyes.

Now this situation is naturally completely different. The recovery of Bai Canghe has ushered in an earth-shaking change in the overall strength of the Bai family, and the world of martial arts is a law of the jungle.

People in the martial arts world can be said to respect the strong, or fear the strong. With the existence of Bai Canghe, Chen Lao and Li Lao's attitude towards the Bai family will naturally undergo an earth-shaking change.

The status of Bai Jingyang as the Patriarch of the Bai family is naturally rising. Even if both of them came to protect Bai Jingyang, they would have no complaints.

After Mr. Chen finished speaking, he nodded his head, his smile became wider, and he said, "Young master, how is the scenery of the campus?"

His words were just for Bai Jingyang's face, and he asked symbolically. After all, they all knew that Bai Jingyang didn't come here for the scenery of the campus, but for An Jinxi.

"It's beautiful." Bai Jingyang said indifferently.

As he said that, thinking about what happened today, Bai Jingyang's heart became more and more complicated.

Perhaps when he said those words to An Jinxi, or even some time before that, An Jinxi was already ready to reject him.

At that time, he didn't notice at all that the route An Jinxi took him had already quietly changed.

In fact, he was not familiar with Tianhai University, and it was his first time here. Even if he paid attention, it would be difficult for him to notice that An Jinxi had changed his route.

What was even more difficult for him to accept was that An Jinxi's attitude was so resolute. Even when he was about to leave in the end, An Jinxi directly said that she would not see him off, and didn't even have such polite words as hoping that he would come again when he was free. Said.

No matter how you look at it, there is no hope between the two of them.

And what caused all this...

Thinking of An Jinxi's reaction when he mentioned Luo Xuan, Bai Jingyang couldn't help but attribute all of this to Luo Xuan, and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

In his opinion, without Luo Xuan, things would never have turned out like this!
Now, he has unknowingly developed jealousy and hatred towards Luo Xuan. Beforehand, this was something Bai Jingyang could not imagine at all.

But at this time, he was completely unaware of all this.

If he knew from the beginning that An Jinxi liked Luo Xuan, then no matter how much Bai Jingyang liked An Jinxi, he would restrain his feelings.

At that time, Bai Shixiong had also resolutely warned him that if Luo Xuan and An Jinxi really had that kind of relationship, or even if An Jinxi was just Luo Xuan's favorite woman, it was not something Bai Jingyang could touch, and he had to break it off early. This kind of thought.

Bai Jingyang, of course, knew what kind of disaster he would bring to the Bai family if he continued to insist as Bai Shixiong said, and he also assured Bai Shixiong that such a thing would not happen.

But later, Mu Bingqing's appearance, and the exposure of Mu Bingqing's relationship with Luo Xuan undoubtedly caused him and Bai Shixiong to have a great change in their thinking.

From their point of view, Luo Xuan and Mu Bingqing are husband and wife, so Luo Xuan and An Jinxi are naturally brother and sister.

In this case, if Bai Jingyang could pursue An Jinxi, not only would it not bring disaster to the Bai family, but on the contrary, because of the relationship between An Jinxi and Luo Xuan, the Bai family would be next to the big tree of Luo Xuan.

Bai Shixiong also changed from prohibiting Bai Jingyang from being interested in An Jinxi to encouraging Bai Jingyang to pursue An Jinxi.

Today, when An Jinxi called Mu Bingqing, the name Bingqing's sister-in-law made Bai Jingyang feel that An Jinxi only regarded Luo Xuan as his brother, and that he already had hope of pursuing An Jinxi.

But in the end, An Jinxi's words completely knocked him down into the abyss and completely destroyed all his hopes.

The most painful thing in the world is to have hope first and then fall into disappointment.

If Bai Jingyang hadn't hoped for this from the very beginning, if he hadn't given up hope for pursuing An Jinxi, his mood wouldn't have fluctuated to such an extent at this time, and he certainly wouldn't have any feelings of jealousy towards Luo Xuan.

It is precisely because at the beginning, he had hoped for these, but now that this hope has completely disappeared and turned into disappointment, he will become uncontrollably like this.

Moreover, the jealousy and hatred towards Luo Xuan in his heart had faintly overwhelmed the rationality in his heart.

Moreover, it has become more and more intense...

Zhong Hai, the top of the Ice Dream Group building.

After revealing his appointment and identity, Luo Xuan directly entered the Bingmeng Group building without hindrance.

Then, he came directly outside the CEO's office on the top floor.

And Luo Xuan was able to do all this, naturally he contacted Ling Yanwu in advance and asked Ling Yanwu to arrange all this for him.

In fact, it didn't make any difference to Luo Xuan whether Ling Yanwu arranged for him or not, all he wanted to know was Mu Bingqing's position.

But since Ling Yanwu had already arranged all this for him, Luo Xuan naturally had no reason to refuse, and it could be regarded as saving him some trouble.

Standing outside the president's office, feeling the familiar aura, Luo Xuan couldn't help but stop. He knew that Mu Bingqing was inside.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

Luo Xuan gently knocked on the office door.


From the other side of the door came Mu Bingqing's voice, which was concise and to the point, without any emotion in her tone.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xuan also pushed the door and walked in.

Mu Bingqing raised her head expressionlessly, and when she saw Luo Xuan, she couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then her icy eyes became a little turbulent.

However, Luo Xuan, it was also rare that he didn't have trouble recovering for a while.

It's just that the Mu Bingqing at this time is a little different from what he usually sees.

Mu Bingqing was wearing a black hip-wrapping skirt today. Under the skirt were two slender jade legs, perfectly proportioned, wrapped in black silk, giving her a different feeling.

The upper body is a set of white shirt and tight suit, which looks extremely capable.

The curves of her figure were even more perfect, and it was the first time Luo Xuan saw Mu Bingqing wearing such a black workplace suit, which undoubtedly filled her with the charm of a mature woman.

But that's all, she still has an incomparably glamorous and perfect appearance, and when it fits, it seems that she is so glamorous and incomparable.

This seems to be a natural temperament.

Her waist was as slender as a willow, her red lips were slightly crimson, and her face was exquisite, with no flaws to be picked out.

Especially the temperament on her body, like a budding ice lotus flower.

Even if there is any woman here, she will definitely feel a little inferior in an instant.

Seeing that Luo Xuan hadn't closed the office door, Mu Bingqing slowly got up from her seat, walked to the door, and closed the office door.

While walking, the slight sound of high heels on the ground gave her the feeling of a mature woman in the workplace.

Luo Xuan also couldn't help but look to the ground, and saw that Mu Bingqing was wearing a pair of black high heels, the most fashionable style with pointed toes, and the side was dotted with black lace, which was full of beauty.

If other people were wearing such high heels, they would definitely be full of beauty, let alone Mu Bingqing wearing them.

Moreover, Mu Bingqing had such a tall figure, it was rare for Luo Xuan to see Mu Bingqing wearing high heels once, and Mu Bingqing wearing such high heels undoubtedly showed off her tall figure even more.

"What are you thinking about?"

Seeing that Luo Xuan seemed to be thinking about something, Mu Bingqing couldn't help asking with a slight frown.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking, my Bingqing really looks good in any clothes." Luo Xuan said.

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing's snowy face couldn't help but feel a little unnatural.

Then she also said, "What are you doing here?"

Looking at Mu Bingqing, Luo Xuan said: "Since you are here, of course you are here to see my beautiful wife."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Mu Bingqing's snowy face became even more unnatural, and after that, she also let go of her own snowy face.

"... Yan Wu helped you get in here?"

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Luo Xuan nodded slowly and said, "Not bad."

Hearing this, Mu Bingqing snorted softly, and said, "Hmph, it seems that you are still getting along well, so I can feel relieved!"

Luo Xuan also nodded slightly, and said: "Bingqing, your girlfriend is very reasonable, so naturally she won't become any obstacle between us."

As he said that, Luo Xuan couldn't help but took another deep look at Mu Bingqing.

"Bingqing, you are in Zhonghai now, when will you return to Jianglin?"

Luo Xuan came here today for two purposes, one of which was to see what Mu Bingqing was thinking and who she wanted to deal with.

Second, Luo Xuan naturally wanted to know when she would return to Jianglin City.

"Oh? Why, don't you miss me so much after not seeing me for half a day?" Mu Bingqing asked.

Luo Xuan's expression was calm, and said: "Even so, there is nothing wrong with it, after all, I have already said that I like you more than you like me."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Mu Bingqing's eyes fluctuated slightly.

Afterwards, she also snorted lightly, and said, "Hmph, obviously I like you, more than you like me!"

Before, she was still being arrogant with Luo Xuan because of this issue. At this time, she would naturally not give in easily on this issue.

Come to think of it, the changes in the world are indeed somewhat impermanent.

Before, Mu Bingqing was still unwilling to admit that she liked Luo Xuan, and most of the time she was so arrogant that she refused to admit it.

But now, she not only admitted it openly, but also wants to argue with Luo Xuan about who likes whom more.

Thinking about it, this kind of change is indeed quite a huge change.

Luo Xuan glanced at Mu Bingqing and said, "Bingqing, you haven't answered my question yet."

Hearing what Luo Xuan said, Mu Bingqing naturally knew what problem Luo Xuan was referring to.

Afterwards, Mu Bingqing said: "After I finish dealing with the people and matters that Zhong Hai should deal with, I will return to Jianglin."

Hearing Mu Bingqing's words, Luo Xuan said: "What do you mean, when you finish handling the people and things that should be dealt with, you will return to Jianglin?"

"It's natural." Mu Bingqing said.

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Luo Xuan nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, since that's the case, then I feel that you can return to Jianglin tomorrow."

Since Mu Bingqing said that she would return to Jiang Lin after finishing all the people and matters that need to be dealt with, it is undoubtedly the best, because Luo Xuan can help her do all these easily!
Luo Xuan's eyes were also a little cold thinking.

"I didn't expect that Bing Qing wanted to deal with... that Han family!"

(End of this chapter)

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