Chapter 84 Miracle! (Third update, please recommend tickets)

After Mu Bingqing finished speaking, Lin Yunhai smiled and nodded.

"That's right, after you left that day, Xiao Luo came back alone to have a heart-to-heart talk with me. There are really not many such polite children."

Hearing Lin Yunhai's words, Mu Bingqing's slender eyebrows couldn't help but frowned again.

Even she didn't expect that Luo Xuan would come back alone after leaving the hospital with her that day.

And... talk?
With Luo Xuan's personality, Mu Bingqing couldn't imagine that Luo Xuan would go back to the hospital just to have a heart-to-heart talk with Lin Yunhai.

Besides, outside the intensive care unit, there are her specially hired bodyguards.

Without her permission, no one can get in. How did Luo Xuan get in?
Lin Yunhai laughed and said: "Xiaoqing, there are only two of us here, why should you be like this, Xiao Luo walked in directly from the door at that time."

"None of the bodyguards you hired stopped him. Obviously, they had received your order a long time ago. Why don't you want to admit it?"

Hearing what Lin Yunhai said, Mu Bingqing's icy eyes became even more turbulent.

Luo Xuan, did you just walk in from the door?

Has no one stopped him yet?
Naturally, Lin Yunhai would not deliberately lie to her, but if this is the truth, it would indeed be a little too unbelievable!
Although her heart was extremely restless, Mu Bingqing's expression remained calm, and she said, "I did inform the bodyguards outside the ward and told them not to stop him."

Although Mu Bingqing had never done this before, but at this moment, she could only admit it.

As for the truth, after a while, she would ask the bodyguards and nurses outside the ward to find out.

Not thinking about all this for a while, Mu Bingqing said: "Dad, how do you feel about your body now?"

Lin Yunhai smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, Dad is in good health, and he won't die anytime soon."

"Besides, dad has somehow gotten better these days, and maybe he can live another 50 or [-] years. Xiaoqing, you don't have to visit me often."

At this time, he deliberately emphasized that Mu Bingqing didn't have to visit her often. Lin Yunhai was really afraid of delaying Mu Bingqing's affairs.

But hearing Lin Yunhai's words, Mu Bingqing's mood tightened suddenly!
"Dad, I'll arrange someone to check you up right away!"

After finishing speaking, Mu Bingqing hurried out of the ward.

Walking outside the door, Mu Bingqing's snowy face was already covered with frost, and her icy eyes showed an unconcealable prestige, which made people dare not look directly at her.

She also didn't bother to ask these bodyguards what happened that day, and said coldly: "Go and ask Professor Li Nianyun! Also, prepare enough cardiotonic drugs for emergencies!"

Professor Li Nianyun is the top medical professor invited by Mu Bingqing. He is second to none in treating Lin Yunhai's illness!

After Mu Bingqing finished giving her orders, everyone became busy in an instant.

Although everyone's actions are urgent, there is no mess in the slightest. It is obvious that they have dealt with this situation many times.

Mu Bingqing's hands had already been completely tightened.

What Lin Yunhai said made her heart sink instantly.

Lin Yunhai's physical condition, she can be very clear.

However, Lin Yunhai said just now that he feels better, and even thinks that he can live another 50 or [-] years. Although it looks like a good thing on the surface, it is obviously abnormal!

Naturally, it is impossible for a person's body to recover so much in such a short period of time. This is very likely to be a sign of returning light!

Just as Mu Bingqing was thinking this way, Professor Li Nianyun had already walked up with a group of medical staff.

Professor Li Nianyun is a woman in her 50s. She is very kind. She not only has superb medical skills, but also has noble medical ethics. She deserves the title of medical master.

"President Mu, don't worry, we will do everything we can to ensure Mr. Lin's safety!"

With that said, Li Nianyun and the others walked directly into the intensive care unit.

This time the inspection took longer than before.

Mu Bingqing's heart was also completely entangled.

After the tedious examination, Lin Yunhai also felt a little tired and fell asleep.

Outside the special care ward, other medical staff have been dismissed by Li Nianyun, leaving only Mu Bingqing and Li Nianyun.

"Professor Li, what's the result?"

Mu Bingqing's heart was already clenched tightly, and she said to Li Nianyun.

But she didn't lose her composure in the slightest, she still seemed very calm.

"In President Mu's opinion, what should be the result?" Li Nianyun asked back.

Mu Bingqing turned her icy eyes slightly, and said, "Professor Li just dismissed the other medical staff. It's no wonder that there are two possibilities. One is that my father's health is really recovering very well."

"The other kind... is that there is no way to recover completely, no matter how many people rescue it, it will be useless..."

Li Nianyun nodded and said, "That's right, President Mu is indeed extremely intelligent."

As she said that, she didn't try to play tricks anymore, she could understand Mu Bingqing's mood very well, and the current situation didn't allow her to play tricks.

"Miracle, miracle, this is really a miracle! I have practiced medicine for decades, and I have never seen anything like this!"

"Mr. Lin's body has fully recovered, and he is completely indistinguishable from a normal person. It is an unprecedented miracle in medicine!"

Li Nianyun's voice seemed extremely excited.

Actually, in the conversation with Mu Bingqing just now, it wasn't that she was trying to show off, but that even she couldn't believe such a thing, and needed a certain amount of buffering.

After all, compared to Mu Bingqing, this incident shocked her more strongly!
Mu Bingqing may not have a deep understanding of this change in medical results, but to Li Nianyun, everything in medicine, what she has studied and learned in decades has been subverted!
Hearing Li Nianyun's words, Mu Bingqing's breathing became obviously disordered.

"Professor Li is serious?"

"President Mu, don't worry, I dare to guarantee with my decades of medical practice and everything I have, that what I said is absolutely not false!"

Li Nianyun said, "Mr. Lin's body is completely indistinguishable from that of a normal person now, even healthier than an ordinary normal person!"

Even if ordinary people are in good health, they will more or less have some recessive diseases, which is commonly known as a sub-health state.

But even these, Lin Yunhai has nothing at all!

With Li Nianyun's guarantee, Mu Bingqing couldn't calm down at all.

She is very clear about what it means for Lin Yunhai's body to fully recover in the whole medical field. No wonder Li Nianyun is so excited!
After the excitement was over, Mu Bingqing couldn't help thinking about what caused all this.

During this period of time, everything around Lin Yunhai was the same as before, and there was nothing different about it.

If I had to say something, only... Luo Xuan?
(End of this chapter)

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