Chapter 85 Obviously Abnormal! (The first update, please recommend a ticket)

Mu Bingqing thought about everything around Lin Yunhai recently, and involuntarily thought of Luo Xuan!

Not because of anything else, but because during the recent period, everything around Lin Yunhai was normal.

During this period of time, Lin Yunhai has not left in the intensive care unit, and the doctor in charge of him has always been Li Nianyun.

Even the bodyguards and nurses outside the intensive care unit have not been changed.

No one else came to visit Lin Yunhai, and without Mu Bingqing's permission, no one else could come in.

If there must be anything different, only Luo Xuan!
During this period of time, the only thing that was different about Lin Yunhai was that Mu Bingqing brought Luo Xuan to visit him that day.

Even what Lin Yunhai said just now, after she and Luo Xuan visited Lin Yunhai that day, Luo Xuan turned back and stayed with Lin Yunhai for a while.

Based on Mu Bingqing's understanding of Luo Xuan, all of this is obviously abnormal!
Li Nianyun was even more eager, and said, "President Mu, quickly recall, has Mr. Lin had any contact with any special people during this period of time?"

"Or, did President Mu take any medicine for Mr. Lin alone, or did anything special happen to Mr. Lin?"

Even with Li Nianyun's composure, he seemed extremely eager at this moment.

She is over half a hundred years old, and her personality tends to be calm. There are few things in the world that can make her mood fluctuate, and she doesn't care about those things outside her body.

Even if a large foreign hospital hired her with a heavy salary, she would not be tempted in the slightest.

But Li Nianyun has a personality that cannot be concealed at all, that is, he regards medical skills as his life!
Li Nianyun feels very relieved whenever she sees those patients relieve their pain under her hands.

She has dabbled in all aspects of medicine, both Chinese medicine and Western medicine are extremely attainable, especially Chinese medicine, and she is also very keen on overcoming medical problems!

Because of Lin Yunhai's illness, even Mu Bingqing didn't spend any salary to hire Li Nianyun. What's more, Li Nianyun came here on his own initiative because of Lin Yunhai's illness.

Such a medical professor who regards medical skills as his life, seeing the miracle that happened to Lin Yunhai today, no matter how calm his personality is, it is impossible for him to remain calm at this moment!
If the real reason can be known, the entire medical field can take a big step forward!
Hearing Li Nianyun's words and thinking of Luo Xuan, Mu Bingqing was speechless for a moment.

Seeing that Mu Bingqing was silent, Li Nianyun gradually calmed down after the initial excitement.

"That's right, I took it for granted. Such a medical miracle can't be changed by people or food. Maybe it's really a miracle." Li Nianyun sighed.

Lin Yunhai was fine, and now Lin Yunhai also needed to rest. Soon, Li Nianyun also left the intensive care ward on the top floor.

After Li Nianyun left, thinking of Li Nianyun's words, Mu Bingqing felt a little turmoil in her heart.

"A miracle..."

After muttering softly, Mu Bingqing cast her eyes into the distance, thinking of Luo Xuan, her heart became a little messed up again for some reason.

After a while, Mu Bingqing walked out of the ward, her snowy face was still covered with a layer of icy cold that seemed to never melt away.

"Yang Hao, go and check the surveillance at the door of the intensive care unit the day before yesterday, I want the fastest results!"

Yang Hao, the leader of the bodyguards by the door, received Mu Bingqing's order, and quickly went to investigate in person.

After a while, Yang Hao came back, bowed and said, "President, there was a problem with the monitoring system of the hospital the day before yesterday, and the monitoring data of the entire hospital could not be queried that day."


Hearing that Mu Bingqing frowned slightly, it seemed that this incident happened too much by a coincidence!
However, accidental factors cannot be ruled out. After all, there is a problem with the monitoring system of the entire hospital, not just the entrance of the intensive care unit.

"Okay, then let me ask you, did the man who came to the hospital with me the day before yesterday come back after I left?" Mu Bingqing asked blankly.

"No." Yang Hao said without any hesitation.

"Really do not have?"

Mu Bingqing's voice suddenly turned cold, and the temperature in the air seemed to drop by a few points in an instant!
Since Lin Yunhai said that Luo Xuan had come back that day, he would not lie to her for no reason, but Yang Hao actually said that Luo Xuan had not come back that day.

Yang Hao is not necessarily lying, but all of this is obviously very abnormal!

Faced with Mu Bingqing's chill, Yang Hao also felt his back go numb, but he still said without any hesitation: "The day before yesterday, that person really didn't come back, and no one came back."

As he spoke, Yang Hao looked at the other bodyguards and said, "What about you, did you see anyone else?"

"No!" The other bodyguards said in unison.

After glancing at Yang Hao and the others, Mu Bingqing's face softened a bit, her crescent eyebrows swept slightly, and she said, "Okay, I already know."

"Everything just now is not questioning you, but just for proof."

After speaking, Mu Bingqing left the intensive care unit directly.

Thinking of Luo Xuan, she felt more and more that Luo Xuan's body was covered with layers of mist.

For Luo Xuan, she also became more interested and curious.

In addition to these, there was a trace of confusion that she didn't even notice...

Jianglin City, Hongming Lake.

After leaving Su's house, he looked for a place to have lunch, and Luo Xuan walked here.

And a moving figure has long been waiting here.

It was none other than Xia Mengxi.

Seeing Luo Xuan, Xia Mengxi's beautiful eyes lit up, and she went straight to meet him.

"Luo Xuan, you really came, I thought you would let me go." Xia Mengxi said charmingly.

"Of course I won't go back on what I promised." Luo Xuan said lightly.

In order to repay Xia Mengxi for helping him before, Luo Xuan promised to accompany her out this afternoon.

Since it was a promise, Luo Xuan would naturally not forget it.

Besides, he really had nothing else to do this afternoon.

"Well, shall we play on the lake later?" Xia Mengxi's beautiful eyes sparkled.

Although Luo Xuan agreed to accompany her out, he also said that the location was determined by him. Even Xia Mengxi never expected that Luo Xuan would actually choose the location here.

A man and a woman, boating on the lake, how romantic~
Thinking of this, Xia Mengxi looked forward to it even more.

Luo Xuan's eyes were extremely calm, he took out something, and said, "This is for you."

"What... eh?"

Xia Mengxi took it with full anticipation, but when she saw it, she couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

Because what Luo Xuan gave her turned out to be a very ordinary retractable fishing rod!

Could it be that Luo Xuan accompanied her here today just
(End of this chapter)

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