Xiuxian returns, what the hell are multiple arrogant wives?

Chapter 92: Slaying a Long Whale Across the Sea!

Chapter 92: Slaying a Long Whale Across the Sea! (Third update, please recommend tickets)
Luo Shuiyue was not mentioned among Yang Fenghu's people, but this Yang Fenghu actually made his idea on Xia Mengxi!

Although Xia Mengxi was not someone Luo Xuan cherished, he also agreed to come out with her today.

If he came out with her, but couldn't even protect her safety, and let her be bullied by Yang Fenghu, then he, the Nine Profound Emperor, wouldn't be ridiculous!
And Yang Fenghu obviously didn't realize all this, and his heart was so happy that he almost laughed out loud.

He didn't expect that his luck would be so good today.

Defeating Luo Changsheng was naturally within his expectation, but he didn't expect such a rich windfall!
Luo Shuiyue and Xia Mengxi are undoubtedly first-class beauties.

What's more, both of them are still virgins!

Thinking of this, Yang Fenghu could hardly suppress the heat in his heart!

After Yang Fenghu finished speaking, Luo Changsheng couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Shuiyue, it was Grandpa who harmed you."

If he hadn't brought Luo Shuiyue here today, Luo Shuiyue would not have suffered such a catastrophe.

Right now, Luo Changsheng's heart is filled with endless regret.

"Grandpa, I'm the one who wants to follow, and it's none of your business."

Although Luo Shuiyue's face was pale, she still comforted Luo Changsheng.

Luo Changsheng couldn't listen to Luo Shuiyue's words at all, at this moment, he only hated himself for being so powerless.

Looking at Yang Fenghu not far away, Luo Changsheng suddenly knelt down and said, "Yang Fenghu, I beg you, I beg you to avoid my granddaughter!"

Seeing her grandfather kneeling down, Luo Shuiyue hurriedly went to pull Luo Changsheng, and said, "Grandpa, get up quickly, even if you beg him, he can't spare us!"

"Hahaha! Longevity old man, I didn't expect you to have today!"

At this moment, Yang Fenghu couldn't help laughing out loud.

Luo Shuiyue was right, even if Luo Changsheng begged for mercy, he would not let them go, especially Luo Shuiyue and Xia Mengxi.

And the more Luo Changsheng begged for mercy, the happier he felt in his heart!
Xia Mengxi's face was also pale, and her slender legs were trembling, but she stubbornly did not say a word.

After glancing at Xia Mengxi, Luo Xuan said, "Why, didn't you beg him for mercy?"

Xia Mengxi said: "Begging him for mercy anyway, he won't let us go, what's the use of begging for mercy."

Saying that, Xia Mengxi looked at Luo Xuan, her beautiful eyes were slightly misty, and said: "Are we going to die, it seems that we can die with you, it's pretty good..."

When Xia Mengxi's eyes turned to Yang Fenghu, her beautiful eyes instantly became extremely firm.

"However, before I die, I will never let him insult me!"

After finishing speaking, Xia Mengxi lowered her voice instantly, "Luo Xuan, kill me..."

Hearing Xia Mengxi's words, Luo Xuan couldn't help but twitch slightly.

"Luo Xuan, you can seriously injure Zheng Kaidi from the Earth Blade Martial Arts Club so casually, but I'm just an ordinary person, you can definitely kill me with one blow, please don't hold back."

"I don't want to be insulted by that kind of person. Rather than die by his hands, I'd rather die by your hands..."

After Xia Mengxi finished speaking, Luo Xuan stared at her side face a little, then spoke slowly.

"Don't worry, someone will die today, but it won't be you."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, although it seemed to Xia Mengxi that Luo Xuan was comforting herself, for some reason, she felt very at ease.

After seeing Luo Changsheng's begging for Luo Shuiyue, Yang Fenghu laughed uncontrollably.

After laughing out loud, seeing Luo Xuan's eyes were still so indifferent, he couldn't help but frown.

"Boy, you are really crazy! Okay, then I will play with your little girlfriend in front of you now, and see how long you can stay calm!"

Said, Yang Fenghu pushed out with both palms, but this time, instead of bombarding, it was transformed into two suctions, directly sucking towards Luo Shuiyue and Xia Mengxi.

Under this terrifying suction force, Luo Shuiyue and Xia Mengxi will be sucked by Yang Fenghu in almost a second!

Luo Changsheng tried his best to gather his breath and fight Yang Fenghu with a few tricks, but at this moment, he almost didn't even have the strength to stand up.

At the moment, my heart is full of despair and regret.

Yang Fenghu felt extremely happy in his heart, as if he had already seen the scene where Luo Shuiyue and Xia Mengxi were sucked into his arms.

Just when Luo Changsheng's heart was full of despair and remorse, Yang Fenghu wanted to laugh out loud again, Luo Shuiyue and Xia Mengxi looked at each other, ready to commit suicide.

Luo Xuan just took a step forward, and under the pressure from Yang Fenghu, he disappeared without a trace!
Seeing the scene in front of him, Yang Fenghu's expression froze completely.

how can that be? !
As for Luo Changsheng, Luo Shuiyue, and even Xia Mengxi, they were all in a daze at this moment.

Both Luo Shuiyue and Xia Mengxi knew that Luo Xuan was a bit powerful, but they didn't expect him to be so powerful!
"Boy, who are you and what kind of status do you have!" Yang Fenghu said in amazement and uncertainty.

To be able to completely eliminate the suction force from his palms by taking a step forward like this is definitely not an ordinary person!

"Student of Tianhai University, Luo Xuan." Luo Xuan said lightly.

Speaking, Luo Xuan said: "If you ask about other identities, some people call me Master Luo."

After Luo Xuan finished speaking, Zhang Fenghu's pupils instantly shrank to the size of a pinhole!


Naturally, he is not unfamiliar with this title. To be honest, anyone in the martial arts world will not be unfamiliar with it.

A divine refiner can be called a guru!

And Shenlian is exactly the realm after Ganglian!
"Ah!!!" Yang Fenghu suddenly let out a miserable cry.

It's because Luo Xuan suddenly raised his hand at this moment, pointed vigorously, and directly poked a blood hole in his shoulder bone!
If Luoxuan's qi just now had turned a little to the left, his entire throat would have been pierced directly!

At this time, Yang Fenghu no longer had any doubts, pointing vigorously, this is obviously a guru!

How can he compete with a guru in the realm of divine refining?
And just now, he actually coveted a master's girlfriend, he really didn't want to live!
Thinking of this, Yang Fenghu trembled even more.

Among the others, Luo Shuiyue and Luo Changsheng were completely dumbfounded except for Xia Mengxi who was still a little confused about the title of master.

Luo Changsheng and Luo Shuiyue could never have imagined that Luo Xuan would be a guru!

Looking at Yang Fenghu, Luo Xuan said in a low voice, "You seem to be having fun playing that cat-and-mouse game?"

"Master Luo, I..."

"Coincidentally, I also want to play. I will give you ten breaths of time to escape. If you can escape far enough, you may be able to survive."

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Yang Fenghu couldn't help but startled.

Luo Changsheng was also shocked, and hurriedly said: "Master Luo, no, Yang Fenghu is practicing the whale-shaped martial arts, the speed of the water surface is astonishing, ten breaths of time is enough for him to escape far!"

After he finished speaking, Luo Xuan's gaze didn't change at all, obviously a decision had been made.

Seeing this, Yang Fenghu didn't say a word, turned around and fled, directly splitting the waves and leaving.

He was already desperate, and there was a faint whale shadow flickering on his body, as expected, he was practicing the whale-shaped martial arts!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Luo Changsheng was extremely anxious.

In his opinion, such a long time is enough for Yang Fenghu to leave!

After about eight breaths, Yang Fenghu has already fled far, far away.

At this time, Luo Xuan slightly flipped the palm of his right hand, and said in a nonchalant voice, "Get up!"

Following Luo Xuan's words, the entire Hongming Lake became violently turbulent.

The water level dropped by several minutes in an instant!

Seeing everything in front of them, Luo Changsheng, Luo Shuiyue, and Xia Mengxi were completely stunned.

Because following Luo Xuan's words, an incomparably huge blue water sword directly condensed out of Hongming Lake!

"This... is this the power that humans can possess..." Luo Changsheng almost lost his composure.

And Yang Fenghu realized something, and looked back, this look, he looked at him directly as a dead soul.

After that, he ran forward desperately. At this moment, he only hated himself for losing two legs!

The threat of death, at this time, is so approaching!

When the ten breath time came, Luoxuan's indifferent voice resounded throughout Hongming Lake.

"go with!"

Accompanied by Luo Xuan's words, the whole blue water sword flew directly towards Yang Fenghu!

Accompanied by a huge roar, Yang Fenghu's entire body was directly cut open, and after that, it was completely pulverized into powder!

After doing all this, with Luo Xuan's right hand flipping, the entire blue water sword turned into water droplets again and returned to Hongming Lake.

Now I can rely on the Heavenly Sword to cut off the long whale across the sea!
(End of this chapter)

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