Chapter 93: Enduring Longevity! (ask for a recommendation ticket)
Yang Fenghu is dead!
Under the giant water-blue sword made of water, Yang Fenghu was chopped into powder!
Luo Changsheng fought with him just now, and in the end, he was completely powerless to parry. Yang Fenghu, who was aloof, was beheaded by this sword!

Seeing the scene in front of them, Luo Changsheng, Luo Shuiyue, and Xia Mengxi were completely stunned.

Especially Luo Changsheng, besides Luo Xuan, he knew the strength of Yang Fenghu best among the people present.

The scene in front of him had a strong visual impact on him!

"Such a young master with such terrifying strength, what kind of existence was I talking to before!" Luo Changsheng thought in his heart.

Luo Xuan has such terrifying strength, before he even looked down on Luo Xuan, thinking that Luo Xuan was young and energetic, he didn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, he really blinded his eyes and couldn't see Mount Tai!
Luo Shuiyue was also extremely shocked.

When she was in the No. [-] restaurant of Tianhai University, she knew that Luo Xuan's strength was a bit strong, but she never thought that Luo Xuan's strength would be so strong!

Compared with Luo Xuan, the grandfather who was unattainable in her eyes before was nothing worth mentioning.

Luo Changsheng's strength was not as good as Yang Fenghu's, and Yang Fenghu had no power to fight back under Luo Xuan's subordinates, and was beheaded with a single sword.

There is no doubt that Luo Changsheng will not be Luo Xuan's opponent!
"It turns out that his previous indifference was not deliberately pretended, but that he really has that kind of strength. Maybe Yang Fenghu is not even a clown in his eyes..."

Recalling that before she had misunderstood that Luo Xuan was deliberately pretending to be indifferent, and that Luo Xuan was deliberately pretending to deceive the little girl.

She even went to persuade Xia Mengxi to stay away from Luo Xuan. Now that I think about it, her behavior like this is really stupid!

Xia Mengxi's beautiful eyes also shone brightly.

Just now by Luo Xuan's side, she felt very at ease, now, Luo Xuan really protected her, beheading that Yang Fenghu completely!

Sure enough, she saw the right person, the person she likes is a great hero!

Seeing Luo Xuan standing still like a god and demon high above, Luo Changsheng barely suppressed the injuries on his body, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you master for saving your life."

Luo Xuan glanced at Luo Changsheng, and said calmly: "I'm not saving you, that Yang Fenghu is looking for death on his own."

As he spoke, Luo Xuan turned his eyes to the distance, glanced at the fluttering fish that had swum far away, and then withdrew his eyes.

If he wanted to, he could have brought this fluttering fish onto the boat, but of course he didn't.

Doing so will undoubtedly reduce a lot of fun, and it will not help him to hone his mind and humanity.

At this time, Luo Changsheng said: "Master is too modest, if it weren't for the master, Shuiyue and I would not be able to escape Yang Fenghu's hands today."

"Before this old man misunderstood the master a lot, it's really that old man's eyesight is extremely clumsy, and a leaf is blinding him!"

After speaking, Luo Changsheng turned his gaze to Luo Shuiyue, and said, "Shuiyue, come quickly and thank Master."

Luo Changsheng didn't need to say, Luo Shuiyue had already walked over.

"Luo Xuan, thank you for saving me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, otherwise what would happen today is beyond my imagination."

Immediately afterwards, Luo Shuiyue said very seriously: "Besides, I also want to apologize to you. I had a lot of misunderstandings with you before, and thought you were just pretending to be indifferent on purpose."

"I also told Xia Mengxi to keep her away from you. Regarding this, I must apologize to you."

After Luo Shuiyue finished speaking, Luo Xuan glanced at Luo Shuiyue, and said lightly: "There is no need to apologize."

What Luo Shuiyue was thinking, even what she said to Xia Mengxi, naturally couldn't escape his perception, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

But at this time, Luo Shuiyue was able to say these words so sincerely and truthfully, her character was not bad enough.

Xia Mengxi stood beside Luo Xuan, didn't say anything, just peeked at him from time to time, her heart was full of satisfaction.

Looking at Luo Xuan, Luo Changchang sighed: "This old man can actually meet such a young master in this life, it is really worthwhile, cough! Cough cough!"

At the end, Luo Changsheng coughed violently uncontrollably, and coughed up blood, part of which was obviously coughed up from the lungs!

It was enough to see how serious Luo Changsheng's injury was!


Seeing Luo Changsheng coughing up blood, Luo Shuiyue exclaimed, and hurried over to support Luo Changsheng.

Luo Changsheng's current breath was frighteningly weak!
In the battle with Yang Fenghu just now, Luo Changsheng had already been seriously injured in the last blow between the two.

While on the boat, Luo Changsheng was seriously injured again by Yang Fenghu!

By the time Yang Fenghu coveted Luo Shuiyue and Xia Mengxi and wanted to attack them, Luo Changsheng didn't even have the strength to stand up even if he wanted to resist.

Now he forced himself to prop up his body to apologize to Luo Xuan, and now that the anger has dissipated, his overall state is simply extremely poor!

It is only a short distance away from the complete disappearance of the breath!
"Grandpa, you can't die, you can't die!"

Looking at Luo Changsheng who was getting weaker and weaker, Luo Shuiyue cried.

"Ahem, Shuiyue, life and death are fate, grandpa has lived long enough, you don't have to be sad for grandpa." Luo Changsheng said.

Seeing Luo Changsheng's breath gradually weakened, Luo Shuiyue couldn't help crying.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something, turned her gaze to Luo Xuan, and said, "Luo Xuan, can you save my grandfather?"

"If you can save my grandfather, I can do anything for you!"

Hearing that Luo Changsheng's eyes fluttered violently, just as he was about to stop Luo Shuiyue, Xia Mengxi also said: "Luo Xuan, I also want to ask you, can you save Grandpa Luo."

"Actually, Grandpa Luo is really a nice person."

Looking at Xia Mengxi gratefully, Luo Shuiyue was almost about to kneel down to Luo Xuan at this moment.

But she found that there seemed to be a force stopping her, she just couldn't kneel down no matter what!
And this power clearly came from Luo Xuan!

"You don't need to do anything. With your ability, you can't do anything for me. Before you and your grandfather wanted to protect me, I will save him this time!"

Luo Xuan spoke lightly, and then walked directly to Luo Xuan's side, and put his hands on his heavenly spirit.

If Luo Changsheng was an arrogant and domineering person like Yang Fenghu, and if Luo Shuiyue was a snake-hearted person like Lin Yu, Luo Xuan would naturally ignore any of their requests.

Perhaps, they will be given a ride directly on Huangquan Road.

But before boarding the boat, Luo Changsheng didn't want to ride with him and Xia Mengxi, it was Luo Shuiyue who was worried about their safety and persuaded Luo Changsheng to ride with them.

After Luo Changsheng lost the battle with Yang Fenghu, he also intentionally wanted to save his life.

In addition, Xia Mengxi also pleaded for it, and saved Luo Changsheng's life casually, which is nothing.

Luo Changsheng's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his whole body's aura recovered quickly!
Luo Changsheng had already had a will to die in his heart, and when he realized all this, he became excited.

For some reason, he suddenly thought of a sentence and couldn't help sighing.

"The fairy caresses my head, and my hair will be immortal!"

(End of this chapter)

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