Chapter 101 Thunderbolt
After Cheng Yaqiu finished speaking, Meng Yunxiang stared at Huang Xing with a serious expression, "You should also tell the time when you ask questions. Noon is the rest time, so don't disturb the teacher at this time! Go back!"

Huang Chen smiled slightly, stood up, and said, "Director Meng, I have something to report to you. This morning a man who claimed to be Zhang Li's husband asked me if I knew the head of the foreign language department..."

As soon as Huang Chen finished speaking, Meng Yunxiang couldn't help but "thump" in his heart.The relationship between him and Zhang Li is very well kept secret, and what he is afraid of is that Zhang Li's husband who practices Sanda will come to make trouble.Although Meng Yunxiang has someone in the Education Bureau, he doesn't worry about his future if things are revealed, but he is afraid of being beaten!And I heard from Zhang Li that her husband won the provincial competition in Sanda!
"Lu Chen, how did you answer?" Meng Yunxiang asked nervously.

"I just said..." Huang Chen smiled slightly, "Director Meng, guess what I said?"

Meng Yunxiang was taken aback, "How do I know what you said?"

Huang Xing shrugged, "Do you know why he is looking for you?"

Meng Yunxiang felt even more uneasy, "What is he doing for?"

"Why are you so nervous?" Huang Xing smiled, "Director Meng, why are you sweating? The air conditioner in this room is quite good, it's not hot at all, isn't it, Teacher Cheng?"

Cheng Yaqiu didn't know what Huang Xing was doing mentioning Zhang Li at this time, but she nodded and followed Huang Chen's words, and said, "It's not hot, I'm still a little cold."

Meng Yunxiang looked embarrassed, "I'm always hot, Huang Xing, how did you answer?"

"Me..." Huang Xing smiled, "At that time, I wondered, why did I suddenly find Director Meng? I asked him."

"What did he say?" Meng Yunxiang's breathing almost stopped.

Huang Chen smiled slightly, "He was quite irritable at the time, he said he wanted to know something about Zhang Li, and then he left without talking to me. Director Meng, did he find you later?"

Meng Yunxiang's blood pressure was going up, he shook his head, "I didn't look for you."

"Oh..." Lu Xing winked at Cheng Yaqiu, and said with a smile, "Mr. Cheng, didn't you go to the activity room to watch our rehearsal that day? After the rehearsal, did you see Zhang Li?"

"Hmm..." Cheng Yaqiu nodded, "I see."

"She seems to have gone to the back door, right?" Huang Xing asked again.

Cheng Yaqiu nodded again, "It seems to be."

Huang Xing curled his lips and said, "I remember Zhang Li was the one who went through the formalities for me when school started. Didn't their finance department leave after get off work? Why didn't they come home so late?"

"This..." Cheng Yaqiu looked a little weird, not knowing how to speak.

However, Huang Xing didn't give her any time. Taking advantage of her strange expression, he continued: "You said, it's because Zhang Li didn't come home after get off work, which made her husband dissatisfied? But her husband came to our Meng What is the director doing? It's really strange!"

Cheng Yaqiu still didn't know how to speak up, but Huang Xing's voice suddenly sounded beside his ear, "Just say that this kind of thing is not my business, and look a little embarrassed!"

Seeing Cheng Yaqiu looking at him suspiciously, Huang Xing's lips moved slightly, and he continued to use sound transmission skills: "Only you can hear what I said! Have you heard of sound transmission into secrets? Don't be surprised, just follow what I said Do!"

Cheng Yaqiu tried her best to show an embarrassing expression, and said, "This kind of thing... is not something you should ask!"

Seeing her expression and hearing her words, Meng Yunxiang heard a "bang" in his head, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.He suddenly remembered the strange sound that night, maybe it was Cheng Yaqiu's accidental sound after seeing something, but he couldn't find anyone afterwards, it should be that Cheng Yaqiu had already left.Thinking of these things, Meng Yunxiang's face immediately became very exciting, looking at Cheng Yaqiu, hesitant to speak.

Huang Xing continued to transmit voice to Cheng Yaqiu, taught her to say a few more words, and then changed to a normal voice, "Mr. Cheng, then I won't disturb your rest, I'll go first!"

Cheng Yaqiu nodded, "Then you can go, feel free to ask any questions."

When Huang Chen went out, Cheng Yaqiu suppressed the tension in his heart and said to Meng Yunxiang: "Director Meng, are you sick? Why are you sweating so much on your forehead?"

Meng Yunxiang glanced at the door guiltily, with a straight face, concealing his uneasiness, and asked, "You said you saw Zhang Li that night?"

"Hmm..." Cheng Yaqiu nodded slowly, "Mr. Meng, I know that although Zhang Li works in the finance department, she still works overtime at school sometimes. Whether she works overtime or not...the key is not what you say ?"

"What does this have to do with me?" Meng Yunxiang asked back.He tried his best to appear calm, but the sweat dripping from his forehead betrayed him.

Seeing that Meng Yunxiang was nervous, Cheng Yaqiu calmed down a lot and smiled slightly, "Director Meng, you see my probationary period is coming soon, I think I usually work hard, will I be able to become a full-time employee by then?"

Meng Yunxiang paused, his expression turned cold, "Mr. Cheng, what do you mean? Are you threatening me?"

"I..." Cheng Yaqiu was a little vague, but thinking of Huang Xing's instructions just now, she became cruel and continued, "I dare not threaten you! In fact... I am a person who tends to forget things when I am happy, as long as you give me a message immediately." As soon as I became a regular, I might have forgotten something. Otherwise... I seem to have the contact information of Zhang Li's husband..."

"Teacher Cheng!" Meng Yunxiang gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you going too far!"

"Director Meng, I'm in a hurry to become a full-time employee! Please understand!" Cheng Yaqiu said, "As long as..."

Meng Yunxiang waved his hand, "Okay, needless to say... Your performance is not bad, and you meet the conditions for becoming a regular. Fill out the application form for regularization this afternoon and hand it to me! I will handle it for you as soon as possible!"

Cheng Yaqiu was overjoyed, "Thank you Director Meng, do you have anything else to do?"

"Mr. Cheng, after becoming a full-time member, you must be strict with yourself, but don't talk nonsense if it is not conducive to unity!" Meng Yunxiang said with a straight face.

Cheng Yaqiu suppressed the joy in her heart and nodded vigorously, "I remember! Then... Director Meng, go slowly!"

"Hmm..." Meng Yunxiang left the office with a sullen face, feeling as tired as if he had eaten two catties of flies. Now he regrets that he listened to Zhang Li's words and ran to the woods for a date, otherwise Cheng Yaqiu would not have seen him.That day, he only wanted to have fun for a while, but in the end he lost the chance to get Cheng Yaqiu into bed~ What a loss!Compared with Zhang Li and Cheng Yaqiu, Cheng Yaqiu is naturally more beautiful and charming!Meng Yunxiang gritted his teeth secretly. After becoming a full-time employee, he will have a brighter future, so let's look for opportunities in the future!
 There is another chapter in the afternoon, I hope you like it.

(End of this chapter)

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