Chapter 100 Handle
Huang Xing smiled slightly, "I know you are the only one inside, I will knock on the door if there are others."

Seeing that Huang Xing closed and locked the door, Cheng Yaqiu quickly stood up and was about to open the door.

Huang Xing grabbed her and said with a smile: "Why are you so guilty?"

Cheng Yaqiu rolled his eyes at him, "I have no confidence in you!"

Huang Chen laughed, "It's noon, what else can I do? Did you apply for the driving school?"

"Not yet..." Cheng Yaqiu said, "I just want to see which class is suitable for us."

"Us?" Lu Xing asked curiously.

"Aren't you going to apply for one?" Cheng Yaqiu asked, "You want to drive that car too."

"I can drive. You don't need to go to the driving school to get a license. You just need to report yours." Huang Xing said.

"Then don't you have to sign up for the exam?"

"I don't need to take the exam..." Huang Xing smiled, "I will have a driver's license in a week at the latest!"

"A week? Really or not?"

"Of course it's true..." Lu Xing smiled, held Cheng Yaqiu's shoulders, and said with a smile, "It seems that you have already regarded me as your boyfriend, and you know that you think of me, I feel so relieved... Come, give me a kiss while no one is there!"

Cheng Yaqiu hurriedly pushed him away, "Don't make trouble! Then I will sign up myself!"

"Hurry up, hurry up and learn! I've always wished for a beautiful driver to drive me!" Huang Xing said with a smile.

"You're so beautiful!" Cheng Yaqiu rolled his eyes at him, and began to fill in the application materials.

Huang Xing stood behind her, and when she signed up, he put his hands on her shoulders.

"Don't move!" Cheng Yaqiu protested.

"Don't move around..." Huang Xing didn't take his hand away, but stroked her pink neck, pinching it gently.

Although comfortable, but Huang Xing is a man, Cheng Yaqiu's heart tightened, and said: "Huang Xing! This is the office! You..."

"Ya Qiu, do you feel stiff neck and shoulders every morning?" Huang Xing asked.

Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback, "Hmm...a bit! What's wrong?"

Huang Chen smiled, "Your pillow should be thrown away! It's too high! If you sleep like this for a few more years, your cervical spondylosis will come out, and now there are already some problems. Listen to me, don't use pillows for a week after you go back today , and then change to a half shorter one. You lean back..."

While talking, he gently pinched Cheng Yaqiu's neck, and his unique technique made half of Cheng Yaqiu's body loose.

Of course, Cheng Yaqiu would not question Huang Xing's medical skills, she let out a sigh of relief, "Don't massage here, this is a school..."

"Anyway, there's no one!" Huang Xing continued to massage, extending to his shoulders.

The melting comfort made Cheng Yaqiu couldn't help but groaned softly, and Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "I like this kind of sound!"

"Fuck you!" Cheng Yaqiu blushed, and suddenly realized that Huang Xing's hand was in the wrong position, why was it already in her collar?She quickly protested, "Take your hand out!"

Huang Chen withdrew his hand and said with a smile: "I didn't do it on purpose, your neckline opened by itself, and you opened three more..."

Cheng Yaqiu was taken aback, and looked down, she couldn't help but turn pale with shock, at some point, the front door of the shirt had been opened, more than half of the close-fitting flesh-colored little clothes were exposed, and Huang Xing must have looked at the snow-white part.

She hurriedly buttoned her buttons, and said angrily, "Did you do it? You went too far!"

Huang Xing spread his hands, "My hands are all on your shoulders, it's the clothes! But... Seriously, you have really good skin and a good figure! I'm so lucky to have such a beautiful teacher as you ! I must develop you into my girlfriend! I can't make it cheaper for others!"

Cheng Yaqiu gave him a punch, "Go, go, go! Don't be so glib! You won't be allowed to massage, your hands are too dishonest!"

Huang Xing smiled and asked, "By the way, is Shen Kang still looking for you now?"

"Him?" Cheng Yaqiu shook her head, "Should I go back to North America, why are you asking this?"

"If he calls you, ask him out."

"What are you doing?"

"Beat him!" Huang Xing clenched his fists, "In case that kid keeps trying to trick you."

"Stop messing around!" Cheng Yaqiu said, "Don't worry! If he looks for me, I will definitely not see him!"

Huang Xing suddenly smiled, and took Cheng Yaqiu's hand, "You can rest assured me! Okay! Then I can rest assured!"

Cheng Yaqiu knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and said angrily while pulling her hands: "What! You don't have to be so sentimental..."

Seeing her pretty face blushing and her refusal a little weak, Huang Xing wanted to go one step further and wrap his arms around her waist.

Boom boom boom!
Suddenly, there was a knock on the office door, and the sound was still heavy.

"Release quickly!" Cheng Yaqiu whispered, "A teacher is here! Go get a book and pretend to ask me questions!"

Huang Xing noticed someone passing by outside the door just now, but he didn't expect the passer-by to come back and knock on the door. He secretly said "unlucky", picked up an English book on the table and sat on the chair.

Cheng Yaqiu calmed down a little, then went to open the door and asked at the same time, "Who is it?"

Opening the door, it turned out that Meng Yunxiang was standing at the door.

Meng Yunxiang knew that Cheng Yaqiu was usually in the office at noon, so he came over at noon, intending to exchange feelings.

Seeing that the door was closed, he thought Cheng Yaqiu had gone out, so he planned to leave.But after walking a few steps, he felt a little unwilling, so he came back and knocked on the door to try, but Cheng Yaqiu was actually there.

"Hello Director Meng!" Cheng Yaqiu also said "bad luck" in her heart, if she had known it was this guy, she wouldn't have opened the door!

Meng Yunxiang smiled slightly, "Xiao Cheng, didn't you take a break at noon? You..."

While talking, he looked into the room, and suddenly saw Huang Xing who was flipping through the book, his face suddenly sank, "Go in and talk!"

Meng Yunxiang turned his face faster than the book, and Cheng Yaqiu was a little dazed, "Meng... Director Meng, are you looking for something with me?"

"Hmm!" Meng Yunxiang said to Huang Xing with a sullen face, "Your name is Huang Xing, right? You don't rest at noon, what are you doing here?"

Before Huang Xing could speak, Cheng Yaqiu rushed to say: "He asked me a few questions."

"Ask a question?" Meng Yunxiang's face became even more ugly, and he snorted coldly, "Teacher Cheng Yaqiu! Although you are still a graduate student, you are a part-time graduate student, that is to say, you are a teacher in the teaching position! Especially you It's still in the probationary period! You should be more conscientious and be a teacher..."

"Yes yes yes!" Cheng Yaqiu nodded quickly, "What Director Meng said is true!"

Meng Yunxiang lowered his voice: "You are in a room alone with a boy now. If word spreads, what morals do you have as a teacher? What example do you have?"

Seeing Cheng Yaqiu's complexion tightened, Meng Yunxiang couldn't help but secretly proud. Apart from becoming a regular, he also held Cheng Yaqiu's handle.

 There is another chapter after lunch, friends, don't worry, I will as soon as possible!
(End of this chapter)

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