Chapter 99

Through some private investigations recently, Gao Xiaodong confirmed that there is no special relationship between Shen Xiyan and Huang Xing. The reason why he "touched" Shen Xiyan's leg that day should be that this bastard took advantage of Shen Xiyan's ankle. Now Gao Xiaodong hates it even more. Huang Xing, he has already spent a lot of money to make Wan Jiangliu invite a real expert from the Red Rose Company.

After Gao Xiaodong left, Lu Xing smiled and said to Shen Xiyan: "Okay, he's gone."

Before Shen Xiyan could speak, Chen Yan came over, "Lu Xing, thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." Huang Xing smiled, "Between classmates, it's only right to help."

"Hmph!" Shen Xiyan said angrily, "Hypocrisy!"

Lu Chen was taken aback, "Xi Yan, what do you mean by that? Why am I being hypocritical?"

"I don't know who told Chen Yan that if you help with homework, you have to treat him to dinner..." Shen Xiyan gave Huang Chen a blank look, and continued, "Now what should I say to help you? It's not hypocrisy to say something differently. What is it?"

"..." Huang Xing said it casually, but he really didn't know how to refute it for a while, so he smiled resentfully, "You remember it clearly."

"Of course I remember clearly! I'm not like someone who forgets what I said in a blink of an eye! What's this called?" Shen Xiyan emphasized, "It's called breaking promises!"

Huang Chen shrugged helplessly, "Okay, I can't keep my word, I helped you drive away Gao Xiaodong, please treat me to dinner!"

"Cut!" Shen Xiyan smiled disdainfully, "I'm not afraid of Gao Xiaodong! I want you to help Chen Yan! I won't invite you to dinner! Chen Yan, let's go! Don't be stingy and stingy with this're so talkative again!"

After she finished speaking, she involuntarily pulled Chen Yan away.

"Xiyan... Xiyan... oh..." Chen Yan was so depressed that she was about to cry, she wanted to take the initiative to invite him to dinner without needing to say anything, what a great opportunity, but she was caught by Shen Xiyan. pulled away.

Xiyan!Miss!Just because you hate Huang Xing doesn't mean I hate him!You don't want to see him, but I want to!

Seeing Shen Xiyan's angry look, Chen Yan couldn't say anything, so she could only be dragged back to the dormitory by Shen Xiyan like a puppet.


After lunch at noon, Chen Yan fell asleep with her head covered in depression, while Shen Xiyan took her mobile phone, went downstairs to the dormitory, found an empty shade, and dialed Shen Kuohai's number.

"Dad... Is the bodyguard's phone number you gave me right?" Shen Xiyan asked.

"Sure, what's wrong?"

"I had some trouble today, so I called him, but he didn't come!" Shen Xiyan said.

Shen Kuohai's voice became serious, "Are you in trouble? Where is it?"

"It's at school..." Shen Xiyan said, "It's not a big trouble, but Gao Xiaodong insisted on giving me something. I just wanted to ask him to come over and teach Gao Xiaodong a lesson. But he didn't come at all!"

Shen Kuohai was silent for a moment, and asked: "Then did you accept Gao Xiaodong's things in the end?"

"No! I don't want his things!" Shen Xiyan sighed, "It happened that Huang Xing went back to the classroom to get things, and drove Gao Xiaodong away by the way! Dad, is the secret bodyguard you found for me reliable? ah?"

"..." Shen Kuohai was silent for more than ten seconds before he could laugh, and said, "Xiyan, maybe he didn't show up when he saw that the matter was resolved... That person is a real master. He seems to be making a big deal out of a molehill..."

"But Gao Xiaodong is really annoying!"

"Isn't there Huang Xing?"

"What's the use of him?"

"Isn't Gao Xiaodong afraid of him? Just ask Huang Xing to help! He is Xiaoyao's teacher, and he will definitely help you with this face! Okay...I'm busy, so I'm going to hang up..."

"Hey... Dad!"

Listening to the blind tone on the phone, Shen Xiyan stomped her feet angrily, "What? Why did you ask me to ask that bastard Huang Xing for help? I don't want to owe him..."

Thinking of the inexplicable training she received in high math class today, Shen Xiyan really wanted to catch Huang Xing and have a big fight.She sighed and sent another video request to Tang Qiqi.

Not long after, the video was connected, and a pale face filled the phone screen.Shen Xiyan was taken aback and almost threw the phone away, "Qiqi! What are you doing?"

"Skin care!" Tang Qiqi said, "In this damn place in France, the transportation system has gone on strike. All the bus drivers, taxi drivers, and subway drivers are all standing on the street. I can't go out, so I have to skin care at home." Heck!"

"Oh... it scared me to death. You look like a ghost. Your skin is not bad. What's there to protect?"

"That's not as good as you!" Tang Qiqi said, "If you don't give me a video, I will soon give you a video. Today is too boring. By the way, is there anyone around you?"

Shen Xiyan looked around, "No one, why are you asking this?"

"It's fine if there is no one..." Tang Qiqi chuckled, "Stop talking nonsense, help me compare, compare with Xiaoyao."

Shen Xiyan patted her forehead, "Why are you comparing this with her?"

"What are you talking about, when are you coming back?" Shen Xiyan said, "Come back quickly and help me teach Huang Xing a lesson!"

"What's wrong, miss? Huang Xing bullied you again?"

Shen Xiyan sighed depressingly, "I'm really unlucky today, that's what happened..."

After listening, Tang Qiqi couldn't breathe from laughing.

Shen Xiyan stomped her feet angrily, "Are you still laughing? I'm about to die of anger!"

"I said Xiyan..." Tang Qiqi said, "I'm also quite puzzled, this Huang Xing is like your nemesis! Don't worry, I will help you clean him up when I go back!"

"Then when will you come back?" Shen Xiyan asked, "Next month?"

"Oh... that's impossible. I'm also in a hurry, but my dad's procedures haven't been completed yet, so please wait patiently. By the way, you said, what department will be in Shanghai East University after I go back?"

"Do you need to ask? Of course it is the foreign language department!" Shen Xiyan waved her small fist, "If you dare to go to another department, I will break up with you!"


During the video chat between the two beauties, Huang Chen came to Cheng Yaqiu's office, pushed the door open and walked in, "Ya Qiu, have you signed up for the driving school?"

Cheng Yaqiu frowned slightly, "Why did you come in without knocking?"

 Chapter 1 will be released early, to quench the thirst of the friends first, and there will be more later.

(End of this chapter)

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