The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1140 Something is wrong

Chapter 1140 Something is wrong

Seeing that Peng Naiya showed no signs of lying, Huang Xing nodded, "Go down, if you play tricks... Be careful with your head."

With a "click" while talking, Huang Chen opened the safety of "Crow", and continued: "This distance is very suitable, you may be able to see my marksmanship."

Peng Naiya shrank his neck, "My lord, my life is still in your hands, I dare not play tricks!"

"Idiot! Go!" Huang Xing waved his hands, then walked to the window and observed the situation below.

Peng Naiya was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Huang Xing was not threatening, but that he would protect his safety, after all, Nangong Yueyue hadn't arrived yet.He hurriedly expressed his gratitude, and then left quickly with three capable men.

When he arrived in front of the convoy, Peng Naiya shouted, "Friends from Taixing, who is going to speak up?"

"You wait!" A man in Taixing military uniform shouted, then trotted all the way to a jeep, and opened the door respectfully.

A fat, swarthy man squeezed out of the jeep door with difficulty. It was Major General Sha Boxin of the Taixing Army.After he got out of the car, he smiled and hugged Peng Naiya, and said, "Hahaha, Peng Naiya, long time no see, how have you been?"

"Major General Sha Boxin! Hello, hello, what brought you here?" Peng Naiya laughed.

"It's nothing serious, I just came to talk to you..." Sha Boxin said with a smile, "I heard that your people are very capable, and you even brought a big living person from Huaxia!"

Peng Naiya's face tightened, and he faintly felt that something was wrong, "Sha Boxin, are you talking nonsense? Now the border is closed, who has the ability?"

"Haha, don't be humble!" Sha Boxin snapped his fingers, "Look who this is."

Under Peng Naiya's surprised eyes, the door of another car opened, and a soldier walked out carrying the unconscious Nangong Yueyue.

Seeing the person carrying Nangong Yueyue, Peng Naiya faintly felt that something was wrong. It was Charlie and Peng who went to kidnap Nangong Yueyue, but where is Charlie Peng now?He frowned, touched the weapon at his waist, and asked in a deep voice, "General Sha Boxin, where are my people? Where are they?"

I don't know if Peng Naia felt something was wrong, but Huang Xing, who had been observing from the window on the second floor, also saw that something was wrong. There were at least seven or eight guns pointing at Nangong Yueyue, and there were more guns pointing secretly at Peng Naia.

When he saw Nangong Yueyue, Huang Xing originally wanted to save them, but after weighing the pros and cons, he found that there were too many people on the other side, and he couldn't guarantee that Nangong Yueyue would not be harmed, so he decided to observe for the time being and not to take action.As for Peng Naiya's safety, Huang Xing actually didn't care about it.That guy was originally a devil, and the devil was accepted by Hades, isn't it justified?
At this time, Sha Boxin smiled slightly at Peng Naiya, "Don't worry, you will see them soon."

"Call them out!" Peng Naiya took out the gun.

In the three short gunshots, Peng Naiya fell down in response. He was not dead for a while, staring at Sha Boxin in disbelief, his mouth kept moving, gurgling blood spilling out.

"For...why..." Peng Naiya struggled to utter three words.

Sha Boxin smiled, slowly took out a gun, put it close to Peng Naiya's ear, and said in a low voice: "Actually... your brother is already dead, and it wasn't him who was surrounded! It was someone else! If you don’t understand anything, go ask your dead brother! Charlie Peng died not long ago, and he is also a fool, and you can’t ask him anything when you see him.”

Bang bang bang!
Sha Boxin fired three shots at the terrified Peng Naiya.

Peng Naiya's eyes gradually lost their luster, his legs twitched a few times, and he died.

After spitting at Peng Naiya's corpse, Sha Boxin waved to his subordinates.

The doors of all the jeeps opened at the same time, and teams of Taixing soldiers with live ammunition poured out and surrounded the three-story building. The [-]mm heavy machine guns in the pickup truck compartment also took off their camouflage and put on Molotov cocktail.

Sha Boxin pointed to the three-story building and said, "Blow up here, and no one will be left alive!"

Several soldiers immediately took out a few grenades and threw them towards the small building.

Boom boom boom!
At the same time as the sound of the explosion was heard, all the soldiers began to shoot fiercely at the small building.The [-]mm incendiary bomb not only shredded the building's structure, but also left a sea of ​​flames wherever it passed.

The small building with its main structure made of wood was quickly enveloped in red flames. From time to time, people covered in flames rushed out regardless of life and death, but were beaten into a sieve by the people who had been waiting outside.

Sha Boxin looked at the sea of ​​flames with satisfaction, laughed "haha" a few times, then boarded the jeep, and drove away with his men.



The border area between Myanmar and Taixing is densely covered with mountains. In a huge valley, more than a dozen simple tents form a temporary military station.

On the outskirts of the garrison, there were many security towers made of locally sourced wood, with searchlights and machine guns mounted on them. Barbed wire fences were stretched around the garrison, and there were many bright and dark sentries. On the aisle in the middle of the tent, a team A team of soldiers with live ammunition patrolled past.

This garrison is stationed with the four-nation coalition army that wiped out the Barochai forces. The four countries are Taixing, Myanmar, Banner, and Huaxia.However, if you look carefully, only soldiers from the Mira and Taixing countries are patrolling the garrison. In the middle of the garrison, there are only two tents with the Chinese logo, but there is no Chinese person in the garrison.But the people of the flag country have no traces at all, not only no signs of their country, but also no soldiers of their country.

This time, there were more than 20 special police members in the eradication of Barochai, all of whom were elites. They were led by Nan Gongzheng. They were the absolute main force in the battle to eradicate the Barochai forces.

There are 200 elite guards in Balochai. The equipment of this elite guard is no less than that of the regular army of a big country, and their fighting will is extremely strong. When they fight against the regular army and warlord troops of these countries in Southeast Asia, they have almost no defeats.This guard is also the most difficult bone in this operation.

But precisely because of the elite team led by Nangong Zheng, Baro guessed that there was not a single person left in the elite guard team, and Nangong Zheng's team had three minor injuries, and there were no casualties.

At this moment, all the people gathered in a tent, and everyone gathered around a bed with sad expressions.A man in his 30s was lying on the bed. His abdomen was dark red, still oozing blood, and faintly smelly, which was caused by a severe infection of the wound.

(End of this chapter)

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