The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1141 Nangong Zheng

Chapter 1141 Nangong Zheng

The wounded man on the bed is Ouyang Yunlong, the oldest soldier in the team. After this operation, he will retire with all his merits and return to his hometown to become an ordinary employee of a public institution and live a normal life.But at this moment, his face is sallow, his lips are full of blisters, his wound has been seriously infected, and now he has a high fever, and he is on the verge of death.I'm afraid I won't have the chance to see my family again.

Originally, his injury was only a slight abdominal injury, and it would not be fatal if treated in time, but when the special policemen won the battle, Miro and Taixing suddenly changed their faces and pointed their guns at their own people.

The army of the Banner State was small and was quickly wiped out.

The Nangongzheng team was surrounded and cut off supplies by the coalition forces of the two countries.Due to the serious consumption of ammunition and the severe exhaustion of physical strength after the fierce battle, they could not break out of the encirclement and could only be trapped here.

If you observe this garrison carefully, you will find that all the defensive measures are internal, and they are set up to prevent Nangongzheng's team from leaving here.

At this time, Nangongzheng's team had been under siege for nearly half a month. During this time, they also tried to break through, but the number of opponents was too large, and their efforts failed several times.After several attempts, seeing that the ammunition consumption was almost exhausted, Nangong Zheng stopped trying to break through, and used the few remaining ammunition to guard the last position.

Everyone has a belief that Chinese people would rather die than surrender. If the other party insists, then they will die.

Although the coalition forces of the two countries besieged the Nangongzheng team, they did not completely cut off their supplies. They would regularly provide the Nangongzheng team with a small amount of food and drinking water to barely maintain their basic survival.

Of course, this is definitely not their humanitarian spirit. Only Nan Gongzheng and Ouyang Yunlong understand their intentions.

A small amount of supplies can only keep people alive. Everyone in the room has ugly faces, sunken eye sockets, and is out of shape.

The people of Myanmar and Taixing countries did not know where they obtained high-power jamming equipment, and Nangongzheng's team had lost contact with the outside world.However, the outside world has been able to get news from the front line. Of course, these news are all fake news carefully prepared by people from the Myanmar and Taixing countries.

Ouyang Yunlong's body moved suddenly, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Nangong Zheng, "Nangong... come here!"

"Ouyang!" Nan Gongzheng understood Ouyang Yunlong's gaze, leaned over and put his ear to his mouth, and said, "Ouyang, tell me, I'll listen."

Ouyang Yunlong opened his mouth with difficulty, and said in a low voice: "I would rather die than let the Myanmar and Taixing countries get that thing! Otherwise... the country's sinners... remember!"

Nangong Zheng gritted his teeth, "I understand, stop talking and rest."

The corner of Ouyang Yunlong's mouth twitched vigorously: "I will be able to rest soon, not a little later... Also, remember, a country is always bigger than a family! There are some things that you have to think about clearly."

Nangong Zheng's heart tightened, and he vaguely understood what Ouyang Yunlong meant.Ouyang Yunlong is the second-in-command of this operation. He knows some things behind this operation. Suppressing drug lords is naturally one of the goals, but there is also a reason why he targeted Barrowchai. The Nangong family played a role in it. very big.

However, such an accident occurred in the mission, so the purpose of the Nangong family and their position are questionable.

In fact, this question also puzzled Nangong Zheng. He knew that the son of the Nangong family who died in Central Asia was an outstanding young man who had contributed a lot to the country, and his position in the Nangong family was not low.This time, they took action against Barrow, and the reason why he was asked to lead the team with Nangong Zheng was that the higher-ups gave the Nangong family a chance to avenge their hatred.

But Mirao and Taixing suddenly turned against each other, and he got something from Barocai that he had never thought of before. These things are connected, and Nan Gongzheng really has to be suspicious.

"Nangong..." Ouyang Yunlong said in a low voice, "Be careful of your family members, take care, I'm resting..."

As soon as the words fell, Ouyang Yunlong's eyes lost their luster forever.


Nangong Zheng felt a pain in his heart. He and this Ouyang Yunlong had a very good relationship. The two had fought together many times, so they could be regarded as very good partners.

Not only that, Ouyang Yunlong is the oldest in the whole team, and has always been a kind elder brother to everyone. His sacrifice immediately plunged the whole team into a sad atmosphere.

Even with bullets added to their bodies, these tough men would not frown a little more, but facing the departure of their comrades-in-arms, they couldn't control the emotions in their hearts at all. The crying went from low to high, and some people almost lost their minds. I want to go out with a weapon and fight desperately with those people from the Myanmar and Taixing countries.

At this time, the door of the tent was pushed open from the outside, and a thin Taixing soldier ran in. This man came to deliver supplies today. As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Ouyang Yunlong had closed his eyes tightly, and immediately wailed and plopped Kneeling in front of Ouyang Yunlong's bed, kowtowing his head.

A soldier recognized the Taixing soldier, picked him up, and shouted, "You ungrateful thing, get out!"

Ouyang Yunlong was injured precisely to save this Taixing country soldier. At that time, everyone was cleaning the battlefield, and a guy pretending to be dead violently injured others. This Taixing country soldier was the first to bear the brunt. Ouyang Yunlong threw him down. Saved his life, but got shot himself.Although the shot only scratched the skin, what really killed him was the infection of the wound.

However, if the coalition forces of the two countries hadn't suddenly turned against each other, cut off supplies, and delayed Ouyang Yunlong's treatment, Ouyang Yunlong would not have died due to a serious wound infection.

A soldier pinched the Taixing soldier's neck fiercely, his eyes were red.

Although the Taixing country soldier's face turned purple from holding back, he didn't struggle, but effortlessly tore off the buttons of his clothes.

With a click, a ball of paper fell out.

Nangong Zheng picked up the ball of paper, opened it, and said, "Stop! Let him go!"

The soldier shook his body, let go of his hands, covered his face and began to cry.

Nangong Zheng pulled the Taixing soldier to him, pointed at the ball of paper, and asked in a low voice, "Ammunition depot?"

The Taixing soldiers nodded vigorously, and said in broken Mandarin: "In the early morning, at three o'clock, I am on guard, you knock me out, and take the ammunition depot. Today's supply, I secretly, took more, [-]%, and chocolate! "

This Taixing country soldier is going to repay his favor.As long as the soldiers of Nangongzheng's team regained their strength and had enough ammunition, no matter how many miscellaneous fishes like Mirao and Taixing came, they would not be able to stop them from breaking through.

(End of this chapter)

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