The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1144 He Is My Protector

Chapter 1144 He Is My Protector
Under Nangong Yueyue's desperate gaze, Halifokus pushed the door open and laughed a few times. He looked Nangong Yueyue up and down, and laughed arrogantly, "What a beautiful girl? Tsk tsk... sure enough Just like in the legend! Huaxia girls are the most beautiful and gentle! They are much stronger than those black monkeys here!"

Nangong Yueyue twisted her neck, trying her best to avoid his disgusting gaze.

Halifokus came to Nangong Yueyue with a proud face, stretched out his hand and tore off the rag from Nangong Yueyue's mouth, and said with a smile: "Beauty, don't be so fierce! You're going to die anyway, so why not go crazy before you die?" Put... I will treat you well."

"Bah! Bastard!" Nangong Yueyue spat and closed her eyes.

"A woman who doesn't know good and bad!" Halifokos was enraged by Nangong Yueyue's attitude, he raised his fist and threw it at Nangong Yueyue.They guys from the Stars and Stripes intelligence agency are all cruel bastards, and their greatest joy is to torture people to death.Many of the foreigners who disappeared in the Stars and Stripes were imprisoned and tortured to death for money or sex.In the end, the person involved really didn't see the dead or the dead.

With the sound of whistling wind, the huge fist was about to hit Nangong Yueyue's fragile temple, but just a few centimeters away from Nangong Yueyue's skin, Halifox's fist stopped, and he I was stunned for a moment, and tried my best to move forward, but I couldn't move at all, and there was still severe pain in my wrist.

Turning his head, he saw a man dressed as a Burmese soldier standing beside him at some point, and grabbed his wrist.

"Bastard! Who are you? Let go!" Halifox yelled angrily.

This man was none other than Huang Xing. The fire set by Sha Boxin had indeed burned all of Peng Naiya's people to death. However, Huang Xing had been prepared. Seeing that something was going wrong, he entered the underground dungeon in that building. The water connected to the groundwater will not be overheated by the fire.So, even though there was a lot of fire outside, Huang Xing was still very comfortable hiding in the dungeon. He even took the opportunity to take a good bath and put on a beard.

After coming out of the dungeon, he caught up with Sha Boxin's convoy. Seeing that Nangong Yueyue was being guarded too strictly, he was not sure that he could rescue her while ensuring her absolute safety, so he waited patiently. All the way to the barracks.

Huang Xing tried every means to sneak into Sha Boxin's team, and finally found this opportunity to get close to Nangong Yueyue.

But when Huang Xing was planning to save Nangong Yueyue, Halifox came, seeing that he was going to hit Nangong Yueyue, Huang Xing shot directly.

Halifokus wanted to draw his fist, but couldn't do it, and he reached his waist for the weapon.But just halfway through the movement, he felt his neck was hit hard.Then I don't know anything.

Huang Xing knocked Halifox unconscious with a single knife. Seeing that Nangong Yueyue still had her eyes closed tightly, he reached out and patted her face, "Yueyue, Yueyue..."

Hearing the voice seemed familiar, Nangong Yueyue opened her eyes, and they immediately lit up, "Lu Xing? Is it really you?"

"Well... It's me, I'm here to save you." Huang Xing smiled.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." Finally seeing someone she could rely on, Nangong Yueyue burst into tears from the bottom of her heart.She hugged Huang Xing's arm tightly, like a lost child who has just been found.

Huang Xing patted her on the back lightly, leaned into her ear and said, "Okay, it's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid, but you can continue to cry, and cry louder."

"Ah?" Nangong Yueyue was taken aback for a moment, and stopped crying in confusion, "What?"

Looking at her dazed look with tears still on her eyes, Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "Cry, pretend to be being bullied by that guy, if you don't cry, people outside will find it strange."

"Crying? Uh..." Nangong Yueyue looked at Huang Chen blankly, "I...why am I crying?"

"Cry as much as you did just now, think about how you felt just now, so helpless, so fearful, cry. Think about it, if I hadn't come, you would never see me, and you would suffer a lot..."

Nangong Yueyue thought for a while, and when she thought of that terrible scene, she was really scared, and started to cry.

"Hmm... not bad!" Huang Xing nodded, and said, "The voice gradually became smaller, pretending that you are so bullied by that bastard that you have no strength..."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." Nangong Yueyue continued to cry, pear blossoms were crying with rain, and I felt pity.However, she still had some acting skills, her voice became smaller and smaller, and finally stopped.

Huang Xing couldn't help but nodded secretly, this girl has good acting skills, why don't she and Yawen film together!Holding a handful is another rising flower.He made an OK gesture and said, "Sit on the chair for a while and take a rest. The drinks on the table should be safe. Drink some."

"Yeah!" In front of Huang Xing, Nangong Yueyue lost any fear, and sat on the boss chair that originally belonged to Halifox, picked up the fruit drink on the table, and sipped it.

Huang Xing made a reassuring gesture to Nangong Yueyue, and then kicked Halifox hard.

Halifokus snorted a few times, but he didn't wake up.

Huang Xing scolded "Trouble", squatted down, and pinched his people hard.

Halifokus just woke up, his first reaction was to open his mouth to call for help, but before he could make a sound, the icy gun barrel of Glock was stuffed heavily into his mouth.Huang Xing stared into Halifox's eyes with a smile, "If you yell, I will be in trouble, if someone rushes in, I will solve your trouble first, understand?"

Halifokus nodded in horror.

"I think you're lying. Forget it, I'll solve your trouble."

Halifokus shook his head desperately in fright.

Huang Xing pulled out the Glock, and said with a smile: "Look, it scares you, do you know who I am?"

Halifokus shook his head, "You... who are you?"

Huang Xing smiled, and pouted towards Nangong Yueyue, "I'm the prince who came to save the princess, understand?"

"Ah?" Halifokos shook his head blankly, " must be a secret agent! You are from China!"

Huang Xing couldn't help laughing, "It seems that you are very afraid of the agents from Huaxia! But I have good news for you, I am really not an agent! Yueyue, tell him, who am I, who am I?"

Nangong Yueyue looked at Halifox, raised her delicate chin proudly, and said arrogantly: "He is my man, my husband, my protector!"

(End of this chapter)

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