The Supreme Master of School Flower

Chapter 1145 I'm Angry, The Consequences Are Serious

Chapter 1145 I'm Angry, The Consequences Are Serious
Huang Xing smiled, and patted Halifox's face, "Got it? Tell me now, who are you? Why did you kidnap my woman, and what happened to the troops that were besieged before... "

Halifokus rolled his eyes, trying to make up a random reason.

With a crisp sound, Glock's cold barrel was stuffed into his mouth again, and two front teeth were smashed.Halifocus stared, not daring to move.

Huang Xing searched on Halifox, and found a metal plate, looked at it, and said with a smile: "Xiah, tsk tsk, I have been admiring you for a long time... You have a lot of background! You and Sha Boxin are mixed together What are you doing together? Before you make up a lie, you'd better think about it and say something that fits your identity!"

After the pistol was taken out of his mouth, Halifokos was silent for a while before he said: "You really are not a Chinese agent! They don't ask such questions! Who are you? Are you a Russian agent? "

"Now you still want to set me up, which shows that you are not afraid of me at all!" Huang Xing sighed, "You make me feel a little embarrassed."

"This is Sha Boxin's territory. If you want to survive, you can't kill me." Halifox said.

"That's right!" Huang Xing nodded, "And you can't make a loud noise, otherwise people outside will notice it, and then I'll be in a little trouble."

"Yes, you are such a sensible person! I think we can have a good talk." Halifox slowly got up while talking, seeing that Huang Xing did not stop him, a smug look flashed in his eyes, "I like it very much Talk to smart people like you."

When Halifokus stood up straight, Huang Xing raised his eyebrows, "To be honest, I really hate your attitude, you make me very angry."

Halifokus smiled slightly, "We should all control our emotions, right?"

"Maybe..." Huang Xing smiled disdainfully, quickly pulled out a silver needle, and stuck it in Halifox's neck, "I'm very angry, and the consequences will be serious... Do you know?"

Halifokos was shocked, and soon a painful expression appeared on his face, and he asked weakly: "What did you do to me, I...uh..."

Just in the middle of speaking, his body suddenly collapsed on the ground as if a bone had been pulled out, his mouth and eyes were crooked, showing a very painful look.Soon, the pain turns to despair...

Seeing the terrifying look on Halifokos' face, Nangong Yueyue was a little frightened, and asked, "He... what's wrong with him?"

"Don't worry, he's fine, it's just a little sore, you continue to drink."

"Ah? Still drinking?" Nangong Yueyue had a bitter face, "I'm a little drunk, and...and..."

Seeing her embarrassed face, she pointed to the inside of the room and said, "This square has a separate bathroom, go."

Nangong Yueyue made a shy face and lowered her head to solve the problem.

Halifox's pain continued. The pain he felt was far more than just a little pain. Huang Xing's needle stimulated his central nervous system. Now the central nervous system sends a message to the brain that all parts of the body are in pain. , and it was the pain of being burned by the fire. Halifokus had the illusion of being in the fire. He was already in pain and wanted to commit suicide, but his hands and feet were rusty, and he could feel them exist, but cannot direct them.

A few minutes later, Huang Xing pulled out the needle in his neck and smiled: "Does it feel good? If you want to experience it again, then continue to make me angry."

"No! Please don't do this again..." Halifokos couldn't stand up at all, collapsed on the ground, and asked weakly: "I will tell you what you want to know..."

"Why did you surround those soldiers? Explain the cause and effect to me clearly." Huang Xing said.

In fact, Huang Xing is not a person who likes to meddle in other people's affairs, but the person involved is Nangong Zheng of the Nangong family. Although Nangong Yueyue lives by herself now, she is also a member of the Nangong family. As the cheap son-in-law of the Nangong family, it seems that Also can't stay out of it too much.Therefore, Huang Xing intends to find out the cause and effect of this incident, not to help the Nangong family, but to put an end to this incident thoroughly so that Nangong Yueyue's safety will not be threatened again.

There is a saying that if you don’t hit the south wall and don’t look back, Halifokus seems to have forgotten how uncomfortable it was just now, and habitually began to prepare lies.This little trick of his can't hide it from Huang Xing.

No nonsense, silver needles serve.

This time, Halifokus was in so much pain that he almost lost half his life, when Huang Xing took off the silver needle, he quickly did everything he knew.

Their goal was the so-called treasury, and Barochai was the one who knew the location of the treasury, so he became the target of extermination.In fact, this matter has been brewing for a long time on the West A side, but the regular army in Southeast Asia is too muddy to support the wall and cannot deal with Barochai, and those warlords, large and small, are difficult to control. I have been staying in Myanmar for more than a year for this matter.

But this time, Huaxia suddenly proposed a joint action against Barochai. Huaxia's combat effectiveness was unquestionable, and the other three countries immediately responded and formed a coalition to deal with the drug lord Barochai.

Nangong Zheng didn't know about the treasury at the beginning, he just thought that the reason why he was sent here was because the higher ups gave the Nangong family a chance to take revenge.

Nangongzheng's team is not something that Barochai's guards can fight against.And Barrow guessed that he knew that once he was caught, he would definitely die.And he also thought that the most fundamental reason for causing such a catastrophe to himself must be the news from the vault.

So, when Nangong Zheng and his team appeared in front of him, he told about the treasury in order to get a chance to die quickly.

Regarding the vault, Barrow guessed a little more. There was indeed wealth looted during the invasion of the East Japan Kingdom, but what was more attractive than the wealth was that the East Japan Kingdom hid some biological and chemical weapons in that vault. , including several deadly biological weapons, and many results of insane medical human experiments using prisoners of war.And most of the experimental results, the experimental subjects are people from China and Southeast Asia.

These medical materials are very precious things for China and Southeast Asian countries, and those biological and chemical weapons are definitely more attractive things for warlords. Officials have the opportunity to be equal, and using that as a threat, they can get huge political benefits.

As for wealth, of course, everyone would covet it.

(End of this chapter)

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