Chapter 1149
Huang Xing couldn't help but secretly smiled wryly, more than 30 years ago, my brother wasn't born yet!He smiled and said, "I'm young and don't know anything about the past, so let me just talk about the present. The Three Gorges Dam has been repaired a long time ago, and now there are basically no major floods in the middle and lower reaches of the river."

"When I came here, there were no good roads in Chuanzhong. How is it now?"

"Now, the high-speed rail should pass."

"High-speed rail? What is it?"

"...This, is..."

Old man Xia lived in this primitive village more than 30 years ago. There is no electricity here, let alone the Internet, and he knows almost nothing about the outside world. He only thinks that everything Huang Xing says is new.

Soon, a table of very simple farm dishes was served, the best dish of which was snake meat soup, and some earthy water and wine. Huang Xing and Old Man Xia chatted while eating and drinking. After Nangong Yueyue was full, Soon he became unbearably sleepy, and followed Mrs. Xia's wife to the room to sleep.

Huang Xing kept talking until Old Man Xia couldn't hold on and dozed off, then he went to rest.Nangong Yueyue was sleeping soundly, and her sleeping position was ugly, her twisted body almost took up the entire bed.

Huang Xing shook his head secretly, instead of waking her up, he directly spread the mats on the ground and made a floor bunk. Anyway, the house is made of wood, and the bed is also made of wood. In fact, sleeping on the floor and the bed only have a difference in height.

After traveling all the way, Huang Xing was actually a little tired, so he slept very soundly this time.

The next morning, Huang Xing was woken up by the sound of teeth chattering. He opened his eyes and looked, and couldn't help feeling tense.

Nangong Yueyue huddled into a ball, wrapped tightly around the blanket, her face was pale, her teeth chattered constantly, "It's so cold, so cold... so cold!"

Huang Xing quickly pulled Nangong Yueyue's pulse, and asked in a deep voice: "Yueyue, how do you feel?"

"It's so cold, my whole body hurts, it's so uncomfortable!"

Huang Xing sighed secretly, the most worrying situation appeared, in the densely forested and hot climate of Myanmar, Nangong Yueyue got malaria.

This is a fairly serious infectious disease caused by malaria parasites transmitted by mosquitoes.The initial post-infection symptoms include periodic fever and chills with headache, muscle aches and fatigue.

It sounds light, but when malaria has a fever, the body temperature will rise to over 35 degrees and last for several hours or even a few days, while when it is cold, the body temperature will drop to about [-] degrees, which is seriously at normal body temperature.

Such alternating hot and cold torture can easily lead to serious diseases such as renal failure, severe anemia, water and electrolyte imbalance, jaundice, etc., which can threaten life.

This ancient disease kills hundreds of thousands or even millions of people every year.Especially in some primitive areas where medical treatment is scarce, such as the village where Huang Xing lives, it doesn't look like it can cure malaria.

Plasmodium exists in human blood and liver, and the best way is to kill the parasite and eggs with drugs.Although the use of Shenmen thirteen needles can promote the human immune system to produce antibodies against the malaria parasite and kill the malaria parasite, but this is not a one-off thing. After a cycle of malaria, people will experience high fever and hypothermia. Even a body made of iron couldn't bear it, let alone such a delicate girl as Nangong Yueyue.

Originally, Huang Xing planned to go south and then west by land, so that he could go directly to a large port economic zone operated by Huaxia Enterprises. As soon as he got there, not only Nangong Yueyue would be safe, but also the infrastructure was good, so he could Have a good rest.

But now Nangong Yueyue is suffering from malaria, and with her physical fitness, she can't bear it for a long time. Even if she can treat her, she still needs to find a relatively comfortable place to recuperate as soon as possible.In this case, the previous plan would have to be changed.

The onset of malaria is extremely painful. You will feel cold at first, and then hot again. Your body temperature can rise above [-] degrees. At the same time, you will sweat profusely, and even have other symptoms such as vomiting.

Huang Xing hurriedly asked Old Man Xia to prepare sugar salt water and wild fruit juice to supplement Nangong Yueyue's lost vitamins and electrolytes.

Afterwards, Huang Xing grabbed Nangong Yueyue's hand and secretly channeled his true energy to relieve her pain.

When malaria breaks out, people are usually sober. Nangong Yueyue said with a bitter face, "Lu Xing, am I going to die?"

"With me, it's hard for you to die." Huang Xing comforted, "You have malaria, just bear with it."

"Ah? Malaria? You're going to die... We haven't gotten married yet, why don't we get married now..." Nangong Yueyue said.

Huang Chen couldn't help but smiled wryly, "What nonsense are you thinking, I told you that you won't die, don't worry."

"But... so uncomfortable... really uncomfortable..."

"Why don't you sleep for a while."

"It's so uncomfortable, I can't sleep..."

"I'll help you..." Huang Xing put his hand on Nangong Yueyue's neck, and pressed on the acupuncture point.

Nangong Yueyue felt suddenly extremely sleepy, let out a meaningless "hum" sound, and then fell asleep.

Huang Xing still held her hand, using his true energy to relieve her symptoms.

Several hours later, Nangong Yueyue's body temperature finally dropped, her face was frighteningly pale, her eyes were closed tightly, and her oval face, which was originally pretty, became like an awl.

Sighing, Huang Xing brought sugar, salt water and some fruit juice, woke Nangong Yueyue up, and coaxed her to drink it.

After the onset of malaria, people will feel very weak, and Nangong Yueyue soon fell asleep again.

Huang Xing called Old Man Xia and asked, "Is there a pier nearby?"

"There is a pier thirty miles to the west..." Old Man Xia lowered his voice, "But that pier belongs to Zhasaijiang."

"Who is Chaserjan?"

"He's on the water, delivering goods to the boss on the other side of the mountain." Old man Xia said, "I suggest you don't go there to find a boat. Chaserjan is very lustful. Your girlfriend is so beautiful, she's just a sheep."

Huang Xing smiled faintly, "It's okay, I have a lot of status in China, he doesn't dare to do anything to me."

Old man Xia was taken aback, "hehe" smiled, "I knew you were definitely not ordinary people, and ordinary people wouldn't come here even if they were traveling."

"In this village, is there... ahem, any means of transportation... such as... a bullock cart?" Lu Xing wanted to ask if there was a car, but this dilapidated village probably didn't even have a walking tractor.With Nangong Yueyue's current state, it's best to stay in bed and rest. After all, it takes thirty miles to get to the pier. Even if she is carrying her on her back, she probably won't be able to hold on.

"Some..." Old Man Xia laughed, "My son has a carriage, but don't you guys take a break before leaving?"

(End of this chapter)

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